Mercy is by far the weakest support

Her low duelist capability is no longer justified by her utility because Baptiste can imitate everything she does and command respect in duels more.
Mercy’s Res: Immortality field (benefits more than 1 target)
Mercy’s Damage Boost: Defense Matrix (benefits more than 1 target)
Mercy’s Passive Regen: Regen Burst (benefits more than 1 target)
-hiding isn’t required to activate.
Mercy’s Guardian Angel: Targetless mobility from Exo-Boots on a shorter CD

So with all this you’d think the justification for playing Mercy despite being so copyable is “the strongest healing,” nope, Moira/Ana who also come with (better duelist capability there as well)
And to add even more, every hero with a sidearm gets a special ability to go with it, Ana’s tranquilizer has a sleep dart, Brigitte’s shield has a bash, McCree’s pocket sand can stun, yet Mercy’s pistol doesn’t change guardian angel into anything reliable or independent for her.
She needs something for sure.


Brig says hello! Lol

20 characters.


i have no issue with her being the weakest support

but in reality, she isn’t


Honestly, I just ult and dmg boost or shoot people most of the time. Kinda fun.

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I’d like to know your reasoning in response to each of the things Baptiste can copy from her while surviving longer

This is entirely hilarious since the only support performing better than mercy is ana. And only in high ranks. The best support by pick rate , win rate, and kit is mercy .

She’s a Swiss army support. So nah, she isn’t the best at anything because she does EVERYTHING lol

You can’t be complaining when 4 other supports are doing worse than her.

Have your issues. But let’s not make false claims


laughs in Baptiste and Brigitte

You’re an entry level Healer, you’re what newbies pick up when they first play
Mercy should never be OP.


why would I bother debunking a flawed analysis?

Mercy’s Res: Immortality field (benefits more than 1 target)

literally stopped reading here


Exactly why I’ve been playing him lately.

Sure, damage boost, with a GM level dps can be strong. Unfortunately, most people arent GM, or Masters, Or even Diamond.

You people can look at OWL stats all you like, they’re irrelevant to you and I.

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Because you’re comparing supports, have you by a chance taken a look at Brigitte?

Mercy is by far one of the most popular healers and in my games most of the time.


What an unfortunate response to being handed the chance of sharing an intelligent rebuttal.

It’s not like any good faith claims were made in the op.


Ok, I will do it quickly and won’t respond further and will mute the thread after

Mercy’s Res: Immortality field (benefits more than 1 target)

Immortality field has to be used in anticipation. If you miss, you waste a cooldown. Resurrect is post-hoc ergo more flexible and it doesn’t require your teammates to stand in the field or play around you.

Mercy’s Damage Boost: Defense Matrix (benefits more than 1 target)

Sure, an ultimate is comparable to a RMB ability

And not only that but her damage boost is actually more flexible because it affects all damage and not only projectiles

Mercy’s Passive Regen: Regen Burst (benefits more than 1 target)
-hiding isn’t required to activate.

It’s a CD ability, Mercy has a no cooldown, only a short no-dmg trigger passive. And a much better hitbox and a much better mobility that makes her a much more slippery target.

Mercy’s Guardian Angel: Targetless mobility from Exo-Boots on a shorter CD

GA is infinitely better than exo-boots. You can even emulate boots by super-jumping.

And Baptiste doesn’t heal through barriers, Mercy does.

over & out


Quite hilarious to compare a dmg boost ult with a 0 cd ability.

Baptiste can’t rezz a dead main tank.

I could now also compare widow and tracer. :sweat_smile:
Wouldn’t make much sense.

Enjoy pocketing a phara with those grenades.


Overbuff - pc - overall - competitive - this week
Ana - pick rate 10.46% winrate 50.35%

Moira - pick rate 6.55% winrate 51.17%

Mercy - pick rate 5.87% winrate 50.96%

This month:

Ana - pick rate 10.35% winrate 50.02%

Moira - pick rate 6.35% winrate 50.91%

Mercy - pick rate 5.83% winrate 50.91%


But he can prevent it from dying - prevention is better than cure.

What’s your point?


I don’t really think many of these comparisons are valid. Mercy’s biggest issue is having a playstyle more or less completely dependent on her teammates with limited own agency (not to mention a pretty lackluster ult, although Amp Matrix is far duller).


Bait rating: 1.17 out of 10



I dont think Mercy is fantastic in 222. But i will pick her over current Brig, all the time, every time. Current Brig is near worthless. Im not playing her, until they pull her out of the dumpster they put her in.


Poor at healing tanks? Check.

No burst healing? Check.

Statistically the least impactful ult in the game? Check.