Mercy doesn't feel empowering anymore

I’m not going to argue this with you. There is literally thousands of gameplay videos on twitch during dive meta that showcases dva body blocking and dming mercy while she get’s res off.

This is gameplay 101 here. You would know that if you actually played the game after mercy got reworked.

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Again, you talk about teammates actually helping you.

I am lone wolf kind of player, and I don’t expect my teammates to be any good. If they happen to be good, it’s nice surprise, but it’s not regular occurrence.

So under any circumstances I won’t risk my life to rez stupid, and especially not going to ask my teammates to go into same bad position, repeating mistake someone else did.

You’re not even a player. You haven’t played the game since mercy’s rework. And when you did play the game, you really weren’t playing at a high level. Like no offense intended, but because you’re playing a team game with poor team mates, doesn’t mean thats how the game is supposed to be played by any stretch of the imagination. There for balance shouldn’t be dictated by it.

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I played after rework. Stopped some time after nerf to damage boost.

And I don’t care, how game supposed to be played - I play it, how it’s possible to play, with existing teammates.

It was stated in the recent past that you no longer play the game

Well, that’s like 90% of your problem, and i’ve mentioned this before to you. You don’t play mercy in a way that would actually benefit the team, so you’re not going to get good team mates because you yourself are not a good team mate.

That’s a reflection of your own gameplay and not mercy.


I do support my team, and that’s all. So it’s reflection of Mercy’s support capabilities, when teammates aren’t great at avoiding damage.

It was stated in the recent past that you use Valkyrie solely as a means of escape, rather than supporting your teammates

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What else will I use remaining 10 seconds of it for, after my teammates die? Watching graveyard?

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It actually was XD, but this rarely happened.

keyword: solely

You have admitted to using valk just to escape.
You have admitted to never damage boosting because team mates aren’t worth it.
You have admitted to not ressing people because you felt healing the overextending team mate was a better option.
You have admitted to valking at the worst times trying to save your team from things valk isn’t supposed to save them from, like bombs.

Not one of those things is a mercy issue. That is all you and your decisions.


No, I didn’t admit any of it.

And bomb isn’t leading cause of my teammate’s dying, it’s usually normal focus fire. Which, unfortunately, Valkyrie can’t do anything with.

You literally have. We’ve had plenty of conversations together. Don’t honestly make me go through them all, because if you know me at all, I probably would just to prove the point.

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No, I didn’t. Megadodo claimed that I did it, though.

But, since you insist: I don’t try same things multiple times. If teammate died 2-3 times with Valkyrie on them, I won’t try to support one with it 4th time.

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just posted by you 2 days ago.

Tell that to Lucio players who got half of the fun nerfed because of Goats. I don’t think we’ll see a revert but he feels weird to play with the difference of speed between ground and wallride.

Her healing is way too low! It feels like it takes a full 6 seconds to fully heal a single tank. With Moira it’s like less than 3 seconds, plus aoe orb healing.

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It literally says “when things aren’t going well”. Teammates are gone, time to get out. Not going to stay there and die next.

As for damage boost: yes, 99% of teammates won’t be able to make use of it. Few that show accuracy above average receive it.

Yeah, You used it at a bad time, everyone died because you used it at a bad time thinking it should save them like a zen ult. Which is why It works best when zen actually uses his ult that is supposed to save them durign those times.

And because it went poorly, you wasted your ult, and used it as an escape.

Lets check the list again:

There are 2 things you’ve done, that you say you’ve never admitted too.

when in that hypothetical alone from 2 days ago, you fully admitted to doing.