[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

I don’t want to take anything here out of context. Everything is a direct quote from the original post.

This post comes from a HIGHLY ranked , self admitted, one trick Mercy.

This right here is my gripe with Mercy. She goes against the developers stated goal. Every hero should have a niche, with weaknesses and strengths. This grandmaster is saying that Mercy has a lot of really great stuff and doesn’t mention a downside, at all.

Indeed, Mercy ult is up VERY often. And she is VERY strong. Which makes it VERY odd to call her balanced.

Again, where is the downside to playing Mercy? She is extremely strong and getting off one of the strongest abilities in the game is still quite easy even at GM.

Mercy and Hanzo are very strong together. Damage boosting Hanzo’s ult with Mercy removes one of a very few spots Ana might have had in this meta. Why use an ult when you can right click?

Again, Mercy is VERY strong. Which makes it odd to say she’s balanced.