Megathread part 4.1 (oct 2018) beam buff not enough!

This exactly, her healing capabilities would be as easily shut down as her current turrets. And also why exactly who would want a healer who has to set up their healing over one who can give it out in the fray of combat.

Symmetra as a healer

Iā€™m not going to lie, I like this. I want this.
Iā€™m a healer at heart and as much as I love Symmetraā€™s unconventional ways of supporting her team that donā€™t involve healing, Iā€™m afraid Blizzard will never actually make Teleporter in its current respawn time reduction form and +75 Shield HP shield generator into readily available abilities.

They really would be too broken. Teleporter is like a Resurrect albeit toned down and expendable. 75 Shield HP is nothing to sneeze at and shields in general that last on a teammate until they die is very passive.

I think they have massive potential here to make Symmetra a healer. Over healing could apply barrier HP which then decays over time.

She could still keep her turrets perhaps and I like the idea of them making Teleporter into a regular ability for mobility purposes / gaining high ground(?) Perhaps.

Photon Barrier could remain as well as a way for her to negate damage altogether in addition to her healing and giving people excess Barrier HP.

Oh yeah so, this is implying that her primary gets well, turned into a healing laser.
Iā€™ll admit that seems weird but I donā€™t know how else she would heal. Regardless if she does get turned into a healer I am quite certain our beloved primary fire will receive a damage nerf of some kind.

I know healing turrets get mentioned a lotā€¦ I really donā€™t like the idea of them but at the same time I genuinely canā€™t stand how useless her sentries are right now. I just wish theyā€™d get moved to Secondary Weapon so we have an ability slot freed up.

Honestly Iā€™d have to think a lot on this to figure out how Iā€™d make Symmetra an actual healer I just never really thought about it because the sym community is pretty opposed to her being able to heal so I always thought about her supporting in other ways.

Iā€™ll report back with my thoughts on a Symmetra healer rework soon, stay posted my Symlings!!!


Agree 1000000000%! There are many other forms of support. Here are some: Cooldown decrease, damage resistance, damage increase, faster reloading, faster ROF (rate of fire) for primary weapons, damage invulnerability, silence abilities, movement speed increase/decrease, (some) forms of crowd control, elemental resist (not really applicable right now), critical damage increase or guaranteed critical hit (e.g. shadowshot from Destiny), immobilization, TELEPORTATION OF ALLIES TO A SAFE LOCATION, wall vision, time freeze (on enemies NOT allies), creating duplicates of an ally to confuse an enemy, and last but not least OVERSHIELDS.


P.S. If we have to accept at least on healing ability to keep her in the support category then that is acceptable. It would be foolish to REMOVE a support hero and move her to the defense category because this will then make our current situation with heroes worse.
We will then need to add yet another support and tank hero in the coming months instead of an entirely new DPS hero and this will not appease the masses that want a new DPS. (I hate the argument that DPS mains have: ā€œIā€™m so bored there are not enough DPS heroes to choose from!ā€ For godā€™s sake you have 14 DPS heroes to choose from.)

Anyway, please Blizzard keep her a support!


i think making her turrets a secondary weapon would be perfecy

If we have to have healing, I rather get back what Bridgette stole. At least Lucio altered the equipment to be different, she just switch the colors and thought we wouldnā€™t notice. :stuck_out_tongue:


The problem is how much utility would have to go into her just to make her viable. She would have to have enough healing to compete with Zenyattaā€™s healing and discord and Lucioā€™s healing and speed.

While it is possible to make her viable as a non-healing support, how could you make her so she flows properly and doesnā€™t feel like she has a bloated kit?

This was just posted.

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Iā€™m sad to see web defense going away, but I will hold further opinions until I actually see this in game. We need much more numbers before we can judge if this change is a buff, a nerf, or a balanced rework.

30 HP turrets donā€™t die to a LĆŗcio boop or McCree flashbang, and Tracer/ standing in the horizon canā€™t spam shots to break them because damage reduction will not allow that to happen. It will be even better if they are shield HP.

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Today was a good day to purchase my Symm gold gun.


Oh yeah, they are boosting the power of her primary fire as well. She will do 65/130/195 damage, but it ramps up every 2 seconds instead of 1. Also, her ammo will replenish itself when locked on a barrier.

Additionally, her alternate fire will shoot orbs that explode and have a charge up time of 1 second.

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I think Iā€™ll just make good use of my trust level 3 powers and link that thread directly:

We can also call for a thread merge. They do that all the time with Mercy threads, Sym deserve that too.

Iā€™d prefer this way it to prevent the thread from getting too large.


  • No more permanent power-up ultimate
  • No more bonus shields mechanic
  • No more lock on ā€œpunishmentā€ weapon

Yeah, Iā€™m definitely a Brigitte main now. I know none of these changes are currently final, but theyā€™re taking Sym in pretty much all the directions I didnā€™t want them too.

I will admit, they are doing some awesome things like the Teleporter being basically a portal gun, sentries being far more flexible, and the beam increasing in range. But sheā€™s just not the same character anymore.
Iā€™m fine with that though, Brigitte is really fun and Iā€™ll still be happy to play Symmetra for her new utility


Yeah personally Iā€™d rather keep her shortish range on primary, trade the hard lock for a soft one, and ditch the barrier refunds. Keep her alt fire, but speed it up. No one here thought she should step on Meiā€™s toes for being anti death ball.

Her barrier ult is fine, it just being a barrier is not. I donā€™t care that it goes through walls, it doesnā€™t sound worth it; nor fun. Rather it make a barrier that discourages dive, making it a big barrier steps on reins toes and I donā€™t like that. Mei does this, more frequently, better, and without stepping on Reinā€™s toes.

Three turrets donā€™t feel like enough, Iā€™d rather 4 turrets that way I can cover 2 flanks, 3 just encourages car wash which is not how high elo mains use them, nor any main worth their salt. Take some of the damage and give us one more, and reveal on enemy hit.

Her tp steps on Meiā€™s toes for altered paths and setting up special places for immobile champs. I liked her bringing backup, not jumping around. Make her return peeps to her, not get to places I donā€™t care about.

If you wanted a better Mei why the hell didnā€™t you just rework her? This is not what anybody wanted. This is Meiā€™s rework and territory, not ours.

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Petition to rename this thread into the DPS Zarya thread

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The only thing I donā€™t like about the proposed Symmetra changes is the Ultimate. It seems really bland for an Ultimate and isnā€™t exactly unique, with it being a mega version of Meiā€™s wall/Reinhardtā€™s barrier. Considering the amount of shapes Symmetra can theoretically build with her Hard Light this seems kinda ā€¦ meh. It would certainly be useful for defending a point though so at least itā€™s useful.

I hope the ā€œI WILL SHIELD YOU!ā€ voiceline gets used for the Ult.

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What I like about the First iteration of the Sym rework:

  • Launchable Turrets
  • More powerful Turrets
  • New Teleporter
  • New Alternate Fire
  • The ability to replenish ammo on barriers
  • New Ultimate (when applicable) could help out greatly for advancing and stalling.

What I donā€™t like:

  • Primary Fire Changes, but not because it will be more aim intensive, but the fact that there are too many questions unanswered about it.
  • Only 3 turrets. Yeah I know they are more powerful, but they only have 30 health, couldnā€™t it at least be 4?
  • New Ultimate. It doesnā€™t seem too useful as it can be easily bypassed.

Iā€™m fine with the huge wall because back with Symmetra 1.0, I actually advocated for her to have a huge hardlight wall with absurd HP values as an ultimate. Basically, I envision it like Probiusā€™ Null Gate. And if anyone played with that thing in HotS, you know how powerful that thing is at denying space.

BTW, if anyone here never played HotS, playing Sondius is pretty much like playing Symmetra there. Including the part of your team hating you for picking a useless hero. :wink:


Iā€™m excited for the change.

About a month or so ago i said that Symm would see major major changes and a bunch of people replied to me along the lines of ā€œBruh, they are only going to tweak her slightly.ā€ Lol.

Symm will now be majorly changed, for the better. She will have a defined role, no longer being ambigious. No longer be a troll pick. No longer be ā€˜no aim no brainā€™ category. Lots of benefits. Good on you Blizzard.