Mercy seriously needs a buff

You don’t need to know when they’re going to use it though? Now you can damage boost after they’ve used it and make it count. If anything you had that problem before, not now.

Not really though. Supports get assists from healing team mates who do damage, which goes towards their on fire points and a bit of ult charge. Damage boost isn’t healing the team mate, so you’re not getting the assist bonus, and damage boosting dots just isn’t a thing that should ever happen.

Is it ill designed? absolutely. But i wouldn’t call it a bug. It’s certainly something they could adjust and improve though.

fair, but again, not a bug.

now thats amazing lol. Animation bugs can be fixed for sure, but they really don’t affect game play all that much.

yeah imma need some pickrates to take that seriously. plus the only other main healer was underpowered

if mercy is healing someone that’s considered 2 teammates coordinating, meaning you’d need atleast 2 people focus firing.

that’s after the rework. did you forget she had 60hps in prework? if 60hps was op back then why didnt it get nerfed during the rework?

PEOPLE THINK THIS? HAHAHAHAHA PLUS if winston dives at the enemy backline chances are he’s going to be damaging someone PLUS mercy if she’s healing. winston shouldn’t dive alone, mate.

dude you do realize mercy can only beam one person right? that means if it’s not the entire game and it’s during a right moment it’s not pocketing right? like do you even know the difference between actual pocketing or not?

i’m really sorry. i mean at least we both agree that mercy is arguably “fine” in her current state but i cannot take the fact this seriously anymore considerin a) you think winston should be able to 1v2 squishies, b) winston shouldn’t even be diving alone, c) if winston coordinates that means people can focus fire, d) you brought up junkrat and bastion when i was clearly said focus fire, and e) understand the difference between juggling and pocketing. like, im out dude

pfft can’t believe people think 60hps mercy was considered OP when she was considered underpowered prior to her Mass Rez buff. (mercy was buffed to 60hps in sept2016 and mass rez invincibility buff was in feb2017)

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actually it doesn’t work like that you have to damage boost them the moment they use the ability not the moment it hits the target that’s how it used to be!

yeah i get what you’re saying…


no i’m just saying that i mentioned those specific bugs on the bug report forums and nothing…
[Edit:] enjoy~

Damage Boost
Damage boost is now applied when a projectile is fired rather than when it hits a target
Developer Comments: Previously, the effects of damage boosting were only accounted for if the damage-dealing hero was being boosted as they landed a hit. Now, damage is applied to the projectile as it is fired. This means the damage-dealing hero doesn’t need to be boosted when the projectile hits an enemy for the damage boost to be accounted for.

Oh yeah, so it is. My mistake.

Doesn’t this give Mercy more time to focus on healing rather than damage boosting though? Especially lower elo where mercy players don’t time the beam juggle correctly due to conflicting projectile speeds?

I can see the downside, but the trade off seems worth it. Even more so since it does effectively raise her skill cap. A good Mercy with great game sense will be able to tell when certain hero’s are going to do the thing they’re supposed to do at the right times. Bad team mates of course will mess with you, even more so if they’re not communicating, but that ultimately comes down to team coordination rather than any one hero at fault.

That is absolutely amazing. Mercy needs this in her life.

It even looks like it blends together well, excluding the staff texture being invisible on the one part

Nah, she’s fine and balanced.

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yeah this makes damage boost objectively crappier
and again the only way you’d know when they’re going to use their abilities is if you know their play style i play w/ an ashe main most of the time and i can damage boost her correctly… well most of the time but i can’t do it w/ my rein bc they change after each game

[Edit:] i talked about what i wanted to talk about instead of your question lol… mercy doesn’t need any more time to heal she can easily take care of her team

at low elo people don’t damage boost and you probably shouldn’t damage boost anyway unless if your target is using their ult bc let’s be honest they’re gonna miss a lot

i understand what you’re trying to say but mercy is already all about predicting what’s going to happen thanks to valkyrie but it’s incredibly hard to predict when your teammates are going to use their abilities which are on short CDs so if you’re damage boosting you’re committing to it you can’t juggle anymore

actually try it for yourself! you’ll see what i mean
people are unpredictable and that’s what makes online games fun!

yup it doesn’t make that much of an impact if there’s communication so it def doesn’t affect stuff like OWL it affects solo/duo queue players

Flex support? What does ot mean?

off tank

Teamfights belowe masters are cluster****s almost all the time. If someone manages to combo 2 ults it’s a miracle.

Often you don’t have 2 or 3 people just focusing someone down. You have to hit your target, there needs to be line of sight and you need the space to do so.

Did you forget that she had 1 ability less pre rework? Her only Job was healing and dmg boosting and press her POTG button after your team loses a teamfight.

What do you think is his main Job?

She can only healer one person, but she can switch to who needs healing most. If you ignore 4 players you are pocketing … can be the right thing to do tho.

And it’s not just about Winston … Phara was almost unkillable by Soldier and Mccree and she could just guardian angle in and heal up anyone fast enough that the fight was over.

Which is why we call it out, it is completely ignorant to whine about fun, if your fun was linked with being completely unbalanced.

These two are just straight up (I experience problems, that aren´t bugs but i feel they are), both work near perfect and in comparison to 20 other characters with “Bugs”, there is no need for Mercy to get a fix to her never happening bugs, outside of superjump ofc.

You wanted to change how “fundamentally” she is meant to be as easy as possible, that is her whole character idea.

i mean you still seem to have a hard time emphasizing, what basic aspect of this game Mercy lacks that nearly all other roughly 29 heroes have too, if it isn´t aiming then what ? I know that even if she had aiming your positioning and awareness on other characters would also be straight wack, since near no characters has this kind of low CD Mobility and a 1 Sec CD selfheal.

You highlight it, go back and look, you litterally quoted a part of the text, that wasn´t fully coherent alone.

Skills she lacks, she is devoid of having to learn any different skills from other heroes and only lacks fundamental ones to the Genre we play.

Being slippery makes you a primary target ? I guess Ball and Tracer become the main focus all the time over healers, since they are so slippery ?

Targets are targets based on importance and ease of killing them. Mercy is as important to kill as any other healer, but the fact is, that not many can stay alive as easily as she can.

Clearly you have no clue, what you are talking about otherwise it wouldn´t be celebrated for how hard it is to perform consistently in key scenarios. You are clearly one of those people that love saying things are easy, without backing it up. I bet you can hit Water 100/100 times, when he is coming in with Nano blade, since it is so “Easy”.

again you are unable to understand and distinguish the words.

  1. Interesting =/= fun
  2. Objectively, when you look at things, things that offer up “More”, is more interesting, whether the more is “Fun” or not.
  3. Checking flank routes is not “Exclusive” to Mercy, she has nothing else to do, since she has no other choice but to focus on flankers, meanwhile others have loads of things to do and can choose to also check flank routes, making their gameplay more divers, that is why it becomes more interesting. If you don´t enjoy that, completely fine, doesn´t mean it subjective opinions, should be taken as factual over objective.

Moira can fail, Baptiste can fail, Zen can fail, Lucio can fail, but if Mercy can fail, she looks as her counterpart Ana, that has the fewest similarities with her ? Okay…

May i introduce you to “staying to the argument ?”

No she isn´t, she is supposed to do the exact opposite, yet needs those changes to fit peoples wants in “Fun” and “Usefull”.

Good, you´re irrational, don´t wanna prove your points and or support them. Good we cleared that up, so we are now certain, that all you have to say is irrelevant and just noise.

Have a good day.

Make her body tracking aim required and BAMM you solved 2 problem at once: 1.She won’t be boring, 2.You can buff her healing

Just another example of people abusing the report button, whether in-game or outside of it. This is why you don’t give these kinda tools to people in this time of age. Snowflakes have become a huge issue these days. They’re the ones that tend to abuse these systems in big ways. They don’t care if it is morally wrong, all they care about is their own ideology.

Seriously, there is nothing wrong with rufserull’s comment. You are free to disagree with his opinion, but to outright report him and to have his comment being forcefully put behind a hidden tag just goes to show that this certain demographic of people are not willing to accept opinions that aren’t supporting theirs.


I agree, but the problem is there’s those in the community who don’t for various reasons. Some of them still have a hatred towards Mercy because of the rework days, which wasn’t the fault of those who mained or main Mercy but the fault of the devs for not really listening to feedback from PTR onwards.

What I find ironic is that those who are generally against Mercy improvements will often cite pick rate and/or win rate, yet when it comes to them wanting nerfs then they instead often ignore these two metrics (as with the recent superjump fiasco, and of course the pre-rework version of Mercy which was deemed disheartening/unfun to play against). That said, these two metrics don’t solely define whether a hero is perfectly fine in all aspects or not. I also find it ironic how Ana is allowed to keep her much higher pick rate without any real complaints, oh well, because she’s considered skilled? sigh

If fun was or is subjective, then why was ‘disheartening to play against’ allowed to be used as an excuse to radically change Mercy? Neither of the two officially stated reasons were related to statistics.

I can’t say I agree. Her healing was not a problem pre-rework, and we don’t know the full extent of what could’ve happened had Mercy kept her healing at 60 HP/sec while the other healers had buffs of their own. To be fair it now just feels like an excuse to make Valkyrie appear a little bit better as an ultimate ability.

A fixed cooldown resurrect is just poor design, it’s such a powerful ability but so powerful that other parts of Mercy have had to be nerfed to compensate. I’d rather see this be replaced or at least become an earned ability based on some kind of charge meter if need be.

Valkyrie could easily have improvements too, get rid of infinite ammo and nerf or remove chain beams and increase the power of the main beam instead (at least for healing) so that more decision making can be brought back and the potential to save a teammate from some moderate incoming damage. Then finally there’s ‘on fire’, busted, but also reasonably correct for the current version of Mercy in all honesty.

The remaining quality Mercy has, which is also fun to do, is her mobility (superjump thankfully didn’t get nerfed despite some of the recent crying for nerfs again). That’s about the only real improvement she’s had since her rework, the rest of the changes have been a bit of a mess. Her own survival is still good, but keeping her teammates alive, especially tanks, is a bit of a chore compared to playing Ana or even Moira. Even Baptiste is less of a chore. Mercy’s healing can’t even outheal Winston’s tickle gun during Valkyrie :rofl:.


How did you heal Hammond in 4 seconds? It takes me 14 and no I’m not exaggerating lol

This comment getting flagged pretty much sums the OW forums up.


Even before the healing nerfs, you weren’t healing the 600HP Hamster in 4s.
I’m not sure anyone can without burning CDs.

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Mercy does not need a Buff, in fact she needs to be nerfed.
This is coming from someone who plays her (or at least forced to). Honestly her healing output is too strong in my opinion.

  • Nerf her HP/s
  • Fix that superjump bug.

In what universe is her healing too strong? She’s a glorified damage boost bot

Superjump is not game breaking and is highly predictable. We’ve been repeatedly told for the past year, by those opposed to improvements, that Mercy is ‘fine’. If she’s been fine then she doesn’t need any further nerfs, especially the removal of superjump which would just reduce the skill ceiling of her mobility (the only real good and thrilling thing left on Mercy these days).

Yeah Mercy definitely feels underwhelming as of right now. I wish they would revisit the mobility of her old bunny-hop or bump up the HPS of her staff a bit, even just 55hps or something.

She’s falling behind the other supports by a decent bit, right now her healing is way less than the other main healers Moira, Ana, and Bap. It’s more comparable to off-supports but without the utility imo. Right now she fulfills a niche role of pocketing DPS.

Also, I think they should leave res completely alone. It has the ability to be busted or useless and right now it’s in a good spot.

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