Mei should be a Tank

You need to think outside of damage numbers with mei damage. Linear, 75 damage, same projectile speed as zen, and no damage fall off. That’s really, really good. Mei can by herself pressure a widow on high ground from any range while a dva has to get close enough for her boosters to get her up there and hog/zarya have to be in range of hook and beam respectively. Not even mentioning the size of her m2 which is twice the size of hanzo arrows.

Numerically, yes her damage is lacking compared to others but you have to recognize how consistent it is too.

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Pics or it didn’t happen. lol

add https to the beginning of the link
This should work tell me if it has both the bracket and team pictures. Gaia 2.

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The problem is that any tank that isn’t Rein or Winston gets nerfed into the dirt. Moving Mei into the tank role isn’t going to magically make her better. She’ll just get nerfed a bunch again, further screwing over the few Mei players left. It’s still not going to solve the Rein jail issue either.

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You’re implying that high players know a lot about game design :slight_smile:

It’s like saying racecar drivers know more about how to build a car than mechanics.


There’s a certain degree of irony here in this backhanded statement that implies that you know more than they do with even fewer credentials to help your claim.

Someone playing Mei at a high level is likely going to understand her strengths, weakness, and what tanks actually do at a deeper level than someone struggling to get through gold.

I got plenty of credentials, when it comes to class based shooter game design.

Tanks and what do we do? - #16 by GreyFalcon-11737

And a decent track record when it comes to the specifics of Mei design.

Just because somebody can click heads really good doesn’t mean they know anything about design.

Heck, this Pros tournament patch, should solidify that concept in your mind.

I am with you on the Mei Tank change. I think other toons should be manuevered around too. Brig should be a DPS, with higher damage and a much less AOE heal. Sombra should be a support, and collect ult charge from health packs. Roadhog should be a DPS, with a nerf to his HP.

I know nothing about game design, I just know what it feels like already when I play at my garbage ranks. I believe that this would solve a lot of problems, I’m sure someone will tell me why I’m wrong, but this would solve a lot of what I think currently hurts the game. Probably opening up all new problems as well.

Ah, but then you get into the territory of “should a tank be able to do that kind of damage at that kind of range?”

And the answer is no

Mei is a damage character built like a damage character. It’s as simple as that. Number changes won’t work for a role change, she would need very significant alterations.


Sigma is doing 110 damage burst at that range
Orisa is doing 132 damage per second at that range.

Why would 75 damage, at 97dps be a problem?

And if you paid attention to BlizConn and Priority Pass. Giving Tanks a playstyle that’s enticing to DPS players is priority #1 right now.

Furthermore, a lot of the logic you’re throwing around is based on the premise that 2-2-2 doesn’t exist, and we still need to balance the game to avoid stacking 3-4 Tanks on a team.

Which really does not matter.

If devs aren’t balancing towards equal popularity between roles, then they aren’t going to fix queue times.

And any suggestion that “Well maybe they shouldn’t fix queue times, and adhere to either Open Queue logic, or RPG logic instead”, is a waste of time.


Sigma is doing that amount of damage at a very slow rate. It is also aoe damage though, which is important.

Orisa has a projectile weapon that needs many hits to do its damage, so while it can be effective at long range it is not hard to mitigate that by dodging.

Mei does a single shot burst damage projectile that can do headshot damage and is not aoe. It would be too good for a tank if they increased the damage, but it’s also not good enough for a tank as is because it’s not very good at pressuring multiple enemies since it only threatens one person at a time.

Your second point there is completely lost on me, you’re talking nonsense.

Making Mei into a tank just to entice damage players to play tank is actually stupid. You’d do anything for the queue times, no matter how bad it is in the long run.

This patch despite beeing a joke experimental, could be a real thing if they just did a small balance pass on it and got rid of some of the more “meme” changes

literally nobody would say this

mei is one of the least popular DPS in the entire role, very little people would care


If you wait 10-15 minutes in queue, why would you pick a budget Hanzo, when you could play Hanzo?

I’d undertand what you’re trying to do but people here are telling that mei can’t be a tank because they don’t want to play against Mei, in any role, it clear to me that most of the people that are against her being a tank think like that because they don’t want mei to be playable at all, just like sombra and brig.


Hanzo is also not popular,
If you wait 10-15 minutes you are more likely to play literally anyone else

Or you just want to play hanzo because you like hanzo

He’s the 2nd most picked DPS this week overall, and 3rd most picked in GM.

Either way, comparing Mei to DPS choices, versus comparing Mei to Tank choices, isn’t really the same

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Im just saying that…Mei isnt super popular.

and im pretty sure no one of the people who wants to play hanzo, wants to play budget hanzo, they want hanzo.

and judging by the DPS queue times, they are willing to wait

Hey we finally get to try out a change you’ve been asking for!!!

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Well, I think I’m right about it.

Just as Hammond is effectively a budget Tracer for most ELOs.

But even if I’m wrong, I’m dead certain that moving Mei out of the DPS role makes it a lot harder to construct excessively durable compositions.

I dont have a problem with mei beeing a tank personally, i do think we need more tanks.

you know who i want turned into a tank? Bastion.

he would most likely be a bruiser, if anything, but oh well, he already has a tank sized hitbox, and more health than normal

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