Toxic in-game behavior

im 90% sure blizzard will just ignore this but i feel like i just need to rant

someone just told me in the text chat that he would love to see me video tape me ending my own life and 2 other times today i was told to end my life what a world we live in where people feel the need to tell other to kill them selves because that is how we are going to make this horrible world a better place

what normal person tells someone to go kill them selves online

I don’t care if you don’t wanna hear this, your gonna hear it anyway

Stop being mean to one another.

Stop it with all the gotdamn “EZ” “ur a censored” “Reported for throwing bc you’re playing the character you want to play”

Just STOP already

I’m so tired

Why can’t you just be kind to each other??? Why can’t you all just suck it up when you lose and say GG like normal human beings??? Like most of our parents and teachers taught us to be growing up??? What the hell is actually your damn problem that you need to insult people on the internet?

To everyone who’s gonna come on here and say I’m a sore loser: I’m not. This ain’t about me losing, this is about people who feel so much hatred that they have to insult stragers on the internet.

To everyone coming on here calling me a crybaby: Yeah. Yeah I am. If wanting people to be good an kind to one another and being hurt when that doesn’t happen makes me a crybaby then YES, I am a CRYBABY. I’d rather be a crybaby than some edgelord any day.

Just be kind to people. Is that so hard? Say gg. Commend that Junkrat on his riptire that killed your whole team. Tell that Widow “nice shot” when she headshots you. Tell the Zarya and Hanzo nice combo when they get your whole team. It’s not rocket science. It takes two seconds and it puts a smile on someone’s face.

Stop being ugly. Just stop. I can’t take it anymore.

watching my favorite game become a toxic and unfun mess right in front of my eyes is the worst feeling ever blizzard please do something…

im masters personally and i report people almost every game for throwing or being toxic just stop being mean to each other what are you going to get out of it and on top of that i was told to kill myself 3 times today

maybe im just to pure for this world

EDIT: i didn’t make this but i did edit in some parts and yes i really was told to kill myself 3 times today sadly but i just feel like this is a good message and that everyone should take this into consideration when they play the game this is originally by CelesteShep if he wants me to take this post down i will gladly do so


You picture this perfect world where people are going to be kind to one another all the time and appreciate each other. This is wrong. For countless of generations we have pointlessly shown our aggression towards one another for the sole purpose of benefiting themselves. That’s the way the world works, and it’s not going to change, especially in a video game.

Please understand that this is not in any way to insult you, but to simply make you understand that you cannot purify the world. You have to be strong and say “screw that im not going to deal with it.” You saying that you were crying writing this only makes you seem even more embarrassing.

The game is toxic, yes.
The game can be unfair, yes
But is everyone going to put that aside just to be kind to one another? No

Forum Moderator Note: Inappropriate comment removed.


not sure if your aware or not but playing characters off the meta or refusing to switch when someone asks/tells you to is NOT a reportable offense so dont get your panties all in a twist grow thicker skin and learn to use the ignore/mute feature


sadly this is the world we live in where people choose not to be nice to each other, what do you get from being mean to each other?


The problem here is that it’s not very difficult to be a decent human being. People just choose not to be.

This person has every right to express their emotions because of this. You don’t get to dictate what is and isn’t embarassing.


You need to come to grips with the fact that gaming culture is a trash culture. People will be jerks because they’re entitled, and they will be defended through apathy versus being ostracized by the people who could stand to make a difference. I’d suggest finding a group of nice people you can befriend, or to recognize the few people willing to stand up and tear the bullies down. Otherwise, don’t have any expectations for anyone.


While it’s true, everyone on the internet needs thick skin and realize nothing written in text is any more harmful than -you- allow it to be.

That doesn’t change the fact it would actually be a better place if everyone just /tried/ to show some humanity. So thumbs up to CelesteShep. Shouldn’t cry over immature whiners and insult-prone people being brats; but the internet /would/ be a better place if everyone tapered back some of the salt or at least tried to keep it internalized.

Never’ going to happen of course, but the wishful thinking itself is sound.


Jesus guys lay off. At the end of the day this is A GAME. It shouldn’t leave someone in tears for god’s sake. Use this thread to take a good look at yourself…ARE YOU CAUSING THIS?


I’m trying to be a nicer person. It’s hard, but I’m trying, guys.


The fact that a lot of people here are saying “jerks will be jerks” is sorta depressing.

Sure, grow thick skin, whatever.

Doesn’t change the fact that people don’t have to be jerks, they choose to for some ungodly reason.


We live in a generation ruined by trolls and a broken society … People know how to be nice but its more ‘‘normal’’ to troll / insult / whatever … sadly …


I try to be as positive as I can, but sometimes it gets hard when someone is personally insulting you, calling you trash.

Either way, I do my best to have fun when I play. I’ve been watching the streamer Emongg recently, and I’ve gained a ton of respect for him. Maybe he isn’t an OWL caliber of player, but the dude is always positive. No matter what.

For example, yesterday I was watching his stream and there was this guy who was purposefully throwing his game. He was doing the classic: going torb, hammering his full health level 2 turret right by the spawn doors, intentionally trying to make a streamer lose for kicks. How did Emongg react to this? He found a way to have fun. He laughed it off.

Because of this game, he lost his spot in the top 500. He did not complain about it once. His chat was furious. They implored him to report this guy and avoid as teammate (and maybe he should have), but he didn’t. He didn’t even want to give that troll the satisfaction, as you could probably bet he was watching the stream, looking to crack the gamer who is famous for his positivity.

Anyway, my point is this: if you have not watched Emongg play, I highly suggest you do. I started watching him very recently, and I can honestly say that there is a lot to be learned by the way that he carries himself. He always finds something to smile about, even when he loses. He never says anything toxic to anybody, and he always has fun.

I think if everyone in the community were more like that, this game would be 100 times better off.


i’m pretty sure i was reading exact same topic with exact same name on the old forum

i was wondering what you were brewing up and it was for sure worth the wait


Yeah lol took a bit of time to write that. Especially on my phone.

Being tilt-proof is a healthy advantage in Overwatch, and I’ll definitely check that guy out.

The best part about it though…is that deep down it feels nice knowing how upset you’re making the troll by not reacting, or even acknowledging them.


it’s a competitive game, gotta stay strong and have competitive spirit in you

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Being competitive doesn’t mean you have to be a nasty human being that ridicules players and breaking them down to the point of tears.

There is a very big difference between being competitive and being an uncivilized human being.


All competitive games are the same, overwatch is no difference, same people, same feelings

It is depressing, but that’s the culture that this generation of gamers has cultivated. For a long time it’s been a boys club led by people who felt ostracized and bullied and used its exclusivity to do and say whatever they wanted. Now that gaming is connected in this way, and social media is all over the place, and gaming has exploded in its relevance, these same people now feel entitled to keep being garbage at the expense of growing up in an ever-changing world. They say it’s “part of gaming culture,” and “You need to grow a thicker skin,” and they are shielded by others through apathy and outright defense. “My feelings aren’t hurt, so yours shouldn’t be,” as if that excuses the behavior.

It’s an inherent, institutional problem with gaming culture. The only way we can begin to do anything about it is to actually start self-policing, to ostracize those who are rude, bigoted, dangerous, and all-around unkind and unsportsmanlike. But to even get to that point, you have to convince people that self-policing is in the greater interest of the hobby, but when I’ve been told to “stay out of” instances of bullying involving two other team mates on this very board, you see it as hopeless.

Unless we all are willing to grow a spine and stop letting the crapsticks get away with ruling the roost, gaming culture should be dismissed as a lost cause.