Mercy has had Valkyrie longer than she ever had Res

You think it is about getting Rez back, hardly.

It is about having a character that we feel like we have some occasional independent control.

When I used Mass Rez, I got to decide when my powerful and swinging potential moment happened. It came down to me and it’s success came down to making good choices.

Everything about this Mercy makes me feel miserable because my swing potential and power moments rely on everyone else around me and my impact is limited to maybe shooting.

Ana can make significant plays all game with Sleep Dart and Grenade all game and all of it relies solely on her actions to utilise it.
Mercy does not have one ability that makes her team or the enemy actually see her do independent impact.

It’s why the concept of Pacify was always something that resonated with a lot of Mercy players on Titanium’s post. It was an ability that allowed direct impact from Mercy to the situation.

Mercy is too team reliant/dependant now, which makes her bad for lower ranked play.

Mercy 1.0 may not come back, but Mercy 2.0 cannot stay or at least not stay like this. There are just too many things about her that don’t let that player shine directly.


Do you have an argument against Mercy being a good hero?

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Most hero reworks being released with me complaining and then accepting gradually but I haven’t been able to do that with Mercy ever since her last mass rez. Your reply single-handedly cleared my confusion why I couldn’t let the old Mercy go. Because I love the independence of my own, taking it away flushed my love for the hero down the drain.


At the end of the day, it is extremely difficult to have fun with a hero who is continually having their playstyle be forced into being as team reliant as possible where having a team work with them isn’t always consistent.

Having even one ability that gives you the feeling on independent control, makes a hero feel that much better. Being able to feel like you actually get to play your hero is pretty important.


They should never have started with them. I honestly haven’t liked a single one.


Revert? Probably no chance in hell. A rework can very possibly happen down the line though - look at Sym, she was reworked twice.


Not sure why people are obsessed with the fascination of denying others the ability to speak on what they thought was fun and arguably more balanced for the game.

Whos to say they wont change their mind somewhere down the road? They’ve done it before.


She’s been fake for that long?



To be fair, I do love the new Torb

What about the original Lucio rework?


If you have to rely on teammates, you need very strong buffs for them. Otherwise it feels like teammates have to carry you, like some heavy, useless luggage.

What team has to do for Mercy:

  • distract enemies during resurrect/provide cover;
  • survive with 50 hps on them, even while other healers can offer more;
  • hit shots with 30% damage boost, without being healed at the same time;

What team receives for doing that:

  • healing, that isn’t that great, and takes a while to fix tanks;
  • damage boost, that can’t be mixed with healing - only one or another at any moment;
  • resurrect, that takes away both previous benefits each time it’s being used;


Maybe you should stop trying to misrepresent their posts just to suit your agenda :thinking:

Let’s look at the data then.

According to Oberbuff, Lucio is:

  • In top 30% across all ranks in terms of pickrate
  • In top 25% across all ranks in terms of winrate

Here’s the data for you. Lucio is popular and has a good winrate.


I’d be happy with this. That way, we’d be able to have Mercy paintball again.

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I like her current version. I’d miss it if they revert her back. People that want her to stay the way she is have just as much right to express their opinion as people asking to revert her, don’t be a hypocrite.


Mercy was always and will always be very team reliant it is her whole design core, she is a super easy hero to learn and if you get skilled a healing battle mercy can be a force to reckon with

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hes asking ppl to stop mercy threads, u better reply to him, he wasnt like oh I love this mercy u know? bah I quit this forums for today

And he has a right to do so. If you disagree with his point you are free to make your own thread asking people to stop asking people to stop demanding Mercy reworks. :man_shrugging: If ten thousand threads for it (mostly by the same few people) are fine, so are the threads asking for fewer such threads.

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Forcing her to become more and more team reliant however, is really bad.
There isn’t enough team work the lower down the ranks you go for her to be reliable like she is supposed to be.

What’s worse, is that having ONLY abilities that force her to be team reliant is really bad because it makes a character feel like you aren’t succeeding in your own right. It’s what made Mass Rez provide that significant feeling of “This was what I did” and what actually made you feel like the successes and failures were things you could manipulate the outcome of, because you could by being aware of the game around you and thinking steps ahead.

E Rez is too dependent on the Rezzed team mate providing value and is too punishing and wastes a lot of valuable time for a reward that is both too strong and too weak.

Damage boost, with the recent changes enforces the idea of team reliance, communication and coordination further to a level that is not something you can expect from the average player base and makes its value difficult to control for a Mercy. Being able to damage boost while an action was in play gave her some little bit of control but now that is gone.

Guardian Angel, some of the best mobility but team reliant. It has always been fun but fair in this way.

Valkyrie, a flaming pile of crap. A character like Mercy should not have an ultimate that does her main skill based jobs for her (eg. Juggling and Prioritization) and then also remove her weaknesses (Eg. Team Reliant Mobility, Relative need to be close to the combat, Need to think ahead and pre-plan escape, Single Target healing from beams, Unlimited Ammo). Valkyrie is the biggest mistake ever made.

Shooting is her only skill expression left. Her only controlled tool, but that isn’t the job you want to take on when you pick Mercy.

This is a problem. Mercy has very little independent control.

Being able to have even one ability that allows you to shift the fight slightly is very important. We don’t want her to not be team reliant, we just don’t want everything about her to be team reliant.


Sorry thats who she is it is her core design she was created to be a complete support hero, her job was to support tanks and DPS so they can do their job easier and to keep them alive, thats it, i am amercy main have been since launch and i hated Mass Rez always felt cheap when i used it, where she is now is great
She stays in the back lines where she has a good view of the area of the fight for callouts, while keeping her team up and fighting and damage boosting heros when needed as well as whipping out her pistol to mop up fleeing low health enemies

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I don’t think we are going to get a revert/rework. But I do think changes to current Mercy need to be made to give her more independence/decision making. She’s pretty straightforward (Heal - when ally is taking damage Damage Boost - when ally is dealing damage). Personally I think she needs a new ability… they showed a blind in storm rising… I don’t see why she can’t have that as an R ability when her staff is out that shoots a projectile towards the enemy and disorients them for 1 or 2 seconds allowing Mercy to help with dives on a target or use it near herself for an escape mechanic. And the “more skill” argument is also pretty flawed seeing as most of the “skill” in the hero is based off of how you can utilize bugs in her GA ability.

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