Mercy does not require the same game sense as everyone else

I try to separate from my teammates so they don’t die with me. I never trust them to kill the tire in time.

If you screw up your positioning on Ana or Zen you’re dead. If you screw up your positioning on Lucio or Moira you have to burn abilities and disengage from your team. If you screw up your positioning on Mercy you press shift and automatically heal up, while supporting the team the entire time. Mercy gets shot at more but also gets out alive more, and requires less gamesense to do so, especially since cooldown management is pretty much a non-issue when it comes to staying alive on Mercy.

That’s what I meant, and would argue that the skill floor for other supports is higher than her skill ceiling, since getting value out of abilities and ults is both more important and more gamesense dependent for the others.


That in no way means that Mercy requires more gamesense. That’s just a problem with your team composition.

I’ve never heard a more blatant exaggeration in my life. I’m sorry, but mains of all types get some flame from people every now and then. Not that it’s right, but saying Mercy gets “constant” screaming at here is a flat-out lie. I’ve played more than enough Mercy in my time and I’ve not had this, ever.

Like Dysvalence said, none of those points in any way prove that Mercy requires more gamesense. Having to solo-heal and apparently being “constantly screamed at” doesn’t up her required gamesense. That’s just ridiculous.


What? Lies/myths? Dude, if you played comp during the Mercy meta you were flamed for not picking Mercy because she was so ungodly strong. That’s why it was called the MERCY meta, haha. As a flex/support main I avoided comp because I didn’t want to put my team at a disadvantage for not playing her in such a broken state.

She’s actually the second most picked support and strangely enough, her winrate gets higher the further you climb the comp ladder. She actually has the highest winrate out of any healer in GM. She doesn’t have offensive capabilities, that’s her design and that’s never going to change. She’s a pure support, and she does an excellent job at it.


No. Miora’s fade is one of the best in the game. It has god mode and literally untouchable. Her mobility works on her own terms. While people exaggerate Mercy’s guardian angel when it’s killable and telegraphs very direction she will go next. Mercy’s exit is solo dependent on her team’s position.

Mercy has the best solo heals. It’s not the most consistent. Lucio has the most consistent heals. You always get heals standing in the heal aura. You don’t always get heals in the presence of Mercy. In fact 5 out of 6 players miss out on the heals. Not so consistent. It’s who she’s picks. If mercy is running you get NO heals. Since Mercy is hiding/running more than any other support it’s less consistent. If Lucio is running with heal Auras you still get heals regardless.

If you screw up your positioning on Mercy, you are a sitting duck. She relies on her teammates and where they are in order for her to escape. I can assure you that it can be incredibly frustrating. Especially when people run around corners or are way too far from the edge of a roof. Mercy is the most team-reliant support in terms of survivability.


True, but any support caught out like that is pretty screwed. It then comes down to skill at dueling but the other supports need the gamesense to manage ammo and cooldowns as well.

Except Moira’s fade has TRIPLE the cooldown of Mercy’s GA and GA can cover a lot more ground AND MOST IMPORTANTLY gives Mercy vertical mobility. Once again, Mercy’s GA is better in most cases as a mobility tool because it’s more consistent. The buff to her GA that let’s her keep her momentum also is a huge help.

What? Being able to hit multiple people with a heal doesn’t make it consistent. How often do you see 5 people standing in Lucio’s aura? Almost never. And besides, Lucio is used for his speed boost more than his healing, which he can’t do at the same time. That completely ruins his consistency. Mercy’s healing is constant. With Mercy you follow your teammates anywhere and hold your heal button. With Lucio you have to try to keep your team in your heal circle which heals for about a fourth of what Mercy does. Mercy’s hides/runs by flying to her teammates, WHO SHE HEALS. This isn’t even an argument. Mercy’s entire job is healing. It is her number 1 priority. She is the best consistent healer.

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That’s your unfounded opinion you can check youtube or twitch just about anybody playing Mercy for an hour, desperate teamates yell for resurrections even if it’s on cooldown. Sometimes out of panic or malice. So who’s the liar now? You want me to suggest a few titles to search up? People flaming or griefing mercy excessively since you insist it isn’t true? Why is it one top complaints in the comments.

Ah here we go reddit search:


Mercy griefing is getting out of hand



I’ll fill" does not mean “I’ll Mercy”

There’s a few hundred examples, enjoy.

Mercy can’t really do that though. Not nearly as easily. She has to escape which relies on her team, like I said, or she has to have her team help her (team-reliant). Her good positioning is imperative because it is ever-changing and relies on others to best make it work.

I’m not saying other healers don’t require good positioning. I’m saying you are downplaying how much Mercy requires it to survive.


Same, when I know that I am about to die to it, I try and shoot it lol.

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you right, she doesnt need the same game sense. she need a whole lot less. but, this post makes sense coming from a mercy main

You can go on Reddit and search “X hate” for literally any hero in the game. I’m telling you from personal experience I’ve only had flame maybe a small handful of times since Season 1 playing Mercy. I’ve had the same (if not more) on other heroes I play, too.

You’re lacking in an argument so you naturally resort to a hyperbole in an attempt to validate your point. Of course Mercy doesn’t get “constant screaming”. I’m not denying that sure, Mercy can get hate sometimes, but so can anyone on any hero. Mercy players aren’t special snowflakes. I’m sure there are Mercy mains with common sense out there that are embarrassed by your victimisation of Mercy.

Here’s the kicker though, even if any of this was true, how does this mean Mercy requires any more gamesense than other supports? Getting shot at when you have Guardian Angel active every 1.5 seconds doesn’t require gamesense. Being “screamed at constantly” does mean Mercy requires gamesense. Your points are null and void. Sorry.


Yes. If Lucio wants to match Mercy’s healing he has to have 3 people in his aura besides himself, which realistically doesn’t happen too often. Not to mention that Overwatch is a game about picks and focusing down targets, so strong single target healing is usually better than spread out smaller heals. So yes, it is more consistent.

Mercy shouldn’t damage boost if anyone is below max health. Her healing is better than her damage boost. Lucio should try to stay in speedboost as much as possible. Lucio’s speed boost is more valuable than his healing, and much more valuable than Mercy’s damage boost. Add this with the fact that I stated above about Mercy’s heal in general being more valuable than Lucio’s and it’s obvious it’s a lot more consistent.

I’m wasting my time trying to explain why Mercy, the games quintessential healer, the only reliable solo healer in the game, the one that had consistently stayed as the most played healer until the release of Moira and still sits as second most picked, is the most consistent healer to a silver player who thinks not mentioning Mercy’s pickrate in Deathmatch is cherry picking… No offense to silvers, but come on dude… Use your brain.

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You asserted “Not that it’s right, but saying Mercy gets “constant” screaming at here is a flat-out lie.”

“You’re lacking in an argument so you naturally resort to a hyperbole in an attempt to validate your point. Of course Mercy doesn’t get “constant screaming”. I’m not denying that sure”

Says the person who contradicts themselves or lies when faced with facts. First you denied it, now you admit it. Some progress.

You got hundreds of examples to debunk your claim but all you did was use goal moving fallacy, rather than concede a point. How convenient. BTW that was a low low estimate. It’s actually in the thousands in those searches, past and present not even including the youtube, streams, twitch.

Don’t get me wrong mercy does take skill and gamesense. But the other healers surely require at least the same amount of gamesense, if not more. Every support in the game is the enemies first priority (other than maybe lucio), but the difference between them and mercy is that mercy can escape much easier compared to zen and ana. Surely mercy doesn’t take more gamesense than those two right?


Did you miss the posts about her being the most team-reliant support in terms of survival?

His claim was that Mercy doesn’t get CONSTANT screaming, which she doesn’t. There might be examples of people screaming at Mercy, but that happens to everyone on every character. You’ve used hyperbole. Stop trying to say people are using logical fallacies when they aren’t. You don’t know how they work, and are actually straw man-ing by doing so.


Being reliant on the team for a GA target does not make her require more gamesense for survival than the others. Lucio and Moira are a little more forgiving with regard to positioning but they require cooldown management to survive.

Umm…did you even read what I said?