Maybe we should start tanks over or something

Maybe if they had more than 2 tanks available at a time, a bigger pool of interesting tanks, players might actually play them more. But Jeff doesn’t think so, so I say more dps are the solution!

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I feel like people can’t recognize that even if we had an equal number of DPS and Tanks, that “Sturdy but Boring” BarrierTanks, are still boring.

Even if they opened up all tanks and banned half the dps people would still queue dps and avoid tank.

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The only issue now is Rein is too good. Face it. BTW, you are talking to a Sigma/Zarya tanker.

Are you seriously advocating using a flanking Roadhog as a way to win games?

The one where somebody wants to “almost a DPS” on the tank role, but can still bypass chokes, and block Ults really well?

Probably because half the dps are still more LUL and I’m not saying tanking is fun right now because it feels like signing up to be a punching bag for Doomfist, Mei, and Echo players

I mean, I just don’t think so.

Mei would be a garbage tier tank, worse than Roadhog.

Metro I think you should take a break from tanking, play a different role more and when you return, it won’t feel as bad. Maybe you’re just burnt out

I think you’re right, but the issue isn’t that the barrier tanks are boring by default (I like them, but they are). Its that only one tank is viable when playing as a tank.

Which is to say, when getting shot at for the team.

To me, the solution is easy: introduce passives that reinforce tanking for all of the tanks.

Winston, for example, could have a passive where stuns/CC moves fill his ult more when he’s hit by them and allows him to ult while stunned.

Hog could have a passive where he gives less ult charge when he’s shot. That’s it.

I don’t really know for the other tanks. Maybe Zarya could have a slight rework that reinforces meter management? Like, she gives up some of her charge to but a barrer on her team mate, but this barrier doesn’t give her charge back (or maybe just gives her a little, IDK).

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I’ve been playing DPS. It is less frustrating, but it has the significant problem that your tank’s picks are a huge factor in winning the game, and totally out of your control.

I mean if we go in Orisa Hog there is nothing I can do to make that team comp succeed.

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I disagree

tanks are, for the most part, nearly completely balanced

rein zarya is viable
Orisa sigma is viable
hog is good on some maps
you can run dive (the dive tanks need some survivability buffs or something)

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So she could get buffs. Which is nice.

In particular I playtested (against bots) Mei with 350hp, 100selfheal, 10sec wall, and it felt pretty decent.

Something in that direction is a lot better than her getting 3 more nerfs if she stays DPS.

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I advocated him as one solution, but I didn’t say he was the only thing you could do.

Besides that, a flanking hog is notoriously dangerous. I don’t know how long you’ve been on OW, but before Doomfist, Moira and Brig where the boogymen of the forums, Roadhogs that flank were the most hated thing.

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I wouldn’t give up as easily as that, because often times the enemy aren’t playing the comp to the fullest. I’m off, hope to see you less frustrated next time

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Tank play isn’t fair anymore (and is in a relatively bad state at the moment) because it isn’t fair to deny the damage players the kills they so obviously deserve.


The game has never been balanced. Then they decided to go 222 without balance for tanks.

Until they make a balanced mode for 222 the nerf/buff rotations are nothing more than switching around the chair decks on the Titanic.

They have to buff things accordingly to make each hero stand out from another instead of completely depend on hero tank/support synergy or be useless.

The nerf compensation buff, buff compensation nerf philosophy has not been successful in four years.

Why they stay on this predictable cycle is a mystery to me.


I mean, I just don’t think that’s factually accurate.

Orisa is so bad she’s not even the best thing to play with Sigma. Rein is better, Zarya is better. Dva is probably even better.
Hog is never good. Rein needs his Zarya, and any other tank needs damage mitigation Hog doesn’t provide.
Dive, well… it’s not great. Sometimes it can succeed. But it’s about a million times harder than facerolling through an easy win on Rein Zarya.

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Considering queue times are the #1 issue this game has, I think you got the order of importantance reversed.

But it’s easy enough to solve both at the same time.

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Flankhog is hated mostly by his teammates, though. It’s like DPS Moira; outside of wood tier it isn’t going to win anything.