"Mercy Players Caused The Rework!" | 10 Reasons Why That's WRONG ❤

That’s because they gave her a huge nerf to her base kit… Before that, all the nerfs did absolutely nerfing because only 2 of them were to Resurrect on E. (Excluding the iteration of Resurrect in Valkyrie)

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You could say they simply balanced her around her new form of utility that she previously didn’t have. As well she still has her increased survivability. They gave her the potential to be more than just a heal bot in exchange for nerfing her healing that she was by far the best at. Even then, they didn’t nerf the core of her healing as it’s still the most consistent single target healing in the game. She’s still the go to hero for pharmercy comps and sniper comps, which are still very much viable.

They basicaly got rid of mass res and put mercy in a better spot than she previously was, while making sure she maintained her original niche that she had before the rework.

The one downside is mass res was clearly more flashy than valk.

You think the game is in a healthy spot?
How in any way did Valk make things better for ANYONE?
In ANY iteration. From Valk1.0 to what we have now, the amount of rage this ult has caused is the exact OPPOSITE of health.


How does that make sense when Valkyrie just makes her a better heal bot?

Consistently sh*t. (Sorry I had to…) Personally, I think consistency is not relevant if the heals are bad. E.g: 40heals per second but they are consistent… Doesn’t make it good.

Pharmercy on PC is a joke. As for sniper meta, think dive will be coming back because of Hammond. Then there’s GOATs which Mercy is absolutely horrible in.

In terms of balance, Mercy was in a good spot before her rework. In terms of power, yes, reworked Mercy put her in a better place but most of us don’t want a ridiculously powerful hero.

Also the fact that Valkyrie has everything but the trade off being, it isn’t efficient at anything except flight.


I like that the lists literally have the evidence with them, and yet you still call it fake.


Evidence that is 100% anecdotal and generalizes millions of players?


You and I both know you’re not healing anybody through most damage with valk. Which is why it’s best used offensively. You and me have had this discussion before.

She still heals more than Ana on average? How is that bad? because it’s not 14-17k per game like it used to be. I guess I can see how you would find that bad, when you’re so used to something being too good.

People still like to run Zen in diamond and above. Consistent healing isn’t something you should be trying to downplay.

Pharmercy, one of the best strats that’s been viable every meta ever. Is a joke. You’re starting to let your bais talk now. Stop it or this conversation is over. I’m not doing this again with you.

Arguable. Sr exploit aside perhaps. Even then she was still rather weak.

There’s a difference between ridiculously powered, which is basically Mercy for the last year… And having the power adjusted in her kit.

Isn’t efficient at anything? Your bias is talking again. You like mass res, it felt more impactful. I already know your opinion on this. That doesn’t mean Valk is bad, especially when you refuse to adapt to it’s applications.

I mean, dev comments physically aren’t anectodal. Open threads literally labled “Mercy players are a cult” isn’t anectodal. Countering someone saying “I saw they did” with “I saw they didn’t” is an anectode against an anectdote, which shows the hypocracy of it. People knew Mercy for Rez, not for consistent healing and mobility. People do say Res was OP, when the stats show it wasn’t. Where exactly are you seeing this anectodal evidence?


I love how this thread now has more exposure than the one it’s replying to.

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Temporarily become a BTEC Supercharger. I am aware.

60HP was never too good… She was fine for quite a while with it. (Pre-rework)

I find it hard to believe that Zen is picked because of his heals.

I play on console and I’m bashing a strategy that is the go to on console. Hardly biased. It’s just that I’ve played on PC (3300+) and PharMercy just doesn’t work against anyone if the enemy team has atleast one hitscan.

True but small tweaks here and there could’ve fixed that. It wouldn’t take 14 consecutive nerfs.

Sorry, should’ve specified. It isn’t efficient in the sense that it doesn’t do much to impact the fight.

The only real thing impacting the fight in a noticeable way is AoE heals and extended beams.


Turn yourself into a temporarily Supercharger? Nah, I just go Orisa for that.

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“People knew Mercy for rez” That is anectotal and impossible to actually prove.

“People do say rez was OP” Sure people do, but does everyone?

Unless you survey every active OW on the state of mercy and give me stats everything is anecdotal. That’s how logic based arguments work.

Didn’t know supercharger could switch to heal in extended team fights, or could move around lol. This is the exact same argument titanium makes and i’ve already been up and down with that.

Personally I agree, pre rework of course. Once they nerfed ana’s bio-nade, Mercy and Ana were relatively balanced healing wise around each other. 60hp, x 5 on the other hand. It also gave way to make winston actually useless against anybody mercy was pocketing. It still gives way to negate any damage Moira’s doing to somebody with grasp. Both of which were far from meta or just completely didn’t exist at the time, so it was never a noticeable issue.

No, he most certainly isn’t picked solely because of his heals, however, his heals are good enough that it’s worth trading the healing he does lack for the damage you do gain from having him on your team.

You mean to say pharmercy doesn’t work when people actually pick to counter it? The horror lol. For real though, Pharmercy has been a viable comp every single meta. Of course not the most dominant, but one that does work when played optimally. Mostly map specific in the pro scene.

Not sure why you’re fixated on how many nerfs or buffs it takes. Play a moba for a month and you’ll almost double that. I agree mass res mercy could have been worked around to give it counter play and such, but at the time Overwatch was a very different game.

Take out your pistol and take out that widow nobodies been paying attention too. It’s actually possible now.

Last I checked, Orisa doesn’t also provide healing, damage boost without ult, and resurrect on 30 seconds, but I mean hey, if you can pull it off go for it.

Actually… No it isn’t. :blush:

3:18 - 3:42

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I’m sorry, when you say play Valkyrie offensively, the first time I’m going to assume is that you’d need to use your damage beams way more than your healing beams.

I only ever pick him for that juicy discord.

You’re acting as if the idea of countering heroes is unnatural. Fortunately, people will do anything to win.

Overwatch getting more heroes and maps does not make it a different game. It’s always going to be a FPMOBA.

And risk losing value from damage boost and heals? Also, something like DPSing as Mercy is quite risky since it isn’t guaranteed to give you value out of your ultimate. It’s also a easy way to throw a fight.

Atleast she doesn’t get turned into her ultimate… I’d much rather prefer 50% dmg boost whilst playing my kit as normal over Valkyrie.


Glad we’ve reached an agreement, and have basically proven my point at the start of that long chain of replies. Especially so since you also admit your claims as being opinion.

Guess there’s no need to try to reason with you anymore on this then. The evidence of your actual intentions with them (and a few others here) lies right before us. :smile:

Like sure, if you want to have an opinion on thinking that Valkyrie is better and that mass res is not. By all means, you are entitled to it - as long as you understand that you’re just giving an opinion. But if you’re going to accuse someone as making fallacies, or try to push your opinion as being more “correct” than someone else’s, don’t make any fallacies of your own - unless you want someone to call you out on it.

At the end of the day, you made the claim that Valkyrie made everything better with Mercy. I merely proved you wrong, using the same logic you tried to use on Titanium (and failing) by simply pointing out res being worse in that state. That alone is proof on how opinions shouldn’t be stated as fact without evidence or data (both of which, Titanium usually provides).

I have an idea for you. How about instead of trying to convince them to say “your opinion is right,” and blame everyone who disagrees with you as “someone twisting my words”, why not actually ask them where they get their info from and do the research yourself? Not sure why you see people having reasons for why the rework has failed as being such a problem? Do YOU play Mercy right now? Would YOU main her? If the answer is yes, then good for you. Other people would disagree, and their views as to why is valid. Apparently loads of people agreed with Titanium’s thread as well, so there is at least some truth to what they were saying. Agree to disagree and move on… Not sure what the issue is?

But aside from that, I do enjoy how you are quick to accuse everyone who debates you as “taking what I say out of context” while turning around and doing it yourself as you did with your cherry picking of Titanium’s posts and making assumptions on what you think they meant. But alas, it’s not like I expected much from someone that insults others by calling them a “manifesto”, calling the opinions of Mercy mains “an echo chamber”, make assumptions on what they think they do when someone disagrees with them, and resorting to pettiness by insulting people’s signatures.

But yes, let’s keep playing the victim card as a cry for sympathy while demonizing the mercy mains who dare voice an opinion different from yours. From the looks of it, it’s really working for you and you’ve gotten everyone convinced. /s

Best of luck in your endeavors now! Ta ta! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


i dont care about mercy when the game has so much unfun heros and they’re all meta

Nice post, I wish you all the best, I have to take a break from the forums. Play a game… but not this game. All these changes that they have made to the original character cast has left a bad taste in my mouth… this does not feel like the same game I used to enjoy playing. I tried to come back. But I can’t bring myself to keep playing. It’s just not fun anymore. A company that has been around this long should not struggle this much with game balance updates. I’ll never buy another Blizzard product again… I imagine this is how they balance their other games too.

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That still isn’t proof though. Blizz decided to force rez into the game and thinks people love mercy bc of rez.

When really there are a number of reasons why mercy is picked so much and it changes from person to person.

If you were to assume that, you wouldn’t have questioned it. As way more implies you do still have the ability to use healing and can use it in the event your team does need it, for instance, during extended team fights.

Fragyatta ftw.

I mean, it was implied sarcasm, to say that pharmercy is indeed viable, and is indeed balanced enough to have counters. However if you’re playing pharmercy and the enemies whole team comp depends anti dive, they need to weaken their own team comp just to deal with you.

The point still stands, pharmercy is strong enough to be viable in every meta ever to some degree or another.

Just because the characters have abilities, does not make the game a moba. Though I can see the confusion with how much CC is in the game. The game is still a team based fps. We had this discussion before too.

You actually are complaining damage boost and heals aren’t enough. So when given a third option you suddenly value them. This is why people say you can’t please the unpleaseable.

Personal preference. Many prefer valk over mass res. Neither is an invalid opinion.

You know that whole thing about titanium and false attribution. You’re doing the exact same thing right now. What I actually said was:

But you know, continue beating on that strawman if it makes you feel better.

It’s actually like clockwork.


Also for the record, my opinion is and always has been:

I don’t agree with the rework at all, however, I also don’t agree it was a failure. Blizzard did what they set out to do, and did something about mass res, that became a problem for many reasons to many people. I certainly don’t have a problem with other people having a problem with the rework for their own reasons, as I have my own

You would have known this had you actually tried to have a discussion instead of ranting how your thoughts and opinions are right while resorting to fallacies and ad hominem because I disagree with the vocal minorities popular opinion.

But again, continue beating on these strawman if it makes you feel better.

Thank you for the nice posts as well! I’m glad you’ve enjoyed reading mine. :slight_smile:
And I can completely relate, this isn’t the overwatch I’ve initially had fun playing with either. I do sincerely hope that you do find a game that does actually have it’s head on straight with it comes to true fun and balance. This game? Still needs loads of work it seems.

Do enjoy your break nonetheless! Run far, far, away from this mess of a community! The rest of us will be here when you decide to return. :smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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