Mercy is in a weird spot

I believe Mercy is due for some changes. The game changes so much and so fast with each update that as of lately, she’s just been falling behind compared to the other main healers. I propose 60 hp/s 1 extra Resurrection charge while activating Valkyrie with a cast time of 0.8-1 second(s). I also think that outside of Valk, Rez should grant Mercy ult charge due to it being incredibly hard to pull off, and it would be nice to be rewarded w/ a bit of ult gain (maybe like 5-10%?) I believe with these changes she would once more be in competition with the likes of Moira, Ana & Baptiste. Let me know what ya’ll think!

(PS, i’m baaaack :wink:)


Personally, I see Mercy as being in the best state she has ever been right now, and as such, I wouldnt want the changes recommended in the OP to be implemented

oh, and thanks, Shirai and WM (and 16 others)

edit for clarity: this post was hand typed in its entirety


She’s in a fine spot. I think a couple of the other supports need to be brought back a little bit to her level.


why is it that supports arent allowed to have any impact in this game lmao, you do know Mercy literally has no game-changing impact dont you? No life-saving ability, nothing just 50hps and MAYBE 1 rez every 30 seconds… and you want… all… the supports to have the same sort of unimpactful kit…?

Animetic who is a GM Mercy main literally dropped to Diamond this season, and thats because if you play Mercy you are gonna win if you have a good team and thats that, there is no way for her to carry herself and her team at any given point which is just so sad lmao seeing as how so many other heroes have carry potential.


You really do just copy paste this into any discussion aboht Mercy.

Come on Dodo get creative, bring an actual discussion.


In my opinion, the only change Mercy needs is 55hps.

50 wasn’t enough at launch, and it isn’t enough now. 60 meant she was doing too much healing in comparison to the other healers.


People need to stop bringing up Animetic as the grading pole for Mercy. She dropped to diamond because she belongs there. She’s only ever duo’d to high ranks, and when she got to GM she dumped her old duo, which now that shes gotten into diamond, she’s suddenly duo’ing with him again :slight_smile:
Please use Dinnik or Niandra if you NEED a grading pole. Someone who can get to high rank with mercy BY THEMSELVES. Like you know, everyone else has to?


I would literally settle for any sort of a legit buff to her right now.

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People say she’s in a fine spot?

Where are all those people who throw a fit when I pick her in comp? Speak up guys, here’s your big moment!


uh why dont u bring up every other mercy player that are capable of keeping themselves in gm and top500? ROFL a player dropping in rank doesnt mean the hero sucks whilst there are mutliple mercy players in those ranks


If I had to suggest a buff, it’d be for her ult to not cancel beam upon activation, and for damage boost to give more ult charge. Because right now, healing gives literally 3x the amount of ult charge as boosting, and since she’s being played as an off support, it’s getting difficult to build ult as much as you need it. Especially in high ranks where main healers are ontop of their game


rez. :face_with_monocle:


And even Niandra has admitted while Mercy is fine, some minor tweaks could help Mercy to get out of the awkward kinda-sorta main/off healer role she’s in. In their streams, Niandra is always pointing out how if Mercy is paired with Lucio or Zen that the lack of healing is the biggest issue there.


Well, at least niranda doesnt pull this weird , “mercy sucks omg! a rework is needed” card like the forum does


I agree it’s why I really like Niandra and how they view Mercy. They are the reason why I even tried Mercy, since the only experience I had with Mercy was during Uprising when it first came out.


shes not in a fine spot and if you think she is fine, then youre probably a dps main who is reaping the rewards of her being garbage tier right now

she definitely needs more than one change to become viable again.
the only thing i feel is fine right now is her movement ability, Guardian Angel. they shouldnt touch that, but fix other things like her healing output, rez, some ult changes, etc


I think she is in the best shape she has ever been in, and I am a support main who plays her quite a bit


mercy main with probably 300 hours if all hours is added. she’s fine


hi, mercy main here with over 300 hours to say shes not fine :slight_smile: also, rez isnt a life saving ability lmao its a revert on death which in higher ranks you arent even given the chance to use most of the time due to it being a suicide button.


its a revert on death, thats what i meant. its teamfight saving tho
if u use it smartly in higher ranks, its easy 'n usable