Mei needs a rework

Mercy rework: a year of mercy meta

Roadhog: usless for months

Hanzo: Grav dragon meta

Sym: lower pickrate than before

This reworks always start or end badly


Sym actually feels better now than before, both to play and play against, her turrets currently need a nerf though

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The reworks usually change what was fun about the character from jump and leave them “more balance” and less useful.

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The number of times I’ve died because a Mei has cut me off from the team with a stupid wall makes me think that yes, they’re letting me die on purpose.

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Does Mei’s freeze speed up due to proximity? Like, do you freeze your target faster if you are close to it?

How she feels is different to what she is

In this post i explained why i think shes worse, if you are intrested

And in here i mostly explained the moral implications about the upcoming torb/sym rework

No Bastion did have one, in fact it was the cause of the second Omnic Crisis (OCII, if u will) and lead to the ironclad nerf.

Im flagging that for trolling

Brace yourselves… The one currently on butcher table is our beloved short boi.
Have you seen abominations from WoW?

That is what you get when you drink too much Rework juice, kids :face_vomiting:.

How do I delete someone elses thread.


Erm, by that criteria, the Mercy and Hanzo reworks were both failures.

Hardly, mass rez and scatter shot were abysmal abilities. OW is much better without them imho.

Genji need s rework on the same grounds you rework Mercy, she is not fun to play against………

Trolling early Krusher99?

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Mei doesnt need a rework, the only thing they need to do is fix her damn ult from disappearing when you toss it. Sometimes it doesnt even go off.
You may think shes broken to play against but her ult is broken half the time.
They changed the way her ult works from the start of the game somewhere between 6-8 months after the original release of the game.
There has been times I have thrown 4 ults in a game and and ive had 2 only really work as intended.
Meis not the only hero with this problem, just really shetty to play like this.

You as an individual probably havent had enough time against other meis since i see you are still bronze in levels and barely 2k rating in comp.
If you want some practice against a mei feel free to add me Wizt#1335
The only way to get better is the practice


Nice bait, but if you’re serious

Mei doesn’t need a rework - she can attack or defend, and despite her ice block and wall she is not immortal. If you are trying to 1v1 her, or worse yet a Mei with teammates, then you are asking to be frozen… It’s like standing in front of a hog and not expecting to get hooked

I always encourage people who find they hate a character to go and play that character. Nothing will give you a better idea of how to deal with it than playing as it for a while. :woman_shrugging:

Let Torb be the last rework

Would be nice if the ult was still cast even if you get stunned, but it gets dropped on the ground.


No plesse, no Mei rework. I love her where she is and i don’t want the devs ruin her like they did with Mercy or Symmetra or how they will with Torbjorn.
The “unfun to play against” is the most stupid reason ever for rework a Hero, and they should stop, it’s subjective. And mei isn’t so unfun to play against if you know your positioning and have game sense.

I sometimes find tracer unfun to play against, we rework her too? No.
If they continue to rework heroes this game Will not be overwatch anymore. Stop.


I want a Junkrat rework.

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:weary::crazy_face::upside_down_face: Blizzard don’t rework him… guys save Torb before it’s too late!


The stuns from mccree, brig and roadhogs hook have been really stressful in those moments. Sucks going from 100% to 0 when snowball literally has lil jets underneath his robot body and im sure his lil processor brain could readjust itself to go where it was intended :wink: