Mercy was a perfect mistake

actually, no, this isnt the case

Mercy boosting a dps is a case of two players working together

if two dps worked together attacking one opponent, this too would be 2 on 1


I know you’re joking, but I’d like to remind the thread that this helped kill Battlerite. Every character took a lot of skill to play, and that’s fun (really fun), but you need to remember that this also wards off players that just play casually, or maybe have a disability or two, or heck sometimes even 40 year old gamers who don’t have as quick reaction time as someone in their teens.

Most people say “Hey, it’s just not your game!”, but you NEED new blood in your game. When you don’t have that due to a high skill floor and celling, you get a dead game. That’s why characters like Mercy and Moira are important to this game.

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It’s a lazy-as* collaboration of two players that just play in their corner and ignore their team

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This is what most of the OW players don’t get. Game’s play style has already been established. Turning every hero into twitch shooter/pure gunplay characters won’t keep the lights on.

And the constant whining on any cool ability. Players act like everything’s annoying, just because they died to it.


its not lazy at all, actually…its effective

two on one is an effective small unit tactic employed in games and in real life with great success for centuries

furthermore, if a player on the red team doesnt like it, they should stop and realize that they too can employ this same tactic

Well I think they got her design from tf2. The doctor medic guy.

Personally I love mercy’s design and I’m glad a hero like that is in this game. She is so dreamy :heart:

Medic plays significantly more risky than Mercy ever has though, which is the big difference. Beam is significantly shorter, no movement options other than slightly increased run speed, utility with actual drawbacks and tradeoffs, loses all (or most) of his “ult” on dying, etc.

There’s a level of risk/reward involved in Medic’s design that outside of going for a particularly risky rez or in the highest echelons of the ladder where people can out aim her movement Mercy has never really had.

I keep saying make mercy a hit scan.

To be fair, metas, especially in the beginning, are based more on perception and being “safe” than balance or power. The known value supercedes the unknown value, and the superjump addition was way bigger of an impact than anyone assumed.

I literally never said that. I’m just saying with the super swift movement of guardian Angel and super jump that was a bug now made into an extra ability, paired with her brainless beam attachment and the ability to resurrect a player back into the game immediately. I’m just saying she’s a safe comfort pick vs everyone else who is either harder to master or has more risk. Mercy has little to no risk, she can heal and damage boost her teammates for free. Most of the time can fly away from gunfire and bad positioning no problem, She can be easy to use nothing wrong with that but it’s not fair she has no risk.

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When the game came out, she was THE healer. She traded an almost complete lack of offense for the best healing numbers in the game.

Then they released Ana, and she became nothing more than a pocket bot on high ladder and in the pro league.

Since then, her heals can be considered on the lower end of the spectrum. Moira, Ana, Bap, Brig offer higher potential hps AND several of them also come with strong utility that Mercy lacks.

However, high ranks who hate one shot metas and low ranks who hate Pharmercy have teamed up over the years to turn her into an existential threat to humanity.


Mercy ruins the games competitive integrity. Such a balance problem, smurf problem, boosted problem.

Mercy made me quit the game when it was first released with mass rez on Anubis. Mercy has always been a problem.

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people who hate mercy be like…

ill just post the jay 3 meme

SO many people called this. That Mercy with the training-wheels GA would become too hard to kill for lower-ranks, and it’d lead to serious issues.

Old GA was a lot of what kept the hero balanced. By making that GA tech easily usable (and even more powerful) in lower ranks, they basically made it so that Mercy was going to be impossible to kill for most lower-ranked players. Which means Mercy now keeps getting gutted because she’s a problem in low ranks.

They just need to revert GA entirely. But they never will, because now that the training wheels are on, players will get ticked if they take them off.

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Even the “nerfs” are making her more of a must pick than before. This is because she always receives compensation buffs at the same time when they are not needed.


Quick-fix Medic is great - ability to mirror jump is so great, that comps straight up ban this variation.

And Medic now has crossbow for long-range heals too, removing most of the risk.

So, no - he isn’t more risky, than Mercy. He is more powerful, however - with overheal, you often don’t even need to be anywhere near frontline, since overheal lasts 20 seconds.

Not every hero has to be super complicated or mechanically difficult to use. There’s a reason soldier is more popular than echo and it has nothing to do with his spectacular gameplay.


You mean soldier 76 or TF2 Soldier? Aka “divebomb you and smack you in the face with shovel, then rocketjump away” kind of guy.

I just love how people cry if you use her and cry if you don’t use her.

This fanbase loves giving themselves aneurysms.

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Is it any surprise we’re the most vocal? A lot of us have been asking for small changes for years, and then Blizzard comes along and does something like whatever the last half of Season 3 was, and then boom: Mercy becomes busted, everyone hates playing into her, so she gets even more nerfs.

A lot of Mercy players nowadays seem to be on the same mind that while Rez is partially part of her identity as a hero, if she’s easier to balance without it, or with it on her Ultimate, then make the change. Rework how it functions, or simply remove it and give her something she can use more than, at most, 5 times a match.

Or, as Mercy doesn’t have to worry about reloading her staff, people were talking about, back when she only had 50 HP/s, to give her a new ability on her reload that amplified her staff’s healing/damage boost effect for a few seconds on a cooldown. But, like most ideas, they never even bothered to entertain it. Instead, they flat buffed her numbers, which is fine, but then leads us to where we are now where you can’t buff her healing anymore/give her a burst heal, because it’d make her too strong.

She’s not played as a Main Support anymore, yet because Blizzard are convinced she is, they want to keep her healing high. But you can’t keep her healing high, because it makes her current playstyle of being a pocket way too powerful. So, we ask for buffs/tweaks to her Utility, and we somehow ended up with what they gave us in the Mid Season Patch.

Mercy mains are angry because we’re
never listened to. When Blizzard makes changes to Mercy, they listen to everyone else. But if, say, Ramattra mains voiced their concerns over him being too good/too weak, they’d be the first they’d listen to, so they get valid feedback on the hero. And if they do, in fact, listen to out feedback, then frankly, they’re just idiots. Most Mercy players have wanted small reductions to the limitations of Rez, as they’re far too punishing in OW2. Yet, Rez has yet to receive a single change since OW2 kicked off. Instead, they buff her damage potential, make her near unkillable with the (unwanted and not needed) rework to Guardian Angel, and then make her a literal pocket god with the Mid Season patch. While her main problems, being having a lacklustre ultimate and a cooldown she’s better off not using, have still yet to be addressed.

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