[Feedback Thread Continued Part III] Mercy Updates - Jan 30, 2018

Ok, this is going to be a long one and I’m sorry about that

I’m happy you feel that way, but there are a lot of us who adamantly disagree.

Enlighten me as to how that works exactly. You can’t be “one of the strongest” and “one of the most balanced” at the same time. My reasoning behind such a statement is that balanced implies an equilibrium where stronger is purely subjective.

Then I guess it’s a good thing we’ve been asking for changes not buffs. As for the Mercy main hate train, it never left, it just calmed down a bit.

This honestly feels like an argument I could use that Valkyrie needs a change to be a real ult. There’s no pressure because it doesn’t change much.

Believe me, I’m happy for you, but myself and many others can’t stand how she feels now. As for Widow and McCree, I think that means that they need buffs more than anything. One character probably shouldn’t need another to be truly viable if they’re balanced.