Mercy isn't a must pick

That’s not going to work. You need heals to win period. The team with 2 secondary healers will lose most of the time.

The problem isn’t with Mercy, but more how the current meta has evolved to be highly defensive and rely on high burst for kills rather than sustained damage.

If Soldier was the main damage dealer Mercy wouldn’t be as needed. That being said, what makes her powerful is her mobility and consistent healing. No other healer in the game has high, consistent healing and her mobility means she can keep up with the team regardless of the pace they are setting or who they are running. Blizz have backed themselves into a corner and shot themselves in the foot with this one, as you can’t decrease her mobility without either upping her damage (and risk battle Mercy becoming more viable) and they can’t really decrease her healing without supplying her with more utility.

Edit: Come to think of it, barely anyone on the roster is sustain. Only ones I can think of is Torb, Soldier and Sym and even then they still have high burst potential. I wonder if a sustained dps would impact Mercy’s versatility.

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Hey, can’t blame you. Sassy is always great >:).

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Some of them hatin on her cuz she still pullin in those peeps despite all the nerfs and the haters, even tho she reppin that starbucks tier boringness, meanwhile they gotta look at their own hero bein trash lmao. Ya’ll can’t be hatin on the grill fam for people likin her, get your hero some of those buffs so more people want to play em too. Ya heard the fire. Hit me up with that fire response. :fire:

Moira exists btw

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Moira is still a weak main healer compared to Mercy, and this next nerf will only make her worse. Oddly enough she’ll still be a better main healer than Ana.

Moira needs a small buff, Ana needs a huge one, OR Mercy needs some kind of nerf and Moira and Ana both get small buffs.

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Moira’s resource metre being directly tied to her damage means that she is not consistent healing. She’s constantly breaking her healing in order to either fight someone off or to refill her metre.

On top of that, the new Moira changes (less life leech, can’t heal through barriers) were an unnecessary, uncompensated nerf to her that will only further the case against Mercy.


That’s not a safe thought process to have, regardless of context.

As for the subject. It’s important to note when and where the OP feels justified in saying this about healing, because right now I feel like everyone is stating differences based on either high ranking meta, low ranking meta, quickplay, etc, etc.

In a lot of situations based on what game type you’re playing and skill rating, no. Mercy is not necessary for a guaranteed win. However, she is a reliable healer compared to other healers. Is she necessary in high ranked gameplay? I don’t follow it. I don’t care to follow it. I would assume so, but I’m not going to answer that as I’m sure the people here saying that she is necessary are answering that for me.

However, Mercy is the “Safe bet” healer right now in all game types and game modes and ranks. She provides a certain comfort to the mentality of the other 5 players that the other healers don’t provide right now, and that alone can make her more of a necessary pick than she actually is. It is with good reason too. For unlike other healers, Mercy can enable so many other characters on the roster, especially tanks. I personally feel like I can play a little more aggressively when I have a mercy on my team. With moira, I don’t feel the same way because I know about her resource limits. For other healers I feel it necessary to play a lot more carefully due to the limitations of their healing abilities.


Uses that clearly aren’t worth trading for Mercy’s pure healing. And that’s the problem. People force others to play Mercy instead of the other supports because they don’t match her consistency and raw healing output.

moira isn’t weak

you’re looking at moira by just healing stats but you’re forgetting her dps stats

Zenyatta, Zarya, Reinhardt, Hanzo, Mercy, and Brigitte are a must pick. People keep yelling about Mercy, but honestly with todays meta removing mercy won’t be as easy as tweaking a few numbers, the whole team comes together as a cohesive whole to form a dominating onslaught of wtf bull**** synergy. The same reason dive lasted so long until they had to introduce an entire hero to counter it.

Real talk, we need another “pure healer” the problem is the lack of main reliable healers, so no matter how trash Mercy is, unless they also make her an off healer people still gonna be trashin the homie as being “OP”

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No one ever said she was, but typically in the Mercy meta, the team with the Mercy is more likely to win than the one without.

When people use the term “must pick”, they aren’t speaking literally.

Tell me, are any of the niches that you listed meta?

Which makes her a must pick.

Simply existing does not make it any different.
Hanzo isn’t OP, he can be killed by flankers, dive tanks, etc.
But he is OP, those characters simply existing doesn’t stop him from being a must pick.

Diamond+ You can’t NOT be running mercy, it’s just how it is.

Obviously, but that doesn’t at all relate to my point or give a rebuttal to it.

If all other healers except for Zen and Mercy are niche, what makes them any different and why shouldn’t they be niche?

By healing stats she far surpasses Mercy, but the bulk of her healing output is loaded with inconsistencies (cooldowns and resource meter.) Ana shares similar issues.

Oh, I’m sorry, I thought Moira had the “lowest DPS in the game.”

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moira secures kills like a off healer while being a main healer on top of having extremely good self sustain

thats the cost of playing moira over mercy

That still doesn’t warrant playing her over Mercy. If you have DPS and tanks to protect and peel for you, you don’t need to “secure kills” as a main healer.

That’s pretty much Zen’s job anyway.

As far as i know, from what the people on forums have been saying that current meta has 6-7 “must pick” characters. This doesn’t automatically translate to “Mercy is op”.

If we need to nerf Mercy because of what current meta is, we might as well nerf Zarya, Reinhardt and Zenyatta as well, because they are also “must pick”.

Because Mercy is very obviously not cause of this meta. Less so than Zarya with her Graviton.


Seriously, why are they nerfing Moira? These nerfs to other supports and Ana not getting the buffs she needs is only going to make Mercy that much better to use. It’s a sad day when a balanced hero (albeit not fun to play) is seen as OP because the other supports are suffering.

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