Making Mercy universally viable- a rework

Except they can move and use other abilities to not literally be a sitting duck.

She has a melee range. She can’t hit multiple targets, they are able to move.
If it’s a Cooldown issue 10 seems fine.

Does she need to be, though?
Not a single hero in the game is right now, Mercy doesn’t need it.

15 HP is tiny when it comes to burst healing. Also it is on something with a 1.5s CD. It would function more along the lines of a raw HPs increase than a standard burst heal.

It’s less restrictive than what she currently has.
Why are you so against giving Mercy any sort of burst heal anyway? Double that since this rework of yours is giving Mercy a burst of shields.

How does this relate to what I said? I’m basically saying Mercy should be able to bail on Resurrect if things change. Like say she hears DF start charging his punch. She needs to get out, but can’t because she’s locked into the animation.

I understand that. The thing I posted is a compromise of sorts. I know for a fact that there are some people out there who really like the chain beams.

So? Who said all abilities have to be universally viable? Especially if said ability had a mutually exclusive option (or two) that was pretty universally viable?

That’s what happened with instant res mercy on 2.0 you res then ult then you can res 2 more times your way would go the exact same way just bubble when it immediately goes down pop ult and bubble again so if it was used offensively there would be little to no counterplay outside of having your own mercy also she would be the strongest healer in general not just solo

Use the ga tech especially when your ulting because speed boost use repent and zarya bubbles you or you bubble yourself and GA away and don’t forget grav repent

Yea but mercy can see it and especially if it’s on koth where people are in close quarters it won’t really matter since it’ll be wiped

When I say anti nade gets wiped I was talking about using it on herself/allies

Mercy has the mobility to make up for that range since she can easily fly to the target she wants to heal and they get consistent healing unlike with ana wjere the farther you are thw less likely you are to hit your teammate especially if she’s healing dps at range since they have smaller hitboxes which is why Ana does well in tank comps and mercy does will in dps comps

Addressed above

Solo heal as Lucio? You are asking your whole team to clump up all the time? Get ready to be naded, to be set on fire by Ashe, to be EMP? In the recent interview Jeff did say that grouping up closely will be more punishable, hence the junkrat buff on ptr.

Solo heal as Zen is just asking to be targeted by dive heroes and may as well just stay in spawn.

The reason why Mercy works so well with solo heal for dps comp is because they can spread out and apply pressure from all angles, and GA allow Mercy to be with anyone at any moment notice. Her mobility and damage boost ability are maximized.

Maybe you’d be interested in the changes I proposed in my latest post based on the usual community complaints.

Link to the thread (Warning, long post)

Oh, dude, please…

If you want to make a new character, go make a new character.
There’s no point in removing an existing character just to give them an entirely different ingame persona.

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That is possible. I’ve done it in a comp consisting of Roadhog, Reaper, Mei, Torb, and Tracer. Gold Ranked is… a silly place.

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Reaper and Mei with a boostio? “What a frightening thought”

They are universally viable. Flat. Zen isn’t only good with mccree. Lucio isn’t only good with rein etc.

Rez is conditional. If you never need Rez, you can’t use it. I’m removing that.

Dmg boost applies to zen too.

Like a rook versus a bishop, neither are better than another. They do their jobs differently. How the player uses them, determines their output. This should apply to all heroes. Mccree isn’t better than soldier. They offer different things. Lucio isn’t better than zen. They offer different things

Mercy and ana and Moira should be equal in output with different things.
Ana offers burst and utility with a cost of the dependency for aim and lower survivability
Moira offers more survivability and much less utility
Mercy offers consistency and lower output for moderate survivability and utility

I disagree. Soldier, tracer, mccree, widow, hanzo, zen Lucio … Plenty of heroes are fine without being “the best at all times”

Because it’s about consistency. She’s supposed to be a consistent healer. This is why I didn’t let bubble cleanse. She has no way to improve her healing output beyond beam prioritization

I’m saying Rez is a bad ability and thus why I removed it. Buffing it is irrelevant if it’s gone.

They want universally viable heroes. To be universally viable, you need universally applicable abilities.

Except this isn’t Rez, she has only bubbles. And zarya isn’t op with two simultaneously active bubbles is she?

Is zarya impossible? Additionally, this doesn’t cleanse. Is anti impossible?

This still is only solo target. I don’t understand the purpose here… If she is caught in grab, she can only use repent on one enemy. So either grav dmg is nulled or the enemy genji or pharah. It’s either or and on the condition that they are in melee range. If she misses, that’s still the same play.

If she bubbles herself, she let her teammates die. And she can only save one teammate with bubble… What is the issue?

Wiped when? No ability in the game cleanses others other than zarya???

Ana can buff and debuff at the same time. If she uses it right, she can heal herself and hurt the enemy genji/tracer/ reaper etc.

Pros and cons.
Ana has range. Mercy does not. I personally just require one larger tank for me to feel valued on ana. Dva, road, doesn’t matter. 75 hps burst does wonders to DPS

You do not. It seems to only apply to how op mercy is despite her not. Ana has a heal potential flat of almost 90hps from any range. Making it aim dependent seems like a pro or con

High burst from anywhere but aim dependent?

Moderate and slower and more vulnerable but less aim dependent.
Pros. Cons.

Pretty much.

You really don’t want Hog, Reaper, Mei, Torb, or Tracer all up in your buisness for any length of time. But Lucio helps them all get there rapidly with spot heals for when their self sustain isn’t quite enough.

This comp honestly worked way better than it had any right to.

but that’s literally what you’re trying to do to Mercy here


Nah, Lucio is mobile. Believe it or not, I can go to them.

Unless you’re a deadly zen and have heroes peel for you.

Mercy is great for healing if you don’t have anyone bothering to help you and you have bad aim. But your utility and output is limited because of Rez and dmg boost.

She still applies in the heal aspect with this rework idea. She just isn’t constrained with Rez or dmg boost and can apply less situationally.

I don’t think this is a new hero.
Solo target
Moderate heal
No aim beam

I am not. She isn’t good against burst dmg, offers no team utility, and has limited range.

But she’s consistent, her healing isn’t based on resources or the players’ skills

Chain damage boost

Not a huge problem

Ok…so beam juggling isn’t a skill for her? Should we rework current mercy away from beam?

This was for the rework I gave her. I hate chain beams especially for a solo target support

Then does this mean she already is better than ana? Is range not an asset to ana?

Don’t fix whats not broken?
See what happens when goats dies and the new hero gets his inevitable nerfs.
Many other heroes need attention atm.

Beam juggling is a skill that’s related more to the player and less to the hero.


I meant that her range is not that bad to even be considered a problem.

I’m not interested in current or past aspects of mercy. She was equally fine with mass Rez for the old version of the game. We left the old overwatch. Mercy should match.

This isn’t about her power. It’s about her design

I like FFirebrandd’s suggestions a lot more (and think they are more balanced):