Healing half-dead teammate doesn’t earn ult charge, neither do they gain ult charge in that state. They still can use their ult, though.
For example, you brought back to life Genji. Genji got about 4-5 seconds to either return to life completely, or to use those moments of invulnerability to cause some damage.
They take damage, but they are unable to die. If effect expires with them having full health, they stay on the field, if not - back to the spawn room. Basically, you can’t go below 1 hp in that state, except from jumping off map or other similar hazards.
Idea is to give teammate a chance to either return to their team, if resurrect happened in bad spot, or to keep fighting, if survival isn’t that important.
But how often does a team mate magically use the abilities you want them to use so you can move on and go about other things? How many characters do you still have to sit there and hold damage boost on anyway?
At the end of the day, it only helped things like an Ashe TNT and stuff like that, if your team mate bothered to use while you were boosting them or a team mate communicated in advance they were going to use it.
Before it allowed Mercy to switch and make the call for already travelling and and in play abilities, it was on her to make the boost work, now it isn’t in her control, it is in her team mates control and that results in poor design when people suck at team work the lower in rank you go.
As for my thoughts on Mercy I wanna wait till 2-2-2 hits live because her niche of DPS comps will no longer be a thing. So we might see a raise of double Sniper cause that can still work…
Though Orisa/Hog are pretty good picks due to barrier and self-sustain so hard to say.
I would think she MIGHT need something just for tank healing. Then again they’re making Brig more of a main healer (their words for why some of her changes were done), so Mercy could go off-healer.
People just dont want Mercy to exist tbh.
The comments and attitudes toward her make no sense.
People complain that she shouldnt get changes and be better because she is too easy to play, but at the same time, they dont want any changes to her that would allow for more expression of skill.
Mercy as she stands is a bot. Her ultimate performance of skill is staying alive (que the music).
Primarily tho Mercy is a rez bot, thats her ultimate utility.
Rez in Mercys current state (and i personally believe overall) should never be on a flat CD, it needs to be earned to theres reward for both Mercy players and her enemies. If you kill the Mercy she wont have rez, if the Mercy is good she will have rez more often than the bad Mercy, it rewards both good play on Mercy and it rewards countering her. As it stands killing her doesnt matter, especially considering how low impact Valk is.
Valk is good, but its not amazing. Which is fine, if Mercy would get another ability to work with and have something to do with the team, it wouldnt matter as much, I only think rezz channel time should be halved during Valk. Enhanced abilities- enhance (also if the ‘‘earned rez’’ would be implemented it would have more interactions with this, cause killing her and denying her rezz change might mean you wont have rez even for Valk)
Mercy needs another ability to work with bar some bigger changes to her kit. Mercy for all intent and purposes is a channeled hero, she can only do one thing at a time, she effectively channels her heal, her dmg boost and her rez. Such is life. But it also means that with her current situation (rez on 30 second cd+Valk basically being a low mass heal or mass dmg boost, again leaving her in channeling and giving her low agency or decision making or execution), she doesnt have much to do. Compared to basically every other healer that has at least 2 cds to manage depending on the situation. So for example Ana, can weave dmg into her healing without missing a beat due to the nature of her primary healing and dmg, she also has 2 abilities on about 10 second cds which she needs to think about and what she can do with them. Does she use them offensively or defensively? is there an ult or flanker or other engage she needs to save her sleep or does she go for an aggressive sleep? Same with nade, it can be used defensively during an engage, it can be used aggressively to start an engage, it can be used aggressively to stop a support ult/ability. Theres decision making and ways to distinquish one Ana player from another. Mercy basically boils down to dmg boost when you have space to and rezz when you need to/it is available, and thats only every 30 seconds.
Her primary mode of skill expression is staying alive and her healing is too low to actually really save anyone, making her role in team fights extremely limited, compared to any other healer.
To me, this is painting with far too broad a brush, as there are many, many, many players who enjoy Mercy as she is right now and ergo would not want her to cease existing
I dont usually see that stated as the reason
Usually, I see it stated that she is either fun to play as she is, or she is balanced as she is, or she is impactful as she is - or any combination of those three
As I see it, more commonly it is a “if it aint broke, dont fix it” position.
and she isn’t broken
Specifically regarding more skill expression, I think BigMainLittleChains might help without disrupting the game much for those without the desire for more sill expression, but honestly, if one wants a more skill based character one need not change Mercy, rather, play one of the more skill based characters that already exist n the game…and there are several available
I don’t see it that way, personally. Nothing robotic about her as a whole.
Actually, Rez is one of her cooldown abilities, not her ultimate
I dont see the need to make rez be earned like Valkyrie (or any ultimate) is
In my opinion, Valkyrie is one of the strongest and most versatile abilities in the game
There is an issue with adding an ability (even assuming she needs one, which I dont agree with) when console has no remaining buttons to assign said ability to
I save teammates all the time with Mercy’s healing, and find her healing to be quite strong
I as Mercy am heavily involved in teamfights, personally, same as any other support