"Mercy Players Caused The Rework!" | 10 Reasons Why That's WRONG ❤

Id love to know how to use my healing beams offensively then. Am I supposed to fly ahead of my team or?

Let’s agree to disagree then because I don’t intend on changing my opinion anytime soon.

MOBA means Multiplayer Online Battle Arena right? Think that describes Overwatch very well.

I’m complaining that it doesn’t do much. I’ve never said that it has no value. In this case, it has more value over DPSing.

I’m comparing Supercharger to Valk btw.


You use valk offensively. As in both your healing and your damage boost. Push in with damage boost, switch to heals if you need to. the extra damage is already done to win the fight and by that point all you need is the sustain. I really hope you’re not willfully ignoring the obvious here.

Sounds good.

By that loose definition any team based fps can be classified as a Moba. Would you consider TF2 a moba? Here’s an interesting article on the topic.

Basically moba’s typically have an rpg system, a resource system and are more typically confined to rts gameplay.

Lol, neptuno might disagree with you, but I see your point and honestly I agree. Damage boost and Healing are obviously the better strat then go all battle mercy. Though there are times it’s fair game to take out that widow.

No, I know. And I was comparing Valk to Mass Res. It’s all subjective.

On a totally unrelated note, I find it kind of funny you took the opportunity to jump on yet another dogpile. Here I thought we were actually having a reasonable discussion, yet I see you actively liking malicious comments OP makes. Comments that are riddled with fallacies and ad hominems. I sure hope you’re not actually condoning that type of behavior.

This is actually starting to become a thing.

I can do this without Valkyrie? Nonetheless, I understand what you are saying.

Never played TF2 before.

Indeed, when you know for sure that the Widow is a potato. If not, don’t you dare.


Then I don’t care.


your whole team, without valk? That’s impressive.

class based team fps. Had a pretty decent competitive scene for a long while.

I feel like I struck a nerve which resulted in these very short replies to an otherwise, or at least what I thought was a pleasant discussion. I can only assume you do condone that type of behavior then. As does Titanium, to nobodies surprise. But you know, familiar suspects.

Good chat otherwise

I know. :slight_smile:

Thank you for telling me.

You started of with, “on a totally unrelated note”. Don’t expect me to reply to that. :sweat_smile:


Very telling. I wouldn’t admit to it either. Seems pretty incriminating.

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You can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t assume its Mercys mass flagging you without proof if you’re going to assume its not anti-Mercys mass flagging the feedback thread without proof. That is double standards which is in fact a logical fallacy.


Pot meet kettle. In every one of my posts you use opinion and hyperbole while refusing to accept mine even when I explain my position and reasoning that you then dismis as invalid because you do not share it. You are not permitted to have a subjective opinion if others are not afforded the same consideration.

Going further, in some cases you even use a combination of obtuse, selectively literal, and out of context interpretation of my statements while decrying anyone who fails to give consideration for proper context or hyperbole of yours. Thats not being open to discussion. That is accepting nothing but your position and is in fact a logical fallacy of moving the goal posts.


You literally didn’t. And still haven’t. How do you continue the discussion in a thread that is locked? If the thread is repeatedly locked with barely minutes a day of being available, where do you post? There is no option but else where or not post at all. If your solition is to not post at all, then you admit to wanting to shutdown and avoid facilitating discussion of an opinion that differs from yours. If you disagree with the thread being shut down by repeatedly being falsely flagged, then say so. If you agree to none of the above, you are dodging the point.


You’ve posted multiple times you understand but disagree to other posts, yet completely disregard that the same may be possible for anyone else and outright disregard it when I even wrote right in there the direct implication that I disagree with said behavior. You continue to incorrectly and repeatedly accuse me of supporting things I do not nor ever claim to. You keep saying I am putting Titanium on a pedastal when in actuality I’m simply using a very public example for reference and as an example of why the argument may be considered by others as valid by the actions of the audience they are seeking to engage. You also accuse me (and others) of adherence to a generalized predetermined manifesto despite ZERO PROOF of it, and a very real probability that your assuption is wrong. Seriously. Stop doing that. Its literally trolling or at best repeated fallacies of composition and division, meaning you are derailing direct responses with dismisal based on fallacious argument or assumption. Again, that is not wanting nor having a discussion.

Do it again and I’m out. I have better things to do than suffer fallacy ridden baiting.


Mercy is currently the 5 hero with the worst winrate:

Every time is unbalanced.

At least we know the breaking point now. Only took a year.

actually, the proof is in the motive. what reason does anyone else have for mass flagging the mercy thread. Same reason they have for mass flagging anyone they disagree with.

actually i very clearly pointed out the error in your logic in our discussions. For example

I also called out your opinions when you prestented them as facts, and called you out on your facts when they were made with fallacies. a great example

No, that’s pretty much explained in the statement above as well. In fact if you just click the up arrow in that quote you can quiet clearly see the quote you’re referring too. in fact, here’s the discussion surrounding that very incident

You can continue beating on this strawman if you wish, but anyone with half a mind can read the discussion and see very clearly I didn’t take your quotes out of context or give them unintended meaning when the rest of your argument is following the same reasoning, this us against them mentality that you’ve built up.

No see, this is moving the goalposts. I very clearly pointed out to you, many times in fact that you can have a discussion and make these replies in already made threads, instead of creating your own thread to reply to one person just so it gets more visibility from like minded people who agree with you. You moved the goalposts saying you cant have a discussion with somebody because the mercy thread is locked.

In fact my very first post in this thread was

I don’t know what you hoped to attain by willfully ignoring peoples comments if you’re actually trying to have a conversation instead of shouting you’re right i’m wrong. but it if makes you feel better, have at it. You can very clearly scroll up and read i’ve touched on all of these points so far, multiple times. You ignoring them because they aren’t what you want to hear does not change that fact.

If this was your end goal, of course I disagree. I even made my position on it clear.

One would have hoped you would have logic’d your way to that conclusion since you’re so adamant that your line of thinking follows the most straightforward logic, but here we are. So there’s your answer, again. Occam’s razor is lost on you.

See, what I actually accused you of is the flaw in your logic used to justify OP and Titaniums actions. Basically, I was addressing this point in your statement

What you think i’m attacking, and hopefully it’s just a miscommunication and not you intentionally moving the goalposts and creating yet another strawman, is whether or not you condone their behavior, and whether or not you agree or disagree with it.

Me pointing out the error in your logic used to justify why somebody else would do it, does not accuse you of condoning that same behavior.

No, i pretty much fully admitted to that being hyperbole.

And yet you and a few others in this thread, in fact two people who participated in this dog pile liked your very post i’m currently replying too, one who’s been known to do this type of behavior before, the proof has already been linked in this thread, keep making this clockwork. To the point I’m actually just copy and pasting the exact same reply’s over and over. The same fallacies, the same willfull ignorance and circular logic, the same tactics with the same talking points

oh and

Your response is literally a troll dripping with fallacies. Good bye.


Really? 'cause at this point everyone of your arguments follows the exact same format.

For example, I could say the sky was blue.

  • Eristic - You first argue the sky is not blue, because I said it was.
  • False Equivalence - You say the sky isn’t blue because you’re currently in your house looking up at the ceiling and your ceiling is not blue.
  • Strawman - You argue that I have said your ceiling is blue, when that wasn’t the initial claim to begin with.
  • Willful Ignorance - When shown the original point, you deny it’s existence.
  • Projection - You then accuse me of all the previous fallacies you’ve made.
  • Ad Hominem - You immediately attempt to discredit everything I’ve presented by claiming I’m trolling and the evidence you use is your projection.

And then my personal favorite, you believe your arguments are at all validated because of an

  • Argumant by Consensus - RevertMercy, BadWidowEU, BenjaminWolf and even Titanium all have an invested interest in you arguing against me for their own personal bias, so they will continue to like and condone your malicious and/or fallacious posts, regardless if they’re credible or not.

But my response is literally a troll dripping with fallacies?

Great chat, Take care.

It is true though I’ve never seen anyone say that ;-;

I didn’t even read his replies. I just liked it for the sake of liking it… Now I can’t even like things without getting criticised…:roll_eyes:


I guess not

Interesting how they have now resorted to whining about who gets likes, made another generalizing statement about multiple people, was fallacious and malicious in doing so, while also using said generalizations to justify their claims of accusing someone else as making fallacious posts. And they got all of that from looking at who likes their posts and who doesn’t. That is truly some talented deduction skills, I must say. :blush:

It could have taken them 30 minutes, had they’ve just given Mercy LOS and damage reduction instead of invincibility back in 2017, along with never going through with a complete rework that no one asked for.

But alas, “This rework is a huge success.” :smirk:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Weird you wouldn’t comment on this when I brought it up to you directly. At this point you either condone it, or you simply like it because they’re arguing with me, which is exactly what I said.

Implying each person I named hasn’t been dog piling for the last couple of days.

Is it really a generalization if you and others have proven it in multiple posts, which i’ve clearly called out each time?

No, seriously. I just liked it because, why not? I can’t condone something I didn’t read.

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So the latter. Got it.


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