Mercy is in a weird spot

Yes, you can. Simply because DPS aren’t invulnerable - just kill them through that meager healing.

Yeah, go for a DPS that is being healed whilst the whole enemy team is gunning you down. Good luck with that

Animetic is an example of a player who used Mercy’s lower skill ceiling to get boosted to GM by T500 friends. The Mercy’s who got to GM on their own can still keep GM with her, even if she isn’t an optimal pick currently.

That DPS being healed is gunned down by your whole team. See, I can play that game too.

Supports can delay your progress a bit, but that’s all, for the most part, they can do.

and that proves what? You’re gonna go nowhere until the support is taken care of.

If you want to continue being blind then don’t reply, I can’t be bothered to fight with someone who seems so oblivious to basic common sense

So far it seems you, who is lacking common sense.

You still get kills, even if supports are alive. So claiming, that everyone else is untouchable, until supports are die, is really odd thing to say.

You’re the person that thinks supports aren’t priority targets.

The same characters that can deny death, resurrect, sleep, displace, stun, uh huh.

As long as she can be easily killed, if she attempts to resurrect, she isn’t priority target. Just something to remember about.

If she resurrects??? Are you joking?

I’m really starting to ask whether you’ve played this game. Why would you NOT try to kill a stationary Mercy who is trying to bring back a player into the fight

You just wait for her being stationary, that’s it. Until it happens, she is not an issue.

Most times it’s bad idea to use resurrect anyway, unless you want to join dead teammate in spawn.

You don’t have to.

Why do you think people advise Mercy players to twirl when resurrecting? For fun?

Why do you think when Pharmercy is in a match, hitscan will go for Mercy first?

I’m astonished

You don’t have to shoot her then.

that’s not my question, why do YOU think they go for her first?

Because they are stupid. Just kill her pocket, then kill her, if she dares to attempt resurrect.

They’re not stupid, you’re stupid

Not at all. I always had people winning, simply by ignoring me and going for my teammates. When they try to do as you say, they lose.

I’m on console what Does that have to do with my opinion? I dont see why my opinion should be valued as inferior to yours just because you play on a different machine…


That’s why I’ve been on a win streak recently?

Please never give advise or give suggestions for Mercy again. I can’t believe some of the things I’ve read coming from you

Believe or not, all of that actually happened.

I stand by my words: Mercy has high survivability(GA + Valkyrie) but not enough power to warrant hunting her. Just take care of second support instead - they can really ruin your plans with their stronger ult.

I won’t deny, that in higher tiers it can be like that. But players there just got too far into their “shoot healer first” habit to change it, according to present supports on the field. Which can be exploited.