Mercy is in a weird spot

I have already explained why they are in my opinion and why objectively they are not equal.


Honestly, I’m only really saying it to Dodo. Objectively console and pc players are not equal, they are different. Inferior was meant more to poke at dodo than the console community.


Console players are objectively not inferior to PC players in any way, shape, or form

They are equal


Yeah let’s just buff mercy back to OP AF levels so we can go back to moth meta. Great idea :+1:

Funny enough, everyone, except support players, would enjoy that. Back to “pick anything you like and still have proper team” and away from “pick strictly those specific heroes or you are throwing”.

I consider having 1 must pick an acceptable price to pay for 5 other players being able to pick anything they want.

literally no one said anything about buffing her to that point… please log off for the day, sir.

Still, they got a point.

Personally, I view Moth Meta in positive light. Not because Mercy was OP - she also became boring - but because it allowed literally all heroes to be viable, if she is picked.

Compared to current situation, when we start running out of viable heroes - mainly tanks - it was better.

Agreed with what you said up until this point. I came from Xbox gone full PC right now and Its much faster, it is much more brutal to play on PC because everyone definitely has a higher skill range and doesn’t feel as limited. But I will say that those who do play on console and ARE good at it definitely deserve the praise that they’re great at it :slight_smile:

But, what console players see vs what pc player see there is definitely drastic differences. Mercy on PC is no where near as good as she is on Consoles, Ana excels on PC and doesn’t do well on Console (not saying it cant be done just that it has its challenges.) There is a difference between who is viable and who isn’t. Mercy does lack on PC.

I would still choose to say that only the games are unequal, as some of us filthy heathens also have the PC version, so we understand the differences. Lol but I completely understand your point.

Thank you for the clarification. I can’t lie, I was a bit hurt.

However, the players themselves are completely equal. What kind of asinine point is it to say the players are inferior…

Not to worry, your proposed changes would certainly do the trick. Right back to square one. Doesn’t matter anyway, blizzard hasn’t touched that character in over a year and for good reason. There’s a saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”

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Found a post that I think you might like tho

They are not objectively inferior, but they are objectively not equal.

They aren’t. As often as you refuse to expand or elaborate on your statements, I feel I have done so quite enough for you. I made an entire post elaborating on a certain point of contention and you regurgitated the same statement you always do “I believe mercy is in the best state shes ever been in and requires no changes”.

Regardless, objectively console and PC players are not equal on many levels, there is a reason the game is balanced differently in terms of numbers for console and PC and why pickrates and winrates are so different.

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Yeah, thats my bad, its just hilarious to see him sperg out on it while repeating the same things again and again. Despite all the posts, it hasnt dawned on him that perhaps the reason there are many people who disagree on Mercy’s state might be due to the platform they play on.

But yeah, it was my bad, just can’t really say that Dodo is inferior directly you know?

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Well they aren’t if you switch around the players and put them on consol/PC or vice-versa they arent going to do the same.

Asinine as it may be, its my opinion that they are (or if you read my other posts, you’d see why it as I made that statement).

Technically, it’s possible to make console and PC players play same game together. In practice, many games avoid it.

I think there was, in the past, that kind of experiment - developer made PC and console players play some FPS game together. Result was absolute stomping of console players and high toxicity levels(to the point of outright banning player from lobby, if one is revealed to be using controller).

The game isn’t equal.

Playing with a controller severely limits the pace of the game. Everything is slower, clunkier, sloppier. Not because of the players necessarily, simply because you’re struggling against an interface just to play the game. You simply can get away with some things that you totally wouldn’t in PC, simply because people are struggling with their controllers to even aim at you. There’s a reason Pharah is considered high tier in console while she’s just alright in PC. Same with hitscan being total trash in console.

You just don’t say the two platforms/playerbase are equal, while also complaining about kb+mouse “cheaters” on console.


Seconded. 60 hps was too much. 50 hps feels a little underwhelming right now. Outside of raw hps, the only thing that is even tweakable is her Valk. I would try the 55 hps first to see if that’s enough to bring her in-line with the other supports. It’s a simple change that we can test quickly.

I mean it’s why Blizzard frowns upon keyboard and mouse on console since those give a far more accurate play than controller.

Not to mention the better mapping of commands you can have with the keyboard and mouse over a basic controller.

There’s also aim assist on console that PC doesn’t have.

But who knows. For all we know Dodo could play with a keyboard and mouse on console and that’s why they don’t see a difference; and my defense of them having difficulty with the Superjump being linked to use of their controller being completely inaccurate.

Give an example. Its a common trend on these forums, dissatisfaction but not saying what you want. What solution do you propose?