Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

You are too kind to the flat-earther. :wink:


I’m also way too tired to do something like that cause it’s like 6am where I live and I still havent slept.
Yay :sob:

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Subjective oops haha

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Sleep well later, then. And I hope there’s no roaring in your part of the world while you do. :blush:

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Mechanically, I’d agree that Mercy is fun to play but, her effectiveness makes her quite the opposite.

Her inability to heal through frontal cone damage (Winston’s Tesla Cannon) which sports one of, if not THE, lowest DPS in the game, makes it feel like there’s no real reward for playing her, even if done well. No incentive = no fun imho :man_shrugging:

Same thing happened to playing Rein. Few healers (either in terms of raw numbers, player ability, or combination thereof) can keep up with the damage output we see in the game these days and being on Rein winds-up being a spawn-to-point treadmill. So, I stopped playing Rein. (Note: GOATS isn’t played properly, if at all, in any tier lower than master)


If yall wanna talk about Mercy we can talk about Mercy :blush:

I’ll go head to head, point to point with anyone on this topic. Theres no reason to be caught up in semantic or argumentative bs.

However, you gotta accept your feelings will carry little weight. If I gotta care about your feels, I gotta care about all the feels.

So to start it off, imo, while Mercy’s current state is not ideal, I do like where she currently stands. I think wild changes to her kit are too risky and that we should seek to adjust her in minimal ways given the kit she currently has.

Let’s go.


Either cancel-able resurrect, or allow free movement during its cast time. Either one is a good first start.

Being able to cancel rez I’m down for. Free movement I worry due to the ease in which one can unintentionally move outside of the rez radius.

This was a thing with recent PTR changes where there was a time Mercy did not experience the slow during Valk rez. Many people wanted that to remain. I was on the fence about it. I would rather an increase in range or reduction in cast time.

I do at times use the slow to effectively “stop” my momentum. It’s useful to me in that sense.

If we were to remove the movement penalty I feel we’d need a visual indicator around the soul showing range in order to avoid unintended cancellations. The problem with the free movement in Valk was it was so easy to step outside that range and then not only did you position yourself in a risky place, you also burned your rez CD and wasted seconds of your Valk duration.

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That’s a feature, because moving out of rez radius cancels it. Which means that one change alone makes resurrect cancelable, and makes her less vulnerable to snipers, the team comp she excels at outside of PharMercy.

That’s why I said I worry. I’d expect a storm of complaints on how people were slightly moving out of the range and then boom your 30s CD is wasted, you wasted X amount of seconds of your ult, etc.

For real, you gonna pick out one sentence and respond like this ignoring like everything I framed that sentence in? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Furthermore, if you’re arguing for cancellation of Rez, why would you want it to be implemented in such a jank way? Like I covered free movement with rez in the following paragraphs and you take this one sentence… Smh…

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No, I stated my position that way because of this earlier post of mine –

Any good Mercy already knows how to cancel (as in higher tiers), because it’s the reason why Mercy tries falling gliding resurrect already. It’s wonky because it cannot be done in general, only in specific areas with high ground-low ground differences.

Uh… Then current rez can be cancelled? As you say, we’re already doing it. Just have to be mindful of radius. You are free to move during rez, just at a significantly lowered rate. You can easily just clip the outside of the radius, start rez, and move out with the movement penalty and cancel it. Done it plenty of times.

So now you just seem to be arguing nonsense to me. When you said you want the option to cancel Rez, I was thinking in a like “press E again” type of cancellation.

Like wtf?

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When it’s out of range, yes. I played Mercy a lot, the only reason I don’t try to rank up with her is because I play other heroes except Rein and Winston at a decent average level. Still know a lot of high level tricks, though, I just don’t bother trying to learn them all outside of my mains.

Yeap, that’s basically what I want. The change has to be that Mercy can cancel in all cases, just not in specific areas of the map, and pressing E is another solution. The mobility buff to E is just another proposal that makes Mercy less vulnerable in sniper comps, another team comp she excels at.

I can see that. Why does it have to be via free movement? Why can’t it be through a button cancellation?

Can’t keep up with the edits? :slight_smile:

Because Mercy dies against snipers when she resurrects. Either proposal – Mercy cancels E with another E, or cancels resurrect with free mobility while rezzing is good with me.

Why’s that a bad thing?

Nah I’m playing a game right now and doing this in my down time tbh.

Because dying is bad? :wink:

Then why are you being pedantic?

… Right… So LETS JUST MAKE IT INSTANT LUL! Ugh… This is going no where…

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Also ok with that. :smile:

I understand. You want Mercy to be easier to play. More power to you. Hard disagree.