Mercy is by far the weakest support

mass rez allowed fights to turn around, but thats not good. that’s the point.

allowing for a possibility that didn’t work out 99% of the time.

Valk is more in line with every other ult, which means SECURING fights, or staying within the fight.

Every other ult does THAT. And that’s what valk is is more catered to.

being lazy and more safe is still better than attempting to grant a second wind to a fight you already know is against your favor.

its why valk does better than mass rez. You can have a preference, but shes statistically more stable with valk.

is more stable actually stable? no idea. no data. But it’s still better than before.


For me it’s opposite: I prefer playing the odds. First round of the fight isn’t even “true” fight for me, it’s trying to bait out all enemy’s firepower.

Being stable just means, that I have to accept, that team will lose, and stop trying to fix that. Not exactly fun thing to experience, just like it’s not fun to discard underperforming teammate. Makes me wish competitive has surrender button, as to not waste time.

Unless your team is better by default, stable is not enough: you are in race with support from other team, on who can push their team further. And other supports can push their team further, so unless they did their part too early, you won’t have time to catch up.

she has several unique elements to her kit already, and as such, this alleged “need” is already met

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bruh the mobility from exo boots is basically just good for getting to high ground, using it to dodge something is gonna usually get you killed vs anyone who isn’t a potato aimer.

that’s fine. you can say it’s not enough.

but it’s factually, measurably better than before.


Better in what? In reducing Mercy’s deaths?

Like they say, there are lies, there are blatant lies, and there are statistics.

Are you secretly megadodo?

Megadodo, I’m kidding, don’t be mad at me.


her wins.

agreed. which support valk being measurably better than mass rez

we are secret not lovers, not in a gay marriage, promoting maths and semantics across the world.


If you mean her wins at higher tiers, then correct - players there make better use of damage boost and avoid taking fire, so her healing is sufficient.

But I don’t see it as anything other, than obvious “you need better teammates to win more”.

indeed. and lower tiers just need her base kit.

she’s better all around. just not as popular since the game has changed as a whole including her reputation

In lower tiers you need more healing, so there Mercy wins by playing in duo with overskilled player. Been doing this myself, and it’s simply pocket player carrying team.

You don’t need more healing, if teammates don’t serve any purpose, other than being a target dummies to distract enemy from actual threat.

seems fine since she;s still a top 2 pick.

Nothing is really fine about that, as it’s non-teamwork play. She just happens to pair best with carry hero, usually DPS.

I cant conceive of how that’d ever be possible

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THATS a case for a rework. which is base kit. not ult.

More like it’s only use she got left.

IMO, Mercy is a very strong and versatile hero, and there are many ways she can be used to aid her team is accomplishing the goal at hand


sadly I have to agree? not by far but yes she seems to be the least valuable currently, that said, she shares that spot with Zen… before, he would be able to increase the damage of 3-4 dps, but now he’s just a hinderance because of his low healing output, we need healers to heal in 2/2/2, having a dps support is just odd

Thats why I think Jjonak isn’t doing so hot lately, the value of zen in 2/2/2 is very low in comparison

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What if/actually (get it? Factually) it is true?


At least, Zenyatta got defensive ult to pick for.

And yes, having 2 healers limit leaves very little room to pick any heroes, that are “inferior” in actually keeping up with damage and keeping team healed.