Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

She’s hard enough as it is. Crouching super jump is hard.

Disagree. And honestly, a lot of the complaints I see on this forum is wanting more skill expression etc, feeling she’s dumbed down and too easy/boring.

So… Yeah… You do you.


Only if you GA-heal in the backline, which is the extent of what those who don’t know Mercy do.

Shows what you know about Mercy. :wink:


Huh? I didn’t say those were the complaints I have with her. Just that’s what I see generally.

Reading comprehension?

You aren’t the only person that plays Overwatch.

Yeah? And neither are you. So why should people who don’t enjoy Mercy’s rework–especially people who enjoyed her previously–not have the right to express their opinion just as you have expressed yours?

Just don’t say any character is boring or unfun.

Oh. Because you said so, apparently. How conceited.

But if you want to try to actually be constructive and quanitative about this instead of just trying to obfuscate the issue behind “b-but fun is subjective so it doesn’'t matter” as if the entire point of a video game is not to be fun, then maybe look at it like this:
If a hero that used to be fun for a huge group of players is now only fun for a fraction of that original group (many of whom have quit the game entirely out of dissatisfaction,) I’d say that’s a net loss in fun. So far I have read hundreds of peoples thoughts on the matter and I haven’t I seen anybody who didn’t like playing Mercy before say that they suddenly started enjoying Mercy because of her rework. Seems like everyone is either neutral (enjoyed every iteration or didn’t enjoy any iteration) or negative (liked previous iterations but not her current one.)
Zero plus a negative is a negative, my dude.


Just dispelling the common misconceptions about the “easy” Mercy. Like any hero, min-maxing is hard. That applies to Mercy especially.


Did I say that I considered Mercy easy somewhere along the line? I have to go back and check… Pretty sure I didn’t though…

Good evening, Quest! I’d like to join in the game :grin:

(you know I’m always plugging for a Mercy rework, but I figure I’d try my hand at suggestions to streamline Mercy without one. But don’t think that this means that I don’t still want a big rework!)

Okay, so with that disclaimer out of the way…

Cancelable rez, of course. Press the button again to cancel rez into a reduced cooldown of 10 seconds.

Getting stunned or booped out of rez also puts it on the reduced cooldown.

Reduce the slow down to about 30% and show the rez AoE

Put something on the staff reload key that temporarily makes Mercy’s healing stronger Whoops, that goes into rework territory! :rofl:

Buff Valk healing to 100hps, and add a piercing damage buff (through enemies, not their sheilds) to Valk boost


You’ve never made any disrespectful statements, yet you say anyone who disagrees is “toxic and entitled”. You and your group can hardly be called the “good guys” if you visit every single Mercy thread as if it were your job to downplay anything different. The stinger is that you claim the character is fine as is, yet plug a thread with a rework idea. I don’t care about mass rez, I just find this sort of thing disgusting though.


Good evening Sila :smiley:

Hmmm I see where you going but coming from the context of the current kit these are all just straight up buffs imo.

I would definitely like to see some experimentation with Rez being able to be cancelled in an intuitive and sort of “on demand” sort of way. That plus a decrease in the time it takes her to swap weapons are imo changes that could be made now without a massive impact on her power level.

Reduction of slow on Rez outside of Valk… So so… But, I would like Valk to interact with Rez in some way. I think increased range, or reductions in cast time would be a good place to start. I’m down for lessening the speed penalty but like you said there needs to be a visual indicator so people can try and keep themselves from unintentionally cancelling the rez.

Reduction of CD on cancellation I’m on the fence with. Would really need to see how that played out tbh. Might be a bit too forgiving.

For adjusting Valk I think we should reduce the duration to about 10s-12s and then try to adjust the power budget within that.

I don’t want Mercy to be “must pick” status again, but it’s VERY important for me that she remains viable throughout the tiers to enable certain comps etc.

In essence I desire diversity in composition and I see Mercy’s viability as a key part of that.

:sweat_smile: Caught… Though that was honestly the best I could do without turning the post into another rework proposal.

:mag: I’d like to take a closer look at this. A faster weapon swap speed could be transformative for a lot of Mercies, and not just the “battle Mercies”.

That’s not automatically a bad thing… but it would be really interesting how such a thing would affect Mercy’s damage boost stats: I and a lot of the Mercy player’s I’ve chatted with sometimes use damage boost only because swapping between weapons takes too long.

Damage boost sometimes provides much more reliable damage than the Caduceus Blaster, but for a lot of boost targets the added damage is peanuts compared to even semi-accurate blaster fire. A faster weapon swap speed would mean that peppering pistol fire in as often as healing might become just as valid as sticking to the beams most of the time.

I think at that point it might be more productive to rework Valkyrie entirely. If the duration is being shortened, why not make make rez an ult-exclusive ability while we’re at it (with reworks to rez as needed)? It would free up Mercy’s E for something that doesn’t tie up her power budget so harshly.

Must-pick status… shudder

I love Mercy very much, and it’s because I care so much that I never, ever ever want to see her a must-pick. Ever. Again. That dark era poisoned public opinion against Mercy worse than “hide n rez” ever did.

I’d love for Mercy to have her own times and places to be played, while ceding the pickrate to other main healers when their specialties come up.

I do have a specific niche in mind for mercy, though. Aside from her current status as a good companion for snipers and spread-out compositions, I really want Mercy to have a cleansing ability to make her the Ying to Ana’s Yang (and provide a reliable counter to cc in general, which this game has gone without for far too long). Mercy’s a doctor, for crying out loud! It would would be madness to give Cleanse to anyone else!


:rofl: Shameless! You’ve been exposed! :laughing:

I think the lowering of weapon swap time might encourage Mercy players to take more “agency” on themselves, and instead of say damage boosting the nearest person, swap to pistol and try to clip down a low enemy themselves. Mercy’s pistol is NO JOKE tbh. 100 dps on body shots. I think it might be one of if not the highest damaging support weapon in the game.

The reason I hesitate when it comes to replacing Valk with say some form of 1:1 Rez mechanic is that it has the potential for huge and unexpected meta impact/shifts. Like while it could work out, it could also be perhaps OP, or even UP. Either of which are threats to what I see as her current viability within the game. Double edged sword.

Yes I think this is very important. And I think our current state is quite close to this yet lacking in many ways. Thus why I suggest say reducing Valk duration as opposed to swapping it for a rez mechanic. I’m trying to stay close to where she is now, if not slightly buffing her.

I do think a cleanse type mechanic could work for Mercy. If carefully worked in I think that could be a really nice addition that opens the door to the sort of “clutch” plays that Mercy is lacking.

For instance, when playing Brig, I realized how “clutch” her repair pack is. The repair pack, esp when it comes to discussions about Brig on this forum, is a VERY slept on ability, but it can be SOOOOOOOOOO amazing in game. I wouldn’t mind seeing Mercy with something similar to that, in a way that is unique to her.

Again though, I am ever so mindful of disrupting the balance and it’s easy to push Mercy into the either UP (pocket the pharah) or the OP (FEAR THE MOTH).

Nooooo not the Moth! :open_mouth:

How would you approach a cleanse ability for Mercy? I already have something in mind, but I want to hear yours first :yum:

allow me to elaborate!
let’s say your team starts pushing and their lucio pops beat the moment he does that everyone perceives the fight differently and it’ll most likely slow down the push significantly now let’s say they have mercy instead of lucio and she pops Valkyrie it doesn’t change how the fight is perceived and it doesn’t do as much of a good job slowing them down
let’s flip the situation let’s say they are defending and your team starts to push with a nano it changes how the fight is perceived and they will start to back off and again these things don’t happen with Valkyrie

if they were going to push they will still push whether you pop Valkyrie or not it’s not like beat or trans that completely stop them that’s what i mean by it doesn’t change the state of the fight
(excluding a few obvious counters for beat and trans)

if you pop Valkyrie to push they’re not going to back off because of it unlike nano that will force them to back off that’s what i mean by it doesn’t change the state of the fight!
(again excluding some counters to nano)


Hmmm I would think the only reasonable way for it to interact with the game would be pretty much in the same way a Zarya bubble does. Where you have the option to perform it both preemptively and reactively. Like let’s imagine a Brigitte shield bashing someone. You can apply it preemptively, seeing it coming, and soaking that up. Or reactively, where the team mate has already been stunned but then via the application of the cleanse that stun is immediately removed.

I can’t really think of any other way for it to be done in a way that seems realistically applicable to the game at large…

What about you? :slight_smile:

Personally, I think that a cleansing type ability would be a great replacement for E-rez.

It would justify keeping Mercy’s healing beam at 50hps, but give her a healing+utility on E so Mercy can both be competent at healing her tank (something she currently struggles with) and have situational playmaking ability.

Yes, I included healing. But I don’t have a complete cc immunity in mind for Mercy on this.

Consider the following:

4 second duration
10 second cooldown (begins after duration concludes)
Cast like a Zarya bubble

Heals 40hps (can be stacked with healing beam for a temporary 90hps)
After an initial cleanse of any prior cc, provides cc resistance (-50% duration on cc timers).

It’s an important distinction that someone with the cc resist buff can still be stunned out of their abilities: the stun won’t last as long as it normally does, but it can still interrupt castings. If 50% reduction is too much, it can always be adjusted. Same with the hps value.

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Do you think everyone in the world enjoys Chess?

:thinking: Hmmm interesting tying in an additional healing source on the cleanse… Also the approach of it applying a resistance to incoming CC and status effects as opposed to a straight immunity…

Ngl I do like it. Would have to tune and such but it does have a lot of appeal…

I have hesitation however removing the current E Rez due to how E rez can play out in coordinated settings. Prior to E rez the moment a pick was made, the dive would start. E rez changed that, in the sense that not only would you need to make that pick, but you’d also have to immediately take advantage and control the space around it.

Prior to Moth Meta, so much of the fight would revolve around establishing a pick during the prodding phase of an engagement, but it via Tracer, Widow, or someone being caught out of position. I like how E rez sort of offers a soft answer to that so I’m reluctant to give it up.

All that said, I REALLY do appreciate the nuance and thought that has gone into your approach. I think it’s very well done :slight_smile:

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Thanks! :sparkling_heart:

I do get your concern about dive and how E-rez has provided a cushion. I think we’ll have to see how Baptiste’s immortality field plays out to see if it can preform in a similar role, because at the moment I really think it will. I can’t wait for him to hit live so I can try it out for myself :heart_eyes:

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The only reason I still play so much Mercy is because zipping around (with GA) and saving people is very fun/rewarding. If they ever nerf GA without buffing her in some other way, she will be toast.

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