Mercy isn't a must pick

Honestly the bug felt great to use and many mercy mains wanted Blizz to add it in. Heck I didn’t like guardian Angel until they added in the bunny hop.


She is the most picked hero in OWL with a 91% pick rate.


Could be worse. Junkertown would’ve shot her pickrate to 95%


Considering the best players pick her more than 90% of the time does point in that direction.


When your tanks are taking too much damage to ever push in and take the point

Thing is Ana is UP and Moira’s bugfix leaves us with only one main healer that goes through shields: Mercy
She may not be OP, she’s just the best main healer, making her a must pick.

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No one says heals aren’t valuable just that trans cannot heal through Dragonsurge + Reinhardt hammer + Zarya bombs.

You still need heals that’s why Mercy and Zen are still meta.

Stupid straw man.

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And that’s the problem. Competitive is… well supposed to be… designed to put equally skilled players together. A team comp that is clearly better will win more often than not because as you admit, it’s easier. The other team is at a disadvantage without running a mirror.

The times you see a disadvantaged team beat the superior team comp, it mostly comes down to matchmaking isn’t great and somebody isn’t playing at their skill level that game.

If you need heals you could easily run Moira’s isntead if mercy lol

She’s not a must pick, but currently (once again) Mercy is definitely the best main healer. You can win with other supports but Mercy outshines the others with her consistency and dependable healing.

People still think she is?

Apparently every mercy main knows how to counter mercy yet the non mercy players can’t counter her even the best aimed players complained about her at one time… that argument was tossed around since she was overpowered with 2 instant rez… every mercy main assumes she’s easy to kill when in reality there’s 5 other heroes preventing you from doing so at least in well competitive team… :man_facepalming: not sure if you have different accounts but you don’t seem to play comp a lot… :man_shrugging:

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Yeah but why not run Mercy for her unlimited heals + damage boost + rez + mobility?

Moira can run out of juice and can’t heal snipers as good as Mercy can.

mercy isn’t a must pick anymore, she’s balanced and have a good place in this meta. It took them time but finaly we fine

I play mostly D.Va, Tracer, Widow and Zen, and everytime the enemy team has a Mercy, I’ll do anything to kill her. It’s not because of her res, but because people are always underestimating her power. Her healing is massive and nobody even touches her as she flies between her teammates with no bother in the world.

I can hear my teammates whine in voice chat about needing to killing a Brigitte, Bastion or Tank, when all they gotta do is kill the damn Mercy first; or at least try to kill her at all.

Avging over a 90% pickrate since season 5


It was 5 months ago bruh.
The game has changed since januaey.
Right now 91¥ pr on owl she’s flearly op especially when Mercy mains says that Genji with 25% pr was op in owl

If Mercy isn’t a must pick then why do I get flamed for picking Moira or Ana over Mercy?

Also, Mercy does everything a support should do without making any serious sacrifices, unlike our other healers that have to sacrifice something in order to gain something else. Mercy is the only healer with survivability, mobility, utility, AND healing output consistency. All other healers lack one or more of those things in their kits in order to be good at something else. Seems a little unbalanced.

Our other healers need some buffs. I think Zenyatta and Brigitte are perfectly fine for what it is they need to achieve, but everyone else needs some kind of attention. Ana is at the top of that list. Moira can’t even reliably heal through shields anymore, so that leaves Mercy being the only main healer able to heal through shields.

Why pick Ana over Mercy when Mercy can do everything while requiring less work? Disclaimer: but Mercy still requires knowledge and understanding to play well. But she is by far the most forgiving healer in our batch.


Moira basically never runs out of heals if she has any sense of how to play the hero. And again, she’s the queen of beefy comps,

I cant think of many games where i have won without mercy while the enemy had one.