Mercy was a perfect mistake

She’s the most popular. The beginner friendly, has the biggest fan base. The only thing the devs realized through out the years is that they’ve made her incredibly brain dead and don’t know how to align her into the game still. She’s always been a nightmare for them to balance. They’re gonna keep toying with her until they figure out how to work around the fact that they can’t change how her healing works.


If they didn’t touch her and listened to most of the Mercy players, especially the higher ranked ones, we’d have a better Mercy that has skill expression.

But the devs don’t listen, try changes that everyone detests, and continue to try to iterate off of it because that is apparently easier than reverting. :person_shrugging:

They do this to themselves tbh.


The only reason she is still not nerfed to the ground is becuase the mercy players are most vocal of any other main and the OW team is scared to nerf her.


Yet they continuously nerf her again and again in ways that everyone hates, so I don’t know how much weight I would give to your opinion lol


Or they could’ve just left her movement alone. Just a thought for consumption. :man_shrugging:


yeah every time when they “nerf” her she is being meta even more.
happened at leas twice so far. history keeps repeating itself over and over


How do you say ‘every time’ and then ‘at least 2 times so far’ as if that was the number of times she has been changed? lmao like you literally disprove yourself immediately.

Lara please think before you speak. At least try to say things that are not so easily, factually incorrect. The last set of changes didn’t do anything - they made her die just the same number of times, but simultaneously more frustrating to play as and against, and she fell out of the meta (even though she had the same kit and was not meta in Season 1).


The whole 100% attachment thing that she does is just broken for the game. Being able to stay attached while flying around above the fight, having a 20m range to heal from outside the fight, being able to switch to DB so easily and keep that attached 100% with no aim.

The whole idea of an aimless hero is flawed. This is not an argument that everyone should have aim, but everyone should have some aim. Mercy does not. Nobody should provide healing and utility all without any aim - only her blaster needs any form of aim and it is not a valuable part of her kit.

The game would be better without her design but they will never change that unfortunately.


She is by far the most fun support to play IMO and part of the reason for that is not having to aim so you can look around whilst healing. Game would be loads worse without her IMO. She’s the only support I really enjoy playing.

This and posts like ‘‘remove Widow’s one shot!’’ baffle me tbh


Why? There are 2 parts to playing the game for each hero. Are they fun to play and are they a problem in general for playing against - unfun.

Widow and mercy and both fun to play for ppl that like them. They are both a problem and unfun to play against. And no, not all heroes are unfun to play against. Only a small number are actually problematic in how they impact the game.

There’s nothing whatsoever that can reasonably be described as “brain dead” when it comes to Mercy


Yeah but changing them would ruin the game for people who play Widow and Mercy, the same way they have ruined the game for the people who mained all the other heros they have already ruined like Hog and Mei. It’s adding up to be alot of people who have had the game ruined for them just because some people find their character slightly annoying to go against.

Which is why I said they wouldn’t change it. It’s unfortunate but widow and mercy will not change in a way that will remove the problematic aspects of their kits.

I dont see Mercy as a mistake at all

The character attracted (and has kept) many players to the game that otherwise would not be playing it

She is well designed, and up til the two imo-gutting nerfs she has received, was fairly well balanced and fun to play


Sometimes I debate with myself whether this was a good thing after all, to be honest. And I say that with 500+ hours on Mercy. :man_shrugging:

arent you bronze? what do you know about meta


Her DB is a big problem considering she makes every dps broken because of it (plus her healing) and she doesn’t have any drawback from using like some ammo consumption or something and it also doesn’t requires any mechanic to use it

Mercy isn’t the issue. The players are. Mercy aligned with the game perfectly, but suddenly players decided they bought the wacky and colorful shooter that was inspired by MMOs and Mobas, but instead wanted it to be closer to Call of Duty or even Counter Strike in terms of mechanical skill expression.

That’s not Mercy’s fault. In fact, I still think the game would be better off if Blizzard outright ignored those complaints.


ITT: Every hero should be rock hard difficult to master, because my ego demands it.

Ya thats why they nerfed her recently.

I never understand the “the devs are scared of the mercy mains” arguement. Literally mercy mains are the ones the devs seem to care the least about. They loterally trashed like every thread that mentioned the character for a year because people were questioning their decisions.