Mercy has had Valkyrie longer than she ever had Res

Me too, loving the new Torb, he’s much more fun now although I do feel his ult needs a little buff, maybe 2 more globs ?

Seriously? That’s a bit surreal. It still feels relatively new.

Until she is buffed to be able to compete with other heroes in a 2/2/2 setting I will not stop and will keep calling them out on every bs consistency change they throw at her


yes you said it. Give her 60hps back


Heck all I want now is QOL changes, for gods sake with the beam cancelling when you activate valk. Also 60/55 base hps would be welcome but I doubt it would happen unfortunately.

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Well, there’s Lucio, Ana, Moira, Zenyatta, Brigitte, and now Baptiste.

If anything I would imagine that the only time one team picks Mercy is to babysit a hitscan and revive them on command.

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they said they werent reverting in like 2018 people are just stupid

She doesn’t need 60 fps, a healers job is to heal damage done not out heal damage

What does 60hps outheal besides moiras tickle beam?


Key is to heal damage in time.

And 50 hps…let’s be real, even on DPS with 50 hp left, it’s 3 seconds to restore them to full. While it takes only 1 second, one grenade/rocket, to undo all of that healing and deal further damage.

It’s 3 seconds in most perfect conditions: when teammate isn’t taking any further damage, has only 200 hp max, and is only player hurt(don’t have to interrupt healing to patch up the others).

With tanks, that are designed to tank that damage, this(in theory) providing perfect conditions to patch up DPS, it’s truly hopeless: it takes 6 seconds to heal 300 hp out of combat, and it’s only ~50% of tank’s health pool. Without patching up anyone else or using damage boost, which would further extend recovery time.


She’s perfectly balanced as she is right now. She doesn’t really need the old res back

All it takes to make her healing irrelevant is for the enemy moira to attach her tickle beam to the target she is healing. Single target long range 50 dps vs single target 50hps. There, hope zen, lucio or brig can keep the other 3 members and themselves alive while we see how long this moira will hold me in a standstill.

That how long we have been suffering with Valkyrie.

Once again forum mites think Mercy’s problem is about balance. It isn’t. Valk qas overpowered and it sucked back then as well. This is a design issue, it sucks regardless of how powerful it is, it needs tweaking.


My example was to show, that you literally need to pause whole game to patch up your teammates. Even if they abandon fight entirely and can be healed without any further damage.

And my example is literally what happened to me when I couldn’t save a dying McCree from a Moira.

Just let him die, you will resurrect him later on…probably. With Moira it’s stalemate, but with Winston it’s defeat - he deals 60 dps, potentially on multiple targets.
Is there any other ultimate, that can be completely neutralized by simply aiming somewhere near enemies and holding left click? Not by other ultimate, not by focus fire. Just holding left click near enemy team, that is grouped up to benefit from your chain beams, and that’s it - no more healing for you. By hero with second weakest weapon in game :woman_facepalming:

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Funny how Mercy is suddenly considered good when she-who-must-not-be-named got called out.
Not saying that she wasn’t good post-Rez but it just shows how an echo chamber affects the community.

This is something that could easily be added with the game editor when they finally get around to releasing that.

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They won’t.

You know Team Fortress 2? Game lives far beyond it’s expiration date, because community keeps making new items and mods.

Blizzard already had this problem with StarCraft, when their Korean audience rejected StarCraft 2 and they literally had to bribe people to make community switch over. They won’t be making same mistake again.

No freedom, no community tournaments, everything is strictly how Blizzard wants it to be. And when it will be time for Overwatch to die, there won’t be anything left - just flip the switch, and game is history.

TF2 is only still alive because Valve keeps milking money out of it from community made content. I would say a good 70% of the items and maps in the game were community made. But valves makes money off of all of it. Also it’s not easy to make said items and maps. Valve gave people the bare minimum tools and people had to figure the rest out for themselves. Also the mods are something that have zero support from Valve that’s 100% the community.