But Mercy could be all the fun she already is and more. So much more!
It’s like the Moth Meta traumatized everyone so badly that no one trusts the devs to ever touch Mercy again (without royally screwing it up)… So people come up with their own excuses why the devs shouldn’t touch Mercy, regardless of her actual circumstances.
This is actually very understandable, given that the guy in charge of the balance department seems to have trouble understanding of why anyone enjoys non-pewpew heroes, and keeps trying to fix issues by adding more pewpew.
Ask for the dev that created Sigma to work on Mercy. He clearly understands how to appeal to players who enjoy strategy, mental multitasking, and the thrill of outsmarting instead of outgunning your opponent.
Don’t be satisfied with half of a delicious cookie when everyone else has been given an entire tray.
See I can agree with you op. I think her ult is pretty lazy and could be better. Her healing is also pretty meh but that’s the trade off for consistancy.
But I can also agree with people who think she’s fine as is. Her ga is more fun than ever. It really does just come down to opinions.
Can you please stop telling me what my stadards are? I’ve had more than enough Mercy spammers like yourself telling me I don’t actually enjoy her. Mercy cultists at their finest.
It’s not a name Dodo.
The tos says not to use names. They made a vague statement, not called out by name.
Are the devs immune to critisism?
They also very clearly praised another dev.
Disagree with op as much as you like. Stop false flagging just because the words Mercy are spoken.