[MEGATHREAD] [190+ likes] You just lost one of your top 500 players - everything wrong with overwatch in extreme detail

Woah there bud; that doesn’t fix the fact that his skill ceiling can be reached by watching a turret placement guide, spamming a chokepoint with your gun, and using common sense with armor packs


Tbh, aim does help, but that does go under spam I guess.

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I do too, actually


i worded that poorly, junkrat given the wrong nerfs


SR reset so it of course is legit, everyone had to earn their place from scratch and push rather than maintain where they already are at and just do 50 matches going up and down breaking even typically. Go look at S2 or S3 in OW comp, was everyone GM? Back then it seemed insane to think that we could have people over 4500. Also, for what little it matters, Diamond was not in top 500 by the end of comp FFA. 3523 was the lowest entered, which I could have sworn was 3504 and something raised the leaderboard somehow after the cut off lol?

Every competitive mode has distinct problems or a “lame” feeling for our ranking system. For example, Any other arcade comp until this point you could just utilize your SR from competitive mode for your placements.

The worst offender of this imo is Lucioball.

Do you really think a diamond, master, or GM in normal competitive play should have placed around their SR for Lucioball if they were 5/5? Same skill sets right for the game mode lol?

This game as a whole penalizes people trying to climb and assists people staying in the area they “deserve”. It’s an awkward system and only the first 4 or 5 seasons imo determined a good margin of who is serious about OW when climbing was a real thing for everyone.

But I digress, from your main topic and from my reason of posting originally as well. I’m just trying to say top 500 is a bad way to start any conversation ever on these forums while trying to promote an idea. You said you wanted to give background as to why you said it that way, but then you hit me as a “fake” top 500 which kinda secures the mentality imo tbh.

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thats what i plan on doing, if this is a fail, i think im gonna head out

Seems nobody helped with the links, so here I am for you!

I only have the threads that have already been shown in this thread. So if you guys find a link regarding other character issues here, please do not hesitate to quote this post and link me a thread for the other characters!
Hanzo 1
Hanzo 2




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Valid points, though LFG will fix some of those issues

So whiney…

While you made some good points, it doesn’t come across as very sincere or even professional. Probably not what you were going for, but to me it’s not convincing and kinda makes me happy you’re on your way out.

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Well, what did you expect? The game is developed by a group of piss artists with no understanding of what they are.

They repeatedly make counter-intuitive, illogical and even counter-logical decisions. And if you criticize them, they’ll just ban you (wtf is up with that, no other developer does that)
The community doesn’t help either, because it’s just a bunch of unassociated people who had never played a video game in their lives, let alone a competitive one.

It’s a perfect s**t cocktail.

yes, but its horrible imo

I really don’t see how Lucio’s ult is trash. I’ve used it with quite a bit of success, especially when the defending team swarms the payload or someone like Pharah or Roadhog drops their ult.

the shields decay to fast for it to have any value, and thats why zen is picked over lucio 7/10 times (and discord thats why its only 7/10)

I’m assuming you’re talking about in the higher comp ranks, which I suppose is fair if you are. :slight_smile:

This is true.

I have nothing more to say. Its just true.

lucio the hero is fine (well maybe he could use a small healing buff) but his ultimate just makes him not used because it isnt that good

Appreciate you trying to speak up for console players but the last thing we need is console specific balance changes. That’s a slippery slope I’d rather not go down. Before you know it Console players are playing a completely different game and OWL or analysis videos or anything OW related don’t even affect console players.

In fact I don’t know why sym and torb are still nerfed on console. Keep the balance the same. It’s not that hard to effing aim.

thats why im going to wait for it before i make my final choice

So I’m going to weigh in on this ( I know I’m late to the party). I think development for this game for basic features has been slow. I think Blizzard naively put too much faith into the online community. I know it’s been 2 years, but I’m just thankful we are finally getting LFG features.

Jeff himself admitted on Unit Lost that he was wrong to neglect a LFG system when a lead designer brought up the topic to him. I like Jeff, he is a good leader for the fact that he can admit he is wrong (not like the dude who is leading the States atm). It shows class, character and humility.

I know we still have a mountain to climb in getting this game where it needs to be, but this is a time to celebrate. These new features are going to clear up a huge mess when it comes to finding likeminded good teammates for a TEAM GAME.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why this wasn’t in the game sooner. The OP is right, there is still A LOT wrong, but at least we are finally making steps in the right direction.

The solo queue experience should not be neglected as well. The system/match maker and it’s algorithm could do a better job, especially for the solo queuer.


jeff said some stupid reason, forgot what it was tho

because the devs KNOW whats wrong they just refuse to fix it

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