Mercy seriously needs a buff

The changes i will do with Mercy:


  • Valk will mix POWER-BEAM + HEALING-BEAM for 9 seconds. During this time she will be able to REZ with “E” somebody instantly. The raised character will only recover 50% of his max HP and the character will be unable to use a ULT for the next 3 seconds.

  • Rez will be removed from “E” an AoE healing ability similar to Moira orb or Ana grenade will be added.


  • Guardian angel will have a cooldown of 3 seconds imposible to reset or reduce with any kind of “tricks”, this will allow the Mercy players can be punished for POS mistakes.

  • Super-Jump will be part of MERCY official kit. With a cooldown of 6 seconds. This ability can provide to mercy players more survavility on less than 2 seconds making her almost imposible to PUNISH for the pos mistakes

That is just straight up wrong, devs words are law. Straight up. IF they wan´t something, that is the intended way.

Yeah, then realize you are whining at something you have no business whining about, majority of Mercy players whine about “Fun”, yet only did so, when their Mercy got nerfed, despite her never being more “Fun”.

Quite simply put, none of your ideas and fixes are changes made as a reaction to Blizzard, you fundamentally disagree with Mercy as a character, which is funny.

Both Rezz and Damage boost is an offensive tool, meanwhile her valk allows her to be far more aggressive as well. Not as much ? Maybe. None ? False.

Who wouldn´t say that, also try and quote the whole thing almost all people say, that Mercy lacks all aspects of aiming, she isn´t void of any other aspects in comparison, what aspects she lacks more so than aiming ? positioning, game sense and awareness ? Not really.

It has been talked about extensively how getting multiple Mercy OTP was a death sentence for you team, since Mercy´s kit synergizes with no other kits in the game, in part because she never learns to aim or think about aiming at all, that would have lead her to dapple into Moira, Ana ana and Zen better otherwise.

Litterally arguing with yourself here, she is as much a target as any other hero that is a support, you think people ignore Zen to go for Mercy all the time ? Or that in general they are ignored, you think people only go for Mercy, even though she is the by far hardest target to kill in the Support category, because of slippery she is and her 1 s CD selfheal or her ult ?

Again, it is a universal skill, nothing special for Mercy at all, she happens to have skills that allow her to survive and deal with situations, that others straight up die in, if they made the mistake of getting there.

Nice joke, you got some data to back that up ? I sure do have a lot of praise and general acknowledgement for insanely skilled Ana players in OWL, when they hit those crucial Darts, it is seen at as high a pedestal as any big DPS play.

You cannot be interested in having less things to do, it is counter intuitive to the word “interesting”, it is still gonna be more interesting, whether you actually like it or not, objectively seen.

Again just back peddling out of a strawman argument, you made about, what i want. Which to an extension is not even true, i wan´t Mercy to be able to truly fail and have to actively do things, since this will allow for buffs that rewards those aspects of skill and gives her a way of expressing skill. For gods sake some people see mercy superjump as her ultimate “skill technique”, when it is beyond simple to execute and can be mastered to perfection really without ever failing, something “Skills” do not do.

if you are so stuck up, that you cannot realize, that what you wan´t is a new character that fits your ideas. Not what Mercy was supposed to or intended to do.

Ask for a new support that fit your narrative rather than complain about a perfectly working Support to be changed to no longer fit Blizzards, while also not needing one in terms of balancing.

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Short Answer: No

Long Answer:


Mercy is fine. Yeah she isn’t good at healing tanks but every support needs a weak area.


That’s just it. Mercy was never a problem. So what if she was picked more in lower ranks? The high ranks pickrates proves that she wasn’t overpowered. Her niche was always more around uncoordinated team fights, particularly due to juggling.

That’s not the point. My point is that people can still easily kill through 80hps, especially when focus firing. Not at all Mercy VS Moira. so being able to out damage 60HPS was fairly easy with focus fire and the amount of burst damage there is in the game.

if it was a “problem” that would have been the first thing they addressed during the rework. except it was a year after the rework they nerfed it out. plus a mercy+some one she’s healing out cancelling a winston isn’t really a problem tho. because winston himself is cancelling mercy’s healing (albeit the 10hps) meaning that if winston had another teammate and wasn’t fighting a 1v2 they’d be able to out damage mercy’s healing easily.

Balance in the game revolves around the “potential” impact of abilities. Yes, CD Rez is extremely situational, doesn’t mean it doesn’t sap power from the rest of her kit.

That’s not the “definition” of pocketing. Switching to DMG boost someone at a second’s notice wasn’t really considered pocketing. When people referred to pocketing back in prework they meant “leaving the rest of the team to focus on one teammate.” e.g. pocketing pharah, genji, etc while leaving the rest of the team in the hands of the other healer. Dmg boosting someone “at the right time” was just another part of juggling.

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Well, the static percentage wouldn’t be much complicated to code.

Lol, wow. A lot of people really mass reported this comment?

Meanwhile, all it says:

Mercy Mafia is real.


They are a bit flag happy that is for sure.


Honest question, do you two believe that a hero should be viable in every situation? Like, having no reason to swap what so ever.

we’re not talking abt what they do to the game we’re talking about their opinion about a hero

i don’t think you whining at me is gonna change that though js

idk call me crazy but maybe some people loved how stupidly overpowered mercy 2.0 was
and again people enjoy different aspects of a game what you call fun isn’t necessarily what other people call fun

no i don’t guardian angel is buggy, damage boost doesn’t work properly on anything that’s not hitscan bc of the change that came w/ bap
mercy is pretty much the same thing as long as you keep her left click and guardian angel i don’t want to “fundamentally” change anything

that’s true

other people don’t emphasize on it so heavily

then how would i talk about the hyper specific non-important thing that i wanna talk about?

that’s very accurate skills you gain playing mercy can’t be transferred to other heroes

her being slippery makes her the primary target and again, she can do it better bc she doesn’t have to aim

it’s way easier than it looks and it’s whole lot easier than you make it sound like it is

having more things to do doesn’t automatically make something more interesting
-“i’d like you to herd 10 cats blindfolded”
-“oooooh so interesting!”
and again it gives you more time to check flank routes feel free to keep yourself interested w/ that

and that sounds a lot more like ana than mercy

may i introduce you to positioning and awareness?

i just want an slightly modified E button that’s it and some bug fixes… what are you talking about?
and your aim requiring, skill failing mercy is what mercy supposed to or intended to do?

lemme think about that… no

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Totally agree my thought on it is get rid of rez and buff her healing back to what it was

??? Are you ok? It sounds like you aren’t playing Mercy correctly. I heal 35-45% of my team’s damage every match, always get gold healing, and around 1k-2k damage boosted on average. With an off healer like Zen or Lucio usually. Mercy has plenty of time to heal AND damage boost, if you are holding m1 all game that is a /you/ problem, not a Mercy problem.


I mean if your teammate keeps getting damage and you’re the only healer as mercy then its possible. If the fight is ongoing constantly then it is pretty hard to damage boost and heal at the same time.


80% of all fights is not a niche.

It’s not easy to kill someone who gets healed by 80 or 60 hp/s. Sure, a Bastion or Junk can do that, but in most situations you miss a lot of shots or you have to get cover and so on.

She was so insanely OP they nerfed her like 15 times … sry healing was not the 1st thing they focused on.

Winston is supposed to jump into the enemy backline ALONE and delete a squishy or at least distract them. Someone who gets healed by 60 hp/s is very hard to kill if you don’t have oneshot abilities and in this game as longer a fight takes as higher the risk to lose.

It’s not stronger than discord orb, hack, deflect, nade or many others. All of Mercys abilities are good. And every time Mercy rezzes there is a high risk she gets killed, interrupted or someone in your team dies because she can’t heal.

When you ignore the rest of your team to heal/boost someone exclusively it’s pocketing … doesn’t matter if it’s for the entire game or a short time. If you do it shortly to win a fight thats good play, if you just stalk someone the entire match it’s bad play.

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no but it shouldn’t be a buggy mess either :woman_shrugging:
[edit:] lemme clarify i don’t want buffs ok? mercy is doing well as it is but i want changes and bug fixes

She’s… not tho? Like you wanna talk buggy mess, we’ve got doom and wrecking ball. Mercy’s damage boost works as intended. Her GA works as intended, albeit, after they turned a few bugs into features. Valk, as far as i know doesn’t have any bugs to it.

i never said you wanted buffs or anything. I’m just curious because of that first post i quoted. You’re asking for a fix to Mercy because she’s weak at healing tank heavy comps. But that’s her weakness, on the other side she’s the best for healing dps heavy comps.

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it’s not it’s horrible when you damage boost anything that isn’t hitscan

can you explain why i sometimes GA in place while targeting a hero that’s standing very far away
like literally yesterday it happened on eichenwalde i can grab the vid if you want me to

valk is fine!

No she doesnt. At all, in fact she is fine as she is. Mercy mains always complain if she isnt a must pick. At this moment i feel supports are finnaly in a good spot overall. She is viable like the others. Now for main tanks there is a issue atm.

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This got flagged by the community for what I assume is trolling and spam…

Ironic considering that this is a “buff mercy” thread. And by the way if you take a quick peak at mercy’s winrate and pickrate in any rank right now it’s doing just fine. So why does she need a buff more than, say, Bastion?


Uh? why? Damage boost is applied on hit rather than fire? It still works just fine, you just gotta pay more attention to the fight to know when a projectile will hit.

I’ve honestly never known that to be a thing personally. I would honestly love a vid of that. My best guess is map geometry messes with it like it did rocket punch of reins shatter/charge, but i’ve never really noticed it to know for sure. Have you made a report of it in the bug forum?

ok im saying this from experience if you’re not playing w/ a bunch of people who you know their play style and mindset it’s nearly impossible to figure out when they’re about to use their… let’s say fire strike, dynamite or nade also as i mentioned

^^^ that right there is a bug no matter how you look at it and we can test it out if you don’t believe me! just add me!

i got you fam!
[Edit:] actually i just looked at it it targeted ashe who was standing next to me by accident which brings me to my next issue you can guardian angel to people who are really close to you! that minimum range should be bigger

they don’t pay attention to those things
try this spectate someone as they are playing mercy tell them to swap to their pistol and start shooting there’s no shooting animation… actually idk if they’ve fixed that tho… and there’s a bug on koth maps if you keep swapping between the pistol and the staff while the map is changing they get merged together i have a bunch of screenshots of those too!