What would his unmatrixable AntiDive peeling be?
Has anyone tested this out with her as a tank? How’s it feel in game?
Unmatrixable bullets?
Nah, just keep shootin until matrix runs out,
That’s not gonna be that helpful if your teammate healer is dead by the time that happens.

You’re implying that high players know a lot about game design
It’s like saying racecar drivers know more about how to build a car than mechanics.
I don’t think its a good comparison…
You would have to compare the driver to the people who make the rules for the race and not to the mechanics. Especially since there are so many limitations irl which do not apply to the game…
You also don’t consider the ones who build graphic cards when talking about balancing in a game…
Honestly, if we made bastion into a tank, he would be a bruiser,
literally, he would be a DPS, in the tank category.
his job would be to murder stuff
Well, he does have an unused E slot
Well yes, originally my idea for bastion goes beyond just grabbing and putting him on a tank slot
i suggested the idea of a passive, that makes it so taht enemies that get shot by him deal reduced damage to his team and himself (this would be his way of “helping” his team)
aswell as a E ability that is some form of defensve skill, ive done multiple iterations with it, but the latest one was basically that he would have a “Defense matrix” of sorts, but a barrier with HP
I am not sure if she should be a tank. She just behaves like a tanky DPS. That’s it.
She doesn’t create space.
All she does is challenge opposing tanks better than she did.
Am I opposed to the change?
Not really. I played her. I kind of like it.
It is fun, but I fail to see any tanking qualities playing her in the tank role.
She is just a tanky DPS in the tank role.
She barely provides cover for the team and she goes off by herself a lot to chase heroes like Genji and Tracer.
Yeah that is basically what im suggesting for bastion
except it would have a limtied amount of HP too
Looks cool, but that game is all about 1v1 and high odds engagements like a 1 v 4’s or something. There is no team aspect to that idea.
Maybe if there were a team mate that can offer a shield…
Wait...We already have that.
Dva (to some extent)
Zarya (to some extent)
Thats the point, moving bastion like i suggested to the tank category would turn him into a bruiser or an off tank at best
he isnt meant to protect you, he is meant to murder them
plus if you look at what i said, he would be making enemies deal less damage by shooting them, so that would be his way of “protecting”
Have you played the experimental Bastion yet?
I am very pleased.
I support the Bastion changes.
I havent, but eh, its okay but its not what i would do.

Mei Players: “Oooh, gimme those 30sec queue times, thank you please!”
I am a Mei player from the beginning and I will not keep playing if she is moved to tank. I have put literally hundreds of hours playing Mei as a DPS, learning other DPS to play in certain situations when Mei does not work. Playing around her strengths and weaknesses. Swapping her role is telling me that I should not bother putting any time into this game because literally hundreds of hours of my life can be made redundant just from an update.
Is current Mei on tank fun? Yes, but not because she is a tank. But because she becomes a 1v1 god. No hero in the game can beat Mei in a straight 1v1 now so I basically just wander off and kill enemies on their own. You know what that means? I’m not playing tank and therefor am a detriment to my team. So the entire team will be down a tank while I go off on my own. The reason I do this is because slapping 150hp on her doesn’t suddenly make her a tank. Her cooldowns are way to high for this and her primary was nerfed way too much for this and no, wall is not a good substitute for a barrier. In order for her to tank, she will need buffs so hard that people will complain about her 24/7 so wall can be used to push more reliably and she is deadly in close range.
In order for Mei to work she needs her tanks for support. Without them, she is less than useless. Dropping 50% of what makes her good is not an improvement.

In order for Mei to work she needs her tanks for support.
That’s the thing, if devs want to avoid high durability brawl and high durability bunker, getting Mei out of the Tank role helps a lot with that.
Being able to approximate TripleTank or bodyguard for DoubleBarrier, is the problem.

That’s the thing, if devs want to avoid high durability brawl and high durability bunker
I don’t see an issue with this. It’s a different style of play and isn’t played 24/7. Devs should be encouraging different styles of play rather than just funneling us into the same way of playing constantly. Instead of nerfing certain styles, buff others. Variety is what keeps a game fresh, not the way the devs have been balancing this game where 1 meta takes over and it stays meta until it is nerfed.
Personally, here is what I would change (or atleast tried so we can see how it works). Put Mei back on DPS then change 2-2-2 to 1-2-2-1.
1 tank, 2 dps, 2 support, 1 flex. The flex role allows you to play any hero in any role (that hasn’t been picked already ofc). This would allow for more “hybrid” heroes to work and would allow for alot more varied matches.
I like Mei being a different DPS, it’s why I play her and why I love her. It allows me to support my tanks and peel back for supports when needed while having good survivability. I can focus on getting headshots if I want like a DPS and this hybrid playstyle is what makes her so fun and rewarding.
Swapping her to the tank role will prevent a large portion of her enjoyment because now I become the frontline ontop of the other issues I pointed out. No more playing DPS, no more going off when I see a sole Ana on the highground so I can kill her. No more hanging in the back and just keeping my tanks up with good wall placement while I do some poke damage into the enemy Widows and Ashe. No more of my favourite comp of Rein, Zarya with me on Mei.