Mei needs a rework

Mei needs a rework on the same grounds you reworked Mercy, she is not fun to play against.



Pls no more reworks, after they destroyed Sym, Mercy and Sombra, Mei is one of the few characters left I can still enjoy playing.


Do not rework more heroes for the stupid idea of “not fun to play against” fun is relative and we know what happend last time we did so


The grounds they reworked Mercy on was that she purpisfully let her team die. Mei doesn’t do that.

Mei and Bastion are the last of the forbidden five that have not received a rework. So they really need it.

Have you seen how the mercy rework went

The hog one?



They always end up BAD either bad or too op, so lets not

Lets see how bad torb goes


Mercy rework: Better than she was.
Hog: Better than he was.
Hanzo: Better.
Sym: Better.

By better I mean better for the game, not buffed. While many are still bad, they’re still better than they were.

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Except that was a misconception, “die on point” meant “I see that you are low health and I can not heal you all, please die grouped up so that we can get maximum value of the ult”

Mercy rework: a year of mercy meta

Roadhog: usless for months

Hanzo: Grav dragon meta

Sym: lower pickrate than before

This reworks always start or end badly


Sym actually feels better now than before, both to play and play against, her turrets currently need a nerf though

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The reworks usually change what was fun about the character from jump and leave them “more balance” and less useful.

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The number of times I’ve died because a Mei has cut me off from the team with a stupid wall makes me think that yes, they’re letting me die on purpose.

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Does Mei’s freeze speed up due to proximity? Like, do you freeze your target faster if you are close to it?

How she feels is different to what she is

In this post i explained why i think shes worse, if you are intrested

And in here i mostly explained the moral implications about the upcoming torb/sym rework

No Bastion did have one, in fact it was the cause of the second Omnic Crisis (OCII, if u will) and lead to the ironclad nerf.

Im flagging that for trolling

Brace yourselves… The one currently on butcher table is our beloved short boi.
Have you seen abominations from WoW?

That is what you get when you drink too much Rework juice, kids :face_vomiting:.

How do I delete someone elses thread.


Erm, by that criteria, the Mercy and Hanzo reworks were both failures.