"Mercy is fun as she is, no changes needed"

So basically yet again you ignore someone’s direct attempt to get you to give something more than “mercy is fine”.

If you can’t bring up a reason when directly asked for one in a conversation then there is an absence of both.

If you avoid people’s direct questions to have a proper discussion about what makes her fine, then it is likely because you can’t actually come up with enough reasons why she is good, let alone ones that don’t have a matching counter point that works against you.


Two scenarios

  1. A asks B whats for lunch. B knows whats for lunch, and B tells A whats for lunch

  2. A asks B whats for lunch. B knows whats for lunch, and B doesnt tell A whats for lunch

In both scenarios, B knows what is for lunch


the act of disclosing said info or not disclosing said info does not change this fact

Prove that she needs it first. She’s still in the top 6 for pick rate for this month, clearly plenty of people find her fun.

“B knows what’s for lunch.”

Nah. B has an opinion or guess as to what’s for lunch, it seems like.

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sounds like a baseless assumption to me…but of course all are entitled to their assumptions, baseless or not

Oh so like most of your assumptions. Gotcha.

Preparing for “I have not made any baseless assumptions,” or some similarly empty post.


The only thing new mercy gained that old mercy could not do is Fly - in her ult - which argubly can get you very dead (especialy with a ton of competent widows about)

New mercy simply gives you rez where old mercy made you work for it. What’s more with old mercy you could earn more res’s if you were more productive and you had options to tempo res or res 2,3,4 or 5 players.

I’m not saying there should not be counters for res but with hacking/dps/knockback being buffed and being staticaly chained to a fallen comrade for almost 2 seconds seriously limits viability during battle where it realy is needed. If it get’s interupted you go on the longest cooldown in the game for an ability.

Sombra can hack all her mobility even angelic decent, which is supposed to be her defense cause her offense compared to the other healers is bad.

She’s not meant to be a tank healer but the game is designed to at least be played with some tanks - if your second healer dies and res is on cooldownd or it’s not safe to res I’d say you’d have a hard time solo healing even one tank now with the the nerfed healing.


It hurt her gameplay experience.

Having to boost an attack as it is fired took the control of what to boost from the Mercy player’s hands and stuck it in her teams hands, basically putting her at the Mercy of her team to make use of her, rather than she just being able to be useful in her own right and be able to impact the game with her own use of player agency.

Forcing more coordination on the lower ranks severely damages the game play experience of Mercy, that is what the damage boost change did.

Lowering her healing is also pretty punishing for lower ranks because it is a weird thing, while lower ranks miss more shots, they also are just spamming out damage constantly and with players poor positioning, players are taking so much damage that doesn’t necessarily have to end in death unlike high ranks.

It means if a main support is paying enough attention in certain situations, they should be able to focus healing to a vulnerable target and potentially save them if they are willing to blow cooldowns to do so. Mercy however, can not change her healing rate unless ulting and 60hps is only usually just enough to change something if you get there early enough whereas 50 often is very often just weak enough that it results in death. Sure, you could use rez but then you are blowing the longest cooldown ability in the game that stops you from doing your other jobs, that slows you immensely and is often dangerous to attempt to bring back someone who was careless in the first place, who might not learn from their mistakes and just die the same way again.

And often in the lower ranks, someone coming back from the dead isn’t often enough to change anything, the player often comes back disoriented and disconnected from the fight because they lost their position and momentum in that fight, they come back in the spot they died in and could be vulnerable still and not process the safest way back into a good position and die again, etc.

Too much of Mercy’s kit right now relies on her team making use of her, rather than Mercy being able to use her own player agency to know when to bolster her team.

I want to play Mercy, not have to rely on players to be useful already all the time to make use of me.

I want to be able to see when someone is in danger and be able to act more to do something about it, because right now there is too often nothing I can do, except switch character.

I want to not have an ultimate that makes the already mechanically easy hero, just flat out and easier experience to play for it’s duration.


i really hope that the devs buff mercy out of spite to Dodo. if that ever happens, i will literally throw a celebration lmfao.



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I would love to hear the developer update for this one

  • Bunny Hop/Slingboost
  • Chain Beams on ultimate
  • Extended Range on Ultimate
  • Flight
  • Single Rez which deters enemies from pushing but is weak in team fights because it is dangerous to do and one person often doesn’t make much difference the lower in the ladder you go
  • Infinite ammo on ultimate

Her ultimate and rez just don’t provide the same experience of planning ahead and monitoring the battlefield.

Her ultimate is the same thing she does all game except easier because between free-flight, extended range on beams and GA and infinite ammo, it removes some of her greatest weaknesses and challenges.

  • Beam Juggling
  • Good GA usage, skills and management

That’s not engaging and because it removes these weaknesses, it can’t actually be given any power because there is no room for it.

Single Rez, is only really better the higher you go because higher ranks take less damage overall but take more lethal hits and a team is likely to work with you to make sure you get that rez and you can all stick together. Lower ranks aren’t like that, you need to be able to have some ability to influence a fight/encounter in your own right. Even if it just keeping someone standing when they were fighting one other person or keeping your front line standing for longer is a big thing and she just doesn’t have the tools in her kit to allow a player to make the judgement calls.

And yes, she never had a tool like that before either, but Mass Rez made up for that. Whether you rezzed 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 and then they proceeded to live or die, this was your call, something you controlled by paying attention to the game around you. Bring back more than one in lower ranks was a pretty good thing because it made up for the lack of ability that one player had when bringing them back.

However, I am not saying to bring back Mass Rez because people don’t like it and I understand that, even if I don’t personally agree with their reasons. What I am saying is redesign Mercy with tools that allow the player to actually involve themselves more in their tasks and let those tools feel like there is a lot to think about in order to use them.

I would like to see a single target way for Mercy to perhaps give the healing buff from Ana’s nade or something, so she can focus heal up at least one person every so often instead of resurrect. Keeping someone alive feels so much better than bringing someone back from the dead.

Then just get rid of Valkyrie and replace it with something that just doesn’t suffer with consistency and doesn’t remove her weaknesses.

I’d like to see her have an ult that lowers the damage of enemies in an area by a certain amount. So that she has a soft way to help hear team deal with huge influxes of damage by pacifying the enemies bloodthirst. It could also give her team opportunities to survive an ultimate because they may stand a chance to live slightly longer to maybe kill the enemy or something.
It’s big but not that big?? Idk.

Also, I would like to see damage boost change to an aimed ability perhaps? She shoots a large moving orb and the first person it hits is DB’ed for 5 seconds or something, she can shoot it while healing by using right click but she only gets one orb at a time and it goes on cooldown for about 5 seconds, so she can manage to have two people boosted at a time if it takes a while for the first one to hit but in most situations the other DB should wear off before the next one starts.

And also, put bunny hop on a cooldown but let it have an alternate function on space bar for a small boost of vertical movement so she can sacrifice a bunny hop to instead get height to see someone on a ledge who never comes to you because they are an butt.

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And it will go a little something like this:
Mercy has seen a lot of major changes in her time in the game and we feel that after seeing discussions on the forum between various parties and realizing that there are a lot of good points being raised that we haven’t been able to see many parties countered that we are going to change Mercy. Valkyrie and Resurrect isn’t fine, so we are just getting rid of that because that’s all people ever use to claim she is good without giving much compelling reasoning as to why that is the case.


I think if they were doing it to spite me specifically, as the originator of this profound idea indicated, theyd need to include my name in the explanation

They’re not trying to be rude about it, obvs

Blizzard wouldn’t be able to actually name someone specifically because that would probably be considered like, harassment or bullying. They would have to be general otherwise there would be a lot of backlash for a complete naming thing like that.

Yeah, I suppose they’d have to give themselves permanent bans from the game

or Jeff could tell me in person. “This is Jeff from the Overwatch team, and I am so excited to tell you that we made a change in your honor just to spite you personally…”


dodo um… how were you able to post this?
It’s like five characters.
I’m sorry guys I’m genuinely not trying to derail. I just don’t know a lot of forum coding, hence why I never use quotes and things like that.

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There is some odd version of resurrect I came up with: resurrecting half-dead teammate.

Basically, teammate is invulnerable for a few seconds, but unless you/other healers patch them to full, one dies again, this time being sent to spawn. Teammate can do all things like normal, but has timer before dying again.

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That seems like an easy way to re-farm your ult though? Unless of course it had some restriction, like you don’t get ult charge from healing directly after ressing