Mercy does not require the same game sense as everyone else

That wasn’t my original point. Strawman fallacy. But I’ll bite. But being under additional stress or requirements or excessive does. OH.

Mercy’s Original ULT was to resurrect all is a counter to DPS ULT that constantly team wipe. Rock, Paper, Scissors. Balanced.

Yet fast forward today with excessive nerfs on Mercy. She’s barely left with a crumble or fair compromise. The two remaining quick resurrection are off the table. While DPS still gets to keep their Team Kill ULT, with a set of damage buffs over the years.

Imagine if DPS ULTS were hard capped to two max kills only. DPS players would say its unfun and almost pointless. It reeks of hypocrisy and double standards.

It requires more game sense and skill to fill in the void and excessive nerfs.

The irony. Because you said so? How did you sort through hundred/thousands of examples so quickly?

That’s not what happened at all. If you read the post, I told you that there are posts like that for every hero. I mean, if you’re so eager to go on Reddit and search for “Mercy hate”, why not go on there and search for “Mei hate”, “Hanzo hate”, “Bastion hate”, “Sombra hate” or even “Ana hate” now that she’s a comparably weak support hero. There will be countless results.

Mercy isn’t the only hero that gets hate at all. This is the internet and people can be toxic. If Mercy players were “constantly screamed at”, would anyone even play Mercy? She’s one of the highest pick-rate heroes even with that absolutely constant hate she gets every game.

I mean, for one second just re-read what you said. They get “constant” screaming their way. Constant? What?

Where did I lie or even contradict myself?

I’m not saying Mercy takes no gamesense and skill, because there definitely is some to her, just as there is to any hero in the game. My point specifically is that you’re grossly exaggerating and playing the victim card when in reality it isn’t that bad.

Did you mean to half-quote that sentence, or are you just trying to twist words? Here’s the entire sentence for anyone who cares enough to read a whole point before cutting in half and taking it out of context:

Of course Mercy doesn’t get “constant screaming”. I’m not denying that sure, Mercy can get hate sometimes, but so can anyone on any hero.

Now if you read that, it makes a lot more sense. Not anywhere did I “admit” that Mercy gets constant screaming thrown her way. I said that everyone on every hero can get hate at some point. Including Mercy, but your “constant screaming” is so overly exaggerated.

Mercy is my second most played hero in total. I’ve got enough experience to genuinely state that I’ve hardly ever had people flame me or “constantly scream” at me. It’s happened, but it’s very rare. That’s not an opinion, that’s an objective fact from my personal experience. I’m not sure if your games are the same, and if they are the way you describe then I’m very sorry because you don’t sound like the kind of person to deserve treatment like that.


I agree to an extent with this. The rework that Blizzard gave to Mercy now makes her feel absolutely horrible, boring and non-engaging to play. Her ultimate has become a “press Q to spectate” button. I genuinely can sympathise with you for what happened to Mercy and her kit.

Obviously “fun” is a subjective thing but personally I find her absolutely dreadful to play. I’d rather just not play in general than play Mercy and I honestly wish I was exaggerating there.

Based on pro pickrate, she is objectively better. And the prevailing opinion is that she now requires less gamesense and skill; the Mercy megathread here and on the legacy forums is full of Mercy mains saying that she is boring and braindead currently.


Yet irony your are just shooting the messenger and trivialize people experience of frequently being yelled out for Rez among other things. Also I rounded down. So how can you say I’m exaggerating, if I’m not the one posting thousands of similar causes of Mercy griefing. You know what, you being dishonest. There’s no way you read all those posts either. It would take days. You already made up your mind from the get go. Hence why you got caught lying or contradicting yourself along with sirshaggy. You are entitled to opinion but not fact.

It’s funny how since point can’t be refuted with proof. It strays further and further from the original topic.

“Mercy requires the same game sense as any other healer. Get off your high horse.”

To which you said: “Wrong. Mercy is #1 target to kill between all healers and often forced to solo heal. She’s constantly screamed at by teammates to res them on top of heals, even if it’s on cool down and your doing your job.

If that wasn’t your point, why did you put it right next to your claim that he was wrong as evidence? It’s not a strawman to assume that considering how YOU put it right next to your claim. Maybe you should get better at persuasive writing before you go calling out people for “logical fallacies”.

Mercy getting reworked into being overpowered and being nerfed down to her current state doesn’t mean she takes more game sense. If you’re going to argue for game sense, at least make an argument that her tempo rez takes game sense to use since she has to be careful where she uses it. And even then, that still doesn’t mean she takes MORE than other supports.

Your points are null and void because you’re a pseudo-intellectual hypocrite.

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You got that backwards. Pros have high gamesense to beat others. They pick tools compliment that victory including what characters they pick.

Mercy is not high pick rate accross the board. Most in comps/quickplay.

Again, this is my opinion. Everyone is entitle to his or her own opinion.
However, Yes I do think she requires more Game-Sense compared to the other healer to a Certain Degree.

You list that she has an escape of 2 second cool down, which is true… however your escape depends not only on your position, but also your teammate.

Passive regeneration activate after one second of not taking damage. Literally all the healer besides Ana, and Zen has some type of self-sustain passive… not just Mercy :kissing_heart:

Hey mate I am going lead you on a secret, clicking on someone profile and only viewing “quick-play” is not a great way to justified who and who I haven’t played. But since you ask, yes I do play other healers, I for one just prefer Main Healers (Mercy and Ana)

You are also saying quickplay doesn’t count, but you want me to play other healers in comp? A place where having one healer is quite rare, as “no one knows how to heal?” I am not going play Lucio for solo heals, neither am I going play Zen for solo heals. It is a pain to even get one, what makes you think someone is going pick a second healer?

Ana is good, but in the state she is in as of right now is not really great spot to play in competitive, especially with all the dive and barrier going on.

Moria, I can play her in competitive, however the team need to be group up and be communicating, which is also rare.

Therefore I will play one of the best solo healer which is Mercy.

I know, personal problem right?

I agree, Ana and Zenyatta has no mobility.
Lucio aura is limited, yes however it’s an AoE healing in which all the team have to do is group up.

Yes, position safely just like all other healers. As along as there is an enemy within 20 meters of range, she can be with her team and still heal and contribute with damage.

I literally laugh at this. Nobody thought anything mate. We was strictly talking about healers. The fact that you brought her in this conversation makes me wonder :sweat_smile: Oh well.

If anything you’re trivializing it by blowing it out of proportion. The guy only said that Mercy’s don’t CONSTANTLY get flamed. That’s a reasonable and true statement. He fully conceded that players (including Mercy players) get flamed SOMETIMES and that he doesn’t like it and you come in and go “UMMM ACTUALLY! LOOK! MERCY PLAYERS DO GET ABUSED!” which NOBODY was even arguing against. You are so ready to be antagonistic that you make an idiot of yourself. Chill.


Alright, I really don’t see us getting anywhere here if you’re going to brand anyone who disagrees or provides any counter-argument as a “liar”.

Of course it can be refuted. There are videos online of Mercy players getting flamed in-game, sure. Every hero can have that. But there are also countless videos of people playing Mercy where they don’t get “constantly screamed” at. It doesn’t take a genius to see the gross hyperbole in what you said.

Every player on any hero can get hate at some point. This isn’t exclusive to Mercy players.


I never said Mercy requires more skill than the other healers, this is a strawman. But as for your post.

Maybe for the past month since her nerf she has become the same target priority as the rest of the healers, but I assure you, when multi rez was a thing and Mercy 2.0 until her mega nerf, she WAS target number 1, no matter what. That is a true statement.

Every put nano boost on your mercy so she can fly in and get all her rezes? You know who they were targeting me as she did it? Mercy, not the Ana healing her.

Thank you Torkahn808 :kiss:

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Mostly in Competitive Play and Quick Play? Those are the two main gamemodes. If we’re going to look at other game-modes, Mercy is a super good pick in Team Deathmatch, Total Mayhem, 6v6 Lockout Elimination, 3v3 Lockout Elimination and many others. Those gamemodes aren’t really too relevant, though.

What really matters is Quick Play and Competitive Play. Jeff Kaplan released the highest ten pickrate heroes across all of the Competitive Play ranks.

That’s quite a lot of Mercy across all ranks. Her usage and pickrate is incredible still. She’s not so much fun, but she’s a powerful hero.

Mercy is seeing a decent amount of use in OWL, too, if that matters to you.


You strung two points together. One addressing Magnusjin and the other another claim. ritzyuk when in depth insisting "I’ve never heard a more blatant exaggeration in my life. I’m sorry, but mains of all types get some flame from people every now and then. Not that it’s right, but saying Mercy gets “constant” screaming at here is a flat-out lie. "

People flaming or griefing mercy excessively since you insist it isn’t true?

Ah here we go reddit search:


Mercy griefing is getting out of hand



I’ll fill" does not mean “I’ll Mercy”

There’s a few hundred examples, enjoy.

Which was was refuted by hundreds of other examples. SirShaggy are you that desperate to mislead people? Obvious troll. People can see they are entirely different people and points. Care to apologize?

I’ll put it simply for you. People responding to you in this thread are not denying there is Mercy hate. We are saying that there is hate for all heroes at some point.

You’re being called out for your blatant and unfair exaggerations that are wholly untrue. You realise that your whole point that Mercy recieves “constant screaming” will just crumble under a few videos of someone playing Mercy without being constantly screamed at, right? I think it’s obvious that those videos already exist in absurd numbers.

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Wrong, YOU strung two points together. You put both sentences directly next to each other and then when people think you’re using that point as evidence for the statement you just made you go “STRAWMAN!” instead of just clarifying yourself.

It’s not true. Most games with Mercy’s in them end without the Mercy player getting flamed. Not all, but most. Look up the definition of “constant” and “hyperbole”.


I don’t know about you guys but I’m cutting my losses and calling it a night. Pk doesn’t want to have a conversation or a discussion. He’s either a troll or incredibly stupid. Have a good night!

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I never claim Mercy was exclusively flame, people posted she’s #1 targeted to being killed, and recently received the most excessive nerfs. She’s griefed one of the most in game and out.

The irony you getting worked up lying, and yelling over a Mercy thread. But wouldn’t blow gasket as hard for other non Mercy threads. You proved my point. So why don’t you take your advice and “chill.” When you cannot refute a point you resort to name calling. Strangely it irritates you more when facts, examples, or research is presented. That’s not constructive.

Then she was not excessively nerfed as it is a net buff since 1.0 based on those numbers.

And we have no statistics for her pickrate outside the main game modes, which makes sense considering that arcade is not considered when balancing characters.

Also frequently=/=constantly.


Oh, I completely missed this. Sure, I guess you could count that, but how often are you shooting on Mercy versus Lucio and Zen who constantly need to aim shots? And even then, Mercy’s bullets have one of the largest projectile hitboxes in the game.

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