"Mercy Players Caused The Rework!" | 10 Reasons Why That's WRONG ❤

Here’s 10 Reasons why I think that the “Mercy Players Caused the Rework” statement, is completely wrong:

  1. Valkyrie was an idea given long before Mercy was finalized in the design. There are talks about how the idea was initially shut down, and Mass Rez was ultimately given to her instead. Infact, here’s literal alfa footage of Valkyrie right here!
  1. Most Mercy mains did NOT want a rework. In fact, the majority of them were against it. Wanting their hero to be made more viable (as she was looked at as mostly a troll pick), not completely changed.

  2. Part of the reason why Mercy was given a rework can be found in Jeff explaining how they (the devs) felt that it was wrong for someone to tell a main healing character (like Mercy) to “go off and hide somewhere”.

  3. Also explained in the dev update is that “On the receiving end… It was disheartening to have Mercy erase that moment [a Team wipe] with a full Team res”.

5. If the argument for Mercy players wanting the rework is “I see a lot of posts of Mercies saying it”, one could assume then that the person is merely giving an opinion without facts. Since it’s just an opinion, the same could be said for the opposite. We can also assume (and find in the old forums) lots of people who were posting about how “Mercy is not fun to play against! Team wipe is OP!” The only difference is that the devs actually acknowledged the latter in the dev update.
6. The SR exploit and invincibility buffs combined, garnered people to start hating on Mass Rez as an Ultimate and wanting her reworked. Before such patches, no such hate existed in such numbers. In fact, you will find that a lot of those who DO make arguments against Mass Rez, usually are referring to the version after it was given said buffs. Why? Because Mass rez before then was incredibly risky, and Mercy was very under-powered. “Mass Rez was always OP” is a myth.
7. Mercy’s resurrect was iconic, and she was also a popular hero because of it. Arguably, the last thing most Mercy players wanted was to get rid of one of the main things that makes Mercy, Mercy. You would be hard pressed to find a community who only knows about Mercy by her consistent healing, mobility, or damage boosting. When you say “res”, people in this community know instantly what hero you’re talking about. Single target healing? Hmm, just a guess… but probably not as memorable.
8. The stereotype in the community on Mercy Players, constantly conflicts itself. How does a community who generally accuses Mercy mains to be “Always wanting a revert”, and “Just want Res to be OP” also be the same Mercy mains who “Wanted her to be given Valkyrie?” If blame is to be falsely given that generalizes all Mercy players, at least pick a side.
9. Wanting tweaks to a hero due to constantly dying before being able to use the ult does not automatically = “Give us a rework”. There are ways to tweak a hero without giving them a completely different ultimate. Seeing as Mercy was largely seen as a troll pick during that time, I think that such a request was completely valid, albeit executed in completely the wrong way in the end result when a rework was given instead.
10. Hating Mercy players and Mercy in general is popular in the community. It gets attention and views on social media, and putting blame on them for any reason imaginable is guaranteed to get at least the loud minority who holds those views to back them up. Unfortunately, that also allows people to spread rumors against Mercy players as if they are factual. Such toxicity + It being popular to hate Mercy players = False rumors that are commonly spread about them. And this is how statements like “No Aim, No Brain, Mercy Main”, “Mercy Mains are a Cult”, and more recently, “Mercy Players Caused The Rework” are born.

Agree or Disagree with this list? Got something else to add? I’d love to hear it. Post your thoughts below and thanks for reading. :blush:

Edit: Wow, over 100 likes! Thank you all for the support! :blue_heart:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


did this really need it’s own thread? You could have just replied in that one.


I had a lot to say, and it was more than just a simply reply. So yes. It most certainly did. Thanks for the suggestion though! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.




Fooled me, but alright.



Of course~! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


How do I like something more than once? Cause this deserves more than one of my likes. More like, all of them.


Stated already, but should have just been a reply


Why do you make these posts like they are truths? None of this is based in fact at all and is really just meaningless, opinionated, self centered ranting.


Xavvy stop lmao

Mass rez is gone because blizzard wants it to be, and thats the only reason they need


I remember seeing an old video on YT when OW was still in development and mercy orginally had chain beams as part of her kit.

Thank you for the kind words Mercy! With the amount of misinformation being spread around, It just needed to be said. :smile:

Me too, I’ve been trying to find that video for ages. Do let me know if you come across it!

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Valk was just chain beams in development, iirc. Not flight or anything else


i think this is it.

its around the 7.15 mark


I was gonna ask that too, but that’s how these things go.

We love you too reaper


Yes, thank you! That’s the exact video I was referring to. Updated the OP! :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

  1. i get why it was added cause mercy 1.0 was and is boring to play, she was a 1 dimensional character and with mass rezz you had times where mercy would disconnect in fights.
  2. i had a chuckle at that part because in season 4 that is what mercy was but many felt discontent that ana was still dominating the GM level. which after the new meta had formed would have sorted itself out.

3. to be if you want to win you use the best strategy avaliable that is why in Master and GM eta comp’s and strategy matter more.
mercy was dominant in 99% of the community’s game so of course it would reach the top/ also this mercy strategy was easy to implement in every SR range at it take no real coordination or skill.
4. is that not what the community has been saying but many mercy mains will not listen. people dont like mass rezz and it is not fun.
5. not really, added with fact that people stopped playing as mercy to later on use the rezz mechanic has lead blizzard to change something. it was not 1 aspect but 2 aspects.
6. lets take away the SR exploit and focus on the core which is. how can blizzard buff and ability that is generally unfun. the reason people did not mind before was all due it being hard to pull off.
mercy’s problem was not theSR exploit but rather because she is so simplistic yet has more impact than other heroes, which if played with or against never feels good.
7. lets just say i agree that mercy is known as the character who can rezz but i the rest i cannot agree with.
8. you dont seem to get it, those that want valk a_re those that generally want rezz removed completely_ and that is why i could not agree on point 7 fully. here is the issue but because mercy is so iconic, many dont really wish to say it or voice it out.
9. first mercy was a troll pick because she could heal multi tanks. iff the mercy main would had patience she would have been fine in dive or certainly better than ana ever was in dive. sorry did you miss the no damage time. also if with tweaks mercy would still have issue of hide and rezz. you know what is funny. it is the mercy mains themselves who you used that term( to get pitty, so she could get buffs in s3).
10. well what do you expect would happen if one of the most simplistic characters, has one of the biggest game changer moves, is getting too meta, is much better and easy to gain results from than her direct counter part.
did you think there would never be a backlash and everyone would be happy go marry about that fact?
IMHO i think that is the third and silent reason mercy got a rework as the devs saw how much dislike mercy received since she became more meta since her damage reduction buff.
the reason i am saying this is because that is how lucio was essentially was reworked on in order to make him more engaging. which in the end worked out.
11. not a revert, not a how she is now but what mercy will need is another rework. it still will remain to see how they balance rezz, imo they should remove or mercy can never be placed highly in the ow community and that wont change.


woah thats toxic dude

I agree with you on this. How they executed it, I don’t personally think was well executed, but either way, I certainly don’t think it was the fault of Mercy mains that caused the rework to happen. I certainly feel that it was more of the dev’s decision, as you’ve mentioned.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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