Mercy is fun, fun is subjective

I think mercy is fun. To fly in the air, not have have to aim, and even bring people back into the fight. A lot of people are saying she is so boring and all that, BUT fun is subjective. Some people find fun in things that you may not. Mercy is fun to some people and not fun to others. It is ok to judge a characters state in the game. Personally I feel mercy could use a little bit more healing, which is reasonable to think and ok to say. Just don’t say any character is boring or unfun.
You aren’t the only person that plays Overwatch.


This is summarized quite well.


Mercy is really fun when you look at her mobility.
Even if a lot of people use that as a real fact to say why Mercy is bad, it’s really not.

She really has a lot of issues that aren’t really related to being fun.
She has a bad healing output, her Rez is everything that the devs didn’t want and, if we’re all being honest, I don’t see how Rez can be fun in any way, her ult is really lackluster, and overall she doesn’t fit in her Main Healer role but she doesn’t really fit in the Off Heal role either.

She’s in the middle, decent at a lot of things but good at none.


I must’ve read a different post because this wasn’t the impression I got at all. Did OP edit their post?


Meh, I don’t find E rez to be fun at all.


Nah what I’m hinting at here was the fact that people make these posts saying “fun is subjective” yet forget that also means their form of fun is subjective then proceed to say crap like:

As if it doesn’t apply to them or something.


Almost everything in the game is subjective, that doesn’t make arguments around them unreasonable.


there are two sides to everything sweetie!

and get shut down by widow, mccree, soldier

with a 1.75 secs cast time and 75% movement speed reduction which is very clunky on a high mobility character!

also a game has to be fun for all participants

and i respect their opinion!

i personally find mercy boring because rez doesn’t work well with the rest of her kit, Valkyrie is drawn out and it doesn’t change the state of the fight!

and neither are you


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


I don’t see the condescending attitude at all.

They’re just saying that fun is subjective and offered their opinion that they have fun with Mercy. He’s being like the exact opposite of condescending.


This topic points out the obvious that everyone has an opinion, we all know that, why post about it?

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If I wanted to spectate the game from various angles then sure, it’s fun. However I want to play Overwatch and mean something to my team, not just primarily be an enabler or babysitter. You aren’t the only person that plays Overwatch either, just because you think she’s fine and others don’t doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be an attempt made to find a middleground. So far no such attempt has been made, with the team insisting she’s fine but still continue to nerf her either directly or indirectly.


Idk why you’re being so rude. He literally just said fun is subjective and gave some opinions for certain people. Don’t see nothing condescending about this post


I actually don’t think it is.

If you play a hero, and you feel like you are preforming well and actually filling an important role.

That’s fun. No matter the hero.

Put me on Mercy, and if I save the team and feel like I’m helping. That’s fun.

Put me on Tracer, and I can get clutch kills. That fun.

Something is only un fun when the hero struggles to preform their role. So a lot of people don’t think Sym or Trob are fun. Because they can struggle to get kills. They struggle to fill their roles. Even though they have very unique and interesting play styles.

that also not necessarily true.

If a person enjoys a play style or set of abilities and they utilize them with or with out kills that can be fun for people.

I use Sym and Torb all the time and just setting up turrets and figuring out where to place things is fun if it all get ripped up in a second oh well I’m still having fun.

To the flip side I flex and play Mercy and do perform well but I am not having fun because its so stressful and demanding hopping between teammates juggling healing/boost and dodging fire and guessing when to take risk. I’m providing value and I feel like I ma performing well but that sucks.

Sure they are.


Personally, what I see the anti-Mercy faction do with great regularity is claim that Mercy isnt fun or engaging to play - not just for them personally, but for all players

which clearly is not an accurate statement


that’s actually not true in warframe there’s a frame called octavia she’s so op that everyone is baffled by how she’s managed to stay this powerful for almost 2 yrs and the truth is that no one wants to play octavia because her play style is so stationary and campy you just sit somewhere on the map and manage your abilities (Octavia main btw!)

yah no duh bu their was point was their opinion is just as valid.
yet you freaked out and attacked them for nothing

when did they say it doesnt apply to them? they didnt! all they were saying is I have fun on something you dont and the way they said it

they were referring to stating opinion as a fact but they described their own opinion as an opinion.
stop freaking out numba 2


The thing is… the “Mercy is fun” group has already been a minority before the split caused by her rework.
Now the “Mercy is Fun” group is an even smaller minority due to people changing side. You are entitled to your opionion… if you think Mercy is fun… that’s your choice…
Just as you say, Fun is subjective… just like you say Mercy is fun… I say she is boring now and just like the others sharing that mindset, I won’t give up on her coming back to be the Mercy I and others have grown to love playing as… And I believe in her return… and just like Ana tends to Say “Never stop fighting for what you believe in”