[MEGATHREAD] [190+ likes] You just lost one of your top 500 players - everything wrong with overwatch in extreme detail


kosi is one of my friends, he made this not so long ago

some level 3s help me with the links please?

EDIT: im not bragging about my top 500, im bringing it up to show how much passion i have for the game, and why one of there top players is highly considering leaving the game they excel at

EDIT 2: LFG has greatly improved the experience and taken away some of these issues, i think it saved the game for me

from my friend RichC:

the game that saved me from suicide, helped me with depression, helped me cope with dysphoria is now doing the exact thing that i didnt want it to do

im tired of the poor balance choices

this one isnt really something you can just fix and is more along the lines of listen to our feedback and not what blizzard thinks

2 people come to mind mercy and junkrat, how many people thought that mass res was an issue?? it wasnt, you were just stupid and blew all of your ultimates just for mercy to come and res, the counter to mass res was simple, dont use your ultimates or kill mercy before you use your ultimates its not that hard

mercy is still very strong and because of it ana is useless and trash tier, she needs mass res back or remove res

junkrat is a hero that needed 2 nerfs after they reworked him, a slower ult charge and 90 damage mines but nope we had to go through the hard way and change his entire kit and make him trash again

im tired of people getting punished for the heroes they play

people will say your throwing and just report you its as simple as that, report system is busted

im tired of blizzard ignoring F tier heroes

sombra ignored since launch

junkrat overnerfed

bastion ignored

reaper trash tier since launch

ana trash

lucios ult has been trash for a year

sym just now getting changed

torb ignored

mei garbage

orisa doesnt counter CC properly

im tired of console players being ignored

pharah mercy is still op on console

a more diverse communication wheel is lacking

reports cant even be appealed on console???

no PTR so console players cant even give input

mouse and keyboard on console is still a thing and for some reason its not a reportable offense???

lack of communication

ana is even more useless and needs a console specific buff

widow needs a console specific change, maybe not a buff but a change

anyways you should read the link below this text if you wanna know more about console problems from console players


im tired of blizzard making heroes op to shift the meta


how could you possibly call that hero balanced? same goes with hanzo i dont get how people think they are completely balanced and that isnt the only guy thats done it there are brig mains that were plat and are mid masters now or hanzo mains that were diamond last season and are now top 500

im tired of the toxicity


dont wanna rewrite the whole thing, toxicity is in every game you can’t do anything about it but overwatches toxicity is really bad

im tired of the broken report system

blizz claims they wont ban you for one tricking, everyone knows that it isnt true they can and will ban you and CS will say its justified

im tired of smurfs ruining lower ranked games

nothing is stopping someone from making another account placing it in bronze and just ruining all the bronze games

im tired of the slow updates

some skins every couple months or a new map every couple months doesnt really make the game, we need a new base game mode not more mini arcade modes

im tired that the dont listen to our feedback

look at some of the changes we got reccently

im tired that quick play is always 6 DPS

no reason to want to tank or heal because “its just qp i wanna have fun XD”

im tired that quick play has no reason for you to want to win

self explanatory

im tired that there is no clan/guild system

this would make ranked so much more enjoyable, there could be clan vs clan battles and it would be cool and would encourage people to want to win because they are playing with friends

im tired nothing is stopping someone from throwing games

“this is my smurf account”

im tired that they dont keep up to their promises

rien was promised to be fixed months ago

im tired that this game doesnt have a working colorblind mode

its been 2 years and we were promised a GOOD one a year ago

im tired that there are no subtitles for people who cant hear or have some difficulty hearing

its easy enough and if you dont want people having an advantage over others just mute every sound in the game if you have that setting on, its simple enough

im tired that they treat OWL like its a priority

when in reality few people actually care about it

im tired of the broken MMR

when im placed against golds and plats in qp its not fun for them, i would be mad to if i was that low

im tired of broken matchmaking

i dont want 4 mercy mains and 2 mccree mains on my team

im tired of the lack of lore

we have not been getting alot recently especially for heroes like dva pharah and brigitte

im tired that ai has been ignored since sombra came out

less then half the heroes have ais available

and the list could go on and on… overwatch will die if it keeps it up, blizzard you need to take action, im really thinking about leaving


You have a lot reasonable complaints. Only time will tell what changes in the game.

If you quit, hope you’ll find fun elsewhere!


Do i win the bet yet?


I agree on the point that they should focus on fixing the core game for all of us instead of focusing so much on e-sports which a majority of the people who play this game likely could care less about…


I think Mercy is in a good place, but I think other main supports have been handled poorly. Ana was given a buff but it just wasn’t enough, she is still weak. Moira is about to get nerfed with her not being able to heal through shields.

There’s about 50k to 80k that watch everyday.

Probably not for awhile.


Well. After 2 years of not wanting to touch another FPS game thanks to overwatch, Now i’m back to csgo today. What has this game become?!


At least hold out until the LFG/Endorsement systems go live. I have my fair share of nonsense games w/ uncoordinated/uncaring teammates…but I have a strong belief that coordinating endorsements into the MM system will be one step in the right direction.


What bet? Is there a bet that I wasn’t privy too? :rofl:

Well, I hope that these issues get addressed soon, and I hope you find happiness somewhere.

Those were the old problems. Toxicity and groups. Things we managed for 2 years.

The big problem that’s driving people away is balancing. Not the old problems. Same with me. I’m tired of this .

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Well if they listened to the ‘balancing’ suggestions I see on here, the game would just remorph into “Genji Watch”


I’m curious to know. When has it EVER been genjiwatch? At his best, he had 40~50% pickrate. Even as we speak, all the high tier picks of this meta which consist of 5 heroes, have above 60% pickrate.

Genjiwatch? Are you serious?!


His mains are the most vocal against new heroes (and existing ones) wanting them nerfed into the ground, just so he doesn’t have to deal w/ a counter.

Oh…I see why that response just happened………………


It’s okay, I’ve been thinking about putting the game away for a while too, for the same reasons actually.
It seems to me that poor balance is to Overwatch as Bugs are to Skyrim, or as overpriced dlc is to the sims.

The report/ban system is the worst I’ve seen since like, Miiverse. Where you would get banned for ‘sexual content’ over nothing but a screenshot of a hug that was part of a major cutscene in the E-rated game. Disputing bans/suspensions does nothing.

I could go on but i think we get the idea. The way this game is going, I’m not sure I’ll be playing by the end of the year.

If you do decide to quit, at least there’s other games you can play.


I wish I could find another game to play a lot to but there’s just no new games out at the moment. it’s filled with BR trash the worst trend ever


Im sorry but i stopped reading here. If you are uncapable of understanding why mass rez was broken then you just have no clue what balance is. If you don’t like the game don’t play it, there are countless other games out there.

Do people not know of Paladins? Am I missing something here? Everyone either wants to quit or needs a break from Overwatch. Go try it. It’s free. You wont have alot of these complaints with the game. Maybe.

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Ive been giving Paladins a try but i just can’t seem to get in on it. I feel like i went from a five star restaurant to a three star. Almost everything in Paladins is worse in quality IMO, the characters are not as good, the maps, the world, the gameplay, the sound design, the music the skills, etc. Everything is just on a lower level of quality at least for me, it may be just a matter of taste, but that is how i think.

Oh really? As in we didn’t have 10 NERF GENJI posts for each genji main complainers. You might want to open your eyes next time. Or if you have some free time, go through the posts of 2 months ago and tell me how many nerf requests were people sending to nerf genji and how many were for his counters.


Time heals all things. I feel once you actually start getting into the meat of the game it really starts showing its appeal. I barely touch Overwatch these days with Paladins around.

You really get a since of longevity with the game. Since one character can be played almost 4 or more different ways. Healers can be damage dealers. Tanks can be flanks. Damage can have damage reduction on par with tanks (kinda). It blows my mind.

It’s also Mercy’s fault if I miss the bus yesterday… ._.

nUrF MaRcy!