Mercy seriously needs a buff

Her healing output is so slow and low right now I can’t heal a wrecking ball without healing for at least 4 seconds. I was surprised by how slow the healing was. I miss the days when she wasn’t nerfed as much.


No Mercy is fine the way she is.


i agree that mercy’s kinda meh compared to the other supports, but she’s balanced. what more is there to do?


Nerf every character but the ones I like.



You mean the days when she also had 50 healing per second and less to do?

Or the days where she had 10 more healing per second and less to do?


There is a reason why her healing was nerfed … it was just to hard to kill someone who was pocketed by mercy. The only buff i would like to see on Mercy is rezz reset when she does valk.


10 more healing per second and less to do

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Ah yes, because that’s what made a character more fun. Doing less and being less active…


Mercy is a flex support with a lot of utility. She doesn’t need to be good at everything. She doesn’t need to be the default support. She doesn’t need buffs.

The only reason to ask for Mercy buffs is if you want to only play Mercy, which is ridiculous.


isn’t her 2nd utility ability rez? which is totally dependant on wot the rezzed teammate does after getting reborn?

hnhgngnh boring

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Don’t play her if you think she’s boring then. There’s plenty of supports to pick from. Or 30 other heroes.


I’m not even a mercy main so no I’m not asking for buffs just to play her.
When I played last year her balance was fine but they did decided to nerf her anyway. People just complain too much and no she doesn’t need buffs but she doesn’t need nerfs from how she was either. Not as many people pick mercy in the games that I play nowadays and there is obviously a reason why.

She’s supposed to pocket DPS. The nerf was fine to move her away from tanks and encourages the flex role more.

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but her main ability is to heal since she is a support. She should be able to heal tanks as well not just pocket dps. I can’t heal dps when our tank is low and it takes forever to heal them.


If Mercy’s balanced - then simply the other supports are not. They do way too much healing compared to her combined with insane Utility (Moira left the chat)

  • Why not heal buff? Maybe not 60hp/s but 55hp/s if 60 was such a big problem for 2 years that no one noticed until they nerfed it…

Honestly This days (Since the nerf) I can’t use Damage Boost Unless we have another Main healer to compensate for the wack of heals that I can’t provide cuz I’m assisting my teammates.

If anything - she should get hp/s buff so she can have more time to Damage boost.


I don’t think Mercy really has a problem with herself.
Like the main issue comes when the enemy has an Ana and their tanks are in the fight more often than yours.

Mercy right now requires strict tank play, so that Mercy can get value out of damage boost and her dps players. Increasing Mercys heals to 60 again is literally not going to change a thing.

Pretty much with Mercy if your tanks are great that means they enable you to make your DPS do so much more. If your tanks are feeding that means that your DPS don’t have you and you spend the entire game healing while the enemy team has 100% tank uptime, while the Ana is also doing more with nade and sleep, where as Mercy trying to give tanks 100% uptime is holding m1 for 15 minutes.

This makes Mercy really situational between the tanks that are played and the players playing those tanks.

All I’d ask for to make Mercy a better pick is to make Ana enable her tanks a little less. Maybe a nano healing nerf, or a change to how her primary fire heals over time. I don’t know the current time for a shot to heal fully, but let’s say it was 1 second, maybe 1.25 seconds would be cool since it gives the enemy teams a slightly larger oppeerunity.

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That’s why you’re supposed to have 2 supports and the flex support role where you swap to whatever more appropriate support is in response to the enemy while your primary support does the heavy lifting of keeping the overall team up most of the time eg Moira and Ana.


If only that happened… Until 2-2-2 comes in not many games will have 2 healers.
Not the ones I play anyway.

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I mean the game has kind of always been balanced around having at least 2 supports and 2 tanks.