Before I make my argument, I’m a Gradmaster Mercy Main and have been throughout all her reworks (getting top 500 with her in Season 6). I also have around 600 hours with her and have mained her since Season 3 and have continued to do so.
Mercy is in the best spot she’s ever been in and should not be touched. She provides good solid healing, solid mobility, one of the best abilities on a cooldown and provides solid assistance to heroes such as Pharah, Mccree and Widowmaker that would quickly fall out the meta without her.
Mercy is still one of the strongest heroes in the games and in my opinion one of the most balanced heroes in the game. She should not be reverted back to 1.0 or get buffs. Buffs would cause her to be miles ahead over every other support and the Mercy main hate would fuel once again and 1.0 was horrible to play with and against. There’s a ton less pressure for me to ult. I died with ressurection and my team flamed me highly, whereas nowadays I feel SO MUCH MORE FREE to ult as Mercy. Just pop it every team fight.
Maybe her ult isn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world and I empathise with a lot of you who feel that way, but it’s still so strong. It allows you to heal people who extend far and tbh there’s a guaranteed ressurection in Valk due to people’s inability to focus a Valking Mercy due to her fast regeneration.
Yes, even in gm, I easily get Valk resses off because people disregard a Valking Mercy due to her impossibility to be killed.
People underestimate which I believe is one of Mercy’s strongest utilities which is her damage boost. Do you know how strong Zarya, Hanzo and Mercy are together? That’s a guaranteed team wipe. Similar with Tracer, as soon as you hear Tracer’s ult voice line click switch to damage boost.
People often say she’s become a pocket DPS machine and in some way I agree, but I like it. As I said, I hold the strong belief that without Mercy in the meta other heroes like Mccree and Widowmaker would fall out heavily. She makes up for stuff that those heroes don’t particularly have.
I borderline one trick Mercy in competitive and even in grandmaster people borderline never tell me to switch as they know she’s a great pick. Don’t touch Mercy.
Mercy is still very strong people, carry on maining her.