Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

Yeah I’m looking forward to it too :slight_smile:

From what I’ve seen thus far I think Baptiste will be a big boon to bunker type compositions, which are largely under represented, and will hopefully (along with the long list of other changes on the PTR) lead to a more diverse meta of varying comps dependent on map and if you are either attacking or defending.

I’m hoping we’re getting close to a sort of “ideal” state of meta in this game. I have hope and am praying hard! :laughing: We will see how it plays out. It’ll be much easier to talk about things like these adjustments to Mercy after we see what arises from the incoming PTR changes.

Mercy is Dumpster Tier.
And I have Mercy golden gun and got 100 hours of Mercy.

Like you said yourself “You arent the only person that plays Overwatch” so we got our rights itself to judge if Mercy is fun or not. You played 20 mins of Mercy on comp with her not even being one of the top tier in your quick play stats and call her fun for just mobility?

She USED to be fun, now she is a mistake.


Yeah, the PTR changes and Baptiste are going to be huge for Mercy.

Aside from the damage boost mechanics making non-pocket Mercy playstyles less effective, Mercy will have her first real competition in the niche of “healer with vertical mobility”.

I know that there’s a lot of folks insisting that Baptiste+Mercy will have insane synergy, new meta, etc. etc… but honestly? I have a morbid certainty that Mercy’s pickrate is going to take a significant hit and have trouble recovering.

There’s a lot of disillusioned Mercy players (as well as beleaguered flexes) out there who are only keeping Mercy’s pickrates as high as they are because there’s no alternatives if you need a healer with vertical mobility. At least… there used to be no alternatives. :hushed: Baptiste’s release is D-day for some of us.

I mean, that works both ways, no? Can’t rightly defend your right to say a hero is fun if you’re going to repress another’s right to say that hero is not fun in the same breath.

I quite enjoy Mercy. The mobility is a refreshing change of pace when I play her. But I can certainly see why many others don’t care for her.

Tough call. Ladder play I can see it as quite effective, but the lack of a defensive ult like Trans or SB in a coordinated setting seems like a HUGE vulnerability. Like Mercy + Ana has so much healing potential but when the grav drops you’re all screwed in a lot of ways.

The other thing too is that while Bap has the ability to reach high ground quickly, Mercy can do so much more fluidly, much more adaptively. She can then enable heroes to break OHK thresholds and such via damage boost once the healing has been done.

It’s tough to really call how it’ll play out… In ladder play I see Bap being very strong. However, he might suffer the same fate that Moira did, where strong ladder rep in the mid tiers, drops off hard in the higher, and kind of irrelevant in higher tiers outside of niche sort of stuff…

It’s a tough call… Like in pro play I can see him being ran on your typical Orisa settings. Like Kings Row first point defense, Illios well and Sanctum and such… I don’t see him taking over the meta but hey it’s so hard to know how him and his contributions/abilities will play out in coordinated settings and especially ladder where it’s all chaos and mayhem anyways.

All I know is that the devs themselves kinda set the precedent for feelings being a ground for balance by calling old Mercy “disheartening”. That really was not a good move on their part, should have stuck with just the game-play aspects to avoid controversy. With this comment they have validated all “subjective” discussions.


Summary of the topic:

  • People not knowing the difference between giving an opinion and stating an opinion as fact, then proceeding to insult others.

  • People arguing semantics

  • People still not knowing why Mercy got changed in the first place, or willfully ignoring the reasons, and proceeding to argue.

Mercy topics never dissapoint and shows why Mercy will never be changed based on forum feedback :ok_hand:


Then maybe ppl should stop using this as justification altogether. But if they do, many may find it hard to make any anymore arguments since they use “fun” to legitimize them.

Note: Yes, people use the term fun as a quick may to make their case “true”. I call it a “modifier” (or lazy modifier) since you can easily add it in to whatever “relevant” topics you make.


Well I have to admit that I envy whoever find her funny to play, I tried her few hours but when I am flamed by teammates because I don’t heal (when I was on my way from the spawn) or being focused each single minute of the match… nah… not worth the struggle and the nerves , but glad some find her funny.

It doesn’t have to be fun for all participants, they just need to be engaged which doesn’t require it. Common Example: The player that hates playing the game but does it anyway.

The devs need better speakers on the forums since many of you just “mirror” justifications; i.e. reflect what’s been said back at a person, like a parrot (which is similar to what I call a “Parrot Retort”).

Example: “You aren’t the only player that plays Overwatch”. “Neither are you”.

Perhaps their are too many players that haven’t been around before the changes. This may be another reason why Blizzard needs to make changes quickly since the they are making them for may actually not be “active” anymore.

Nah, I’m more inclined to think that they want to balance numbers among all the support picks chosen for healing. If true, they’ll have to bump up Mercy’s damage numbers to align with Ana and Moira, at the very least. How they’ll do that is a significant challenge.

(And they reworked her also because she was “unfun” to play).

Actually, her pistol can become more then just a “rudimentary” pistol if they wanted to go that route.

Example: She could charge it up through a button hold or through healing and boosting other players. As soon as it’s charged a sound will trigger and her pistol will glow symbolizing her bonus damage.

Though, messing with a mechanic may boost her difficulty and if they don’t want this then they may be stuck with “stat juggling”.

Their justification for lowering her heals from 60 to 50 HPS is to align it with other healers – and the other healers they are comparing it to is Ana and Moira, which has great output damage potential already. In your words, they’re already “stat juggling”.

With regards to boosting her difficulty, well, she’s already difficult enough as it is (those who say otherwise don’t know her that well), and a little bit more like aiming isn’t really a big deal.

YOU WAKE UP. Your hoping for a game to die so you go to the forums and spread negativity. What kind of person does that.

You can’t please some people. Doesn’t matter what you say, they’ll find a way to take offense and shoot you down for it. Saying you find Mercy fun is a mad risky move on this forum.

When you say “everyone” and “no one”, you are in fact trying to act as if everyone shares your opinion, which they do not. I’ve played Warframe for years, and disregarding your debatable stance on Octavia, saying “no one wants to play Octavia” is flat out wrong. This whole topic is about fun being subjective, and you come in saying this as if fun is up to you.


This 100% this! Thank you!

I have made no statements saying anyone is wrong.

I have made statements of things that are factual and things that are my opinion

It would be my guess that the devs did not feel the need to clarify whether the slowness of rez was a cc effect because it was self evident that it was and is a balancing limitation of this extremely powerful ability, same as the long cooldown and the limited radius

I dont feel that any statement I have made in the course of this discussion can be reasonably described as disrespectful

I have never disallowed anyone’s statements in the course of this or any discussion on these forums

I have not attempted to force my view in any statement I have made in any discussion in any post on these forums. People are able to take up whatever view they wish. All I have done is stated my views, accompanied by facts when facts bear on the points of discussion

I have not stated that anyone is wrong in any statement I have made in this particular discussion

For the record, I am not a flat-earther