Mercy isn't a must pick

well i feel bad everytime when i see a mercy on the enemy team and we dont have one. most time i will switch to her.
she makes things easier…

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She’s a must pick, not OP.

People like to pick a hero to blame, Mercy seems to be a fan favorite to hate.


what if your team is playing tanks and dps that can’t peel for you or can’t peel enough? mercy player swaps to moira to be just as effective because she won’t die anymore

moira got life steal, self heal and fade so moira having “worse” healing than mercy make perfectly sense to me

because it was a bug… it wasnt intended. huhhh

mercy got her bunny hopping bug implemented as a feature of the hero…


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“Must pick” only due to circumstances, not because she is OP.


circumstances for 6 seasons now… i see.


People say this meta is all about GRAV dragonstrike so heals aren’t that valuable

Yet they also say mercy’s pure heals are too much



I agree with this. For a little while a few months back, Moira was definitely looking like she could go toe to toe in terms of healing with Mercy. (At least from my personal experience with playing support and having been healed by both)

Lately though, I’ve been feeling more and more guilty of taking damage as a tank when I have a Moira on my team due to that resource pool. Sure healing orb is nice, but of course, it’s on a cool-down. If the enemy team is smart and sees the orb being thrown at me to bring up my massive health pool, they’ll know to jump on us because they have that window of opportunity where it’s on cool-down.

That’s the interesting thing about this current meta. All of them by themselves are fine, but together they create a synergy that is a pain to deal with unless you’re playing it as well. That’s why there are so many different opinions on who is enabling the meta. Some people blame brigitte, others blame mercy, and others blame hanzo.

From personal experience. I can certainly tell the difference from a tank’s perspective when the enemy team has a hanzo, when they don’t have a hanzo, and when my team does or does not have a hanzo. I can see the difference in the amount of damage I take with Reinhardt’s shield compared to the enemy’s shields, and as a result it certainly feels like the other dps are underwhelming compared to hanzo right now, but it’s hard to say because at the same time, Brigitte scared a lot of players away from playing certain dps roles.


Definitely not between January and current meta, with most of this community telling Mercy mains to shut up because “she is fine and balanced”, with Pros saying she doesn’t need more nerfs, and this:

Mercy is no longer OP.

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This is, as far as i can tell, how it is.

I’d like to add that change to Zaryas Graviton (disables mobility abilities) also enables this meta comp heavily, more so than Mercy in my opinion.

Moira’s only viable niche is quad tank, which is barely used anymore (stole that niche from Ana, btw).

If you’re playing Mercy, you don’t need people to peel for you because you have a “teleport to nearest ally” button on a 1.5 second cooldown. The peeling is done for her by just existing. If she doesn’t have anyone to peel to, that probably means she was out of position and is now feeding.

Moira’s life steal, self heal and fade are all still inferior to Mercy’s self regen after 1 second of no damage, and a teleport on a 1.5 second cooldown. Mercy even does more DPS than Moira.

Buddy, stop fooling yourself, there’s absolutely no reason to pick her over Mercy, especially with this next nerf.

I want you to name one time where I shouldn’t pick Mercy.


Some one on the team already picked mercy.


:spider_web: She really isn’t a must pick. She’s a PREFERRED pick, but you can get away with other comps*

Having or not having a Mercy does not determine the outcome of the game like it did back during the Moth Crisis. She is balanced, like Jeff and plenty of the pros have said at this point.

*= You can argue she is a must pick for SOLO heal comps as she’s the only viable solo healer in the game rn. Period. Running a solo heal Mercy vs a Solo heal anything else will give you an advantage maybe half the time depending on how hard the Mercy is focused, etc. So, sure. But, plenty of two heal comps can be just as good if not better than just a Mercy being run.

I’m a Lucio main. I fight hard AF in this meta to merely be relevant. I don’t want to hear Mercy mains trying to assuage the blow.


Keep fighting the good fight my friend. One day people will remember the utility of a good bard

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“Can’t stop, won’t stop!”

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Let me ask you this. IF you pick symmetra on attack, does it GUARANTEE you with 100% that you’ll lose? No.

Same logic here. If you pick mercy over ana or moira, does it mean 100% guaranteed win? Again. No.

Just because it’s not a guaranteed win, and not a clear win factor, doesn’t mean she’s not a must pick.

Because a Damage boosted Grav Dragonstrike (another reason to pick Mercy hmmmmmmmmm) will shred through most healing and is pretty much a free team wipe if done right.

Anytime outside of that Mercy is still the best for “pure heals”.