Mercy is by far the weakest support

I couldn’t care less, about how fast I can jump during Valkyrie. Jumps don’t win fights.

And that “one aspect” is most important one. Can’t damage boost dead, after all.

No, damage boosting 5 people at the same time so they’re all hitting the enemy with 30% damage does though.

You mean the one you admitted does things better but don’t consider it better because it doesn’t do the other thing you don’t even want it to do better in the first place??

That basically sums up every argument you make ever.

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look, im not saying valk is great. but theres a big difference between
“this ult isnt great”
“This ult was better despite the measurements saying it was worse”

valk is trash. But mass rez was nothing


If only you guys spent more time adapting to Mercys new kit and improving your ability at using it, instead of wasting time complaining about the inevitable and your bad playstyle.


Mass rez allowed to turn fights around. Valkyrie does not.

And that is something I value more, than ability to be lazy and more safe.

No. It started a second team fight after you already lost the first one.

And more times than not, just gave the enemy free ult charge because they would then wipe your team again.

Which is lost on purpose, baiting out ults. So you actually win.

It’s miscalculation on you, if your team gets wiped again.

Valkyrie does turn fight around, you just dont know how to


So far it either makes already won fight end faster, or delay by 1-2 s fight, that is lost anyway.

More of a cleanup effort: you got upper hand? Great, boost team to get rid of survivors faster. Fight is doomed to fail? Heal them to buy some seconds of life, maybe it will be enough.

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I turn around fights regularly with Valkyrie, myself


Inst she made for low commitment, easy entry? She’s holds value at what she does

which is not a good thing

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He doesn’t survive longer, even if he spends his cooldowns on hinself he just gets farmed by flankers without mobility and he can’t consistently heal the same DPS characters like Pharah and Genji.

Mercy is in the top end of the supports, Lucio, Brigitte and Moira are on the bottom end.

The fact that you said that already proves you don’t know how to use Valk
If you’re using valk during a fight thats lost anyway you’re using valk incorrectly.

Niandra, also calls herself out for doing this often. @ 4:19

“I call out scary ultimates
I know they’re about to use, then it gets wasted
because i used my ultimate against things it wasnt
designed to counter

What? no if the fight is lost you don’t heal them, thats feeding the enemy ult charge?? You damage boost them because they will be running back to spawn to regroup whilst shooting at the enemy to atleast get picks, you shouldn’t “heal them to buy some seconds of life” the fight is lost and healing them will stagger them even more and therefore prolong the time it takes to regroup


I am not playing in tiers with teamwork or anything resembling it. And no one ever runs back to spawn - players leave combat only when they get killed.

I just activate Valkyrie at the beginning of the fight and hope for the best.

It’s an inititian ultimate like Coalesence and Rally, you’re using it wrong if you are trying to turn around fights with it.

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That’s all I got to turn fights around. Or, at least, to escape myself, when it’s obvious that things aren’t going well.

Best results were reached, when second support used their Transcendence to keep boosted players alive.

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The individual in question has stated previously that they reserve Valkyrie for personal escape from lost fights, rather than to support their team even when said support may have resulted in a won fight


Disappointed but not surprised.


I tend to agree that Mercy is the worst support, but you’re cherry picking to make it seem more dire than it is.

  • Immortality is not rez, Immortality forces your team to group up and move more predictably, and it saves them from damage by keeping them at low health (once Immortality is broken or expires they still die if you don’t hard pocket them).
  • Damage boost appears in several kits, I wouldn’t compare it to Baptiste’s ultimate especially when you neglect to mention Mercy’s ult in your list
  • Regen burst is on a very long CD and is a waste if you use it to save yourself, you need to have your other support heal you if you’re low
  • Guardian angel makes Mercy much more slippery than Baptiste. If Baptiste crouches you know he’s about to move in a very predictable direction (up). Mercy can zip around and be impossible to pin down.

You made it sound like Baptiste is just a better Mercy but they’re so fundamentally different. Mercy needs something, but she doesn’t need to be more Baptiste-like or more Moira-like or Ana-like.

She just needs to be a better version of Mercy. She needs something unique. Ana has nade/sleep, Lucio has speed, Brig has armor packs, Zen has discord, Mercy nor Moira really have a unique utility they bring to the table. Mercy’s damage boost appears in several kits, all supports heal, she has rez but it’s only usable every 30 seconds and makes you a massively visible, slow moving target. She needs to bring some kind of utility that isn’t rez

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