Making Mercy universally viable- a rework

So now that I know the goals of reworks and where the game is being designed towards, I can give a more defined idea of what I’d want from mercy. Imo, to make her universally viable and a primary healer, her conditional abilities must be removed and new ones given in their stead. Cooldowns can be tweaked of course but overall… I just like the idea of a more independent mercy.

60 hps
Dmg boost removed
Rez removed
Halo: mercy casts a shield/bubble to protect herself or teammate , 200 hp or burst, 5% speed boost, no cleansing capabilities, 8 Sec cooldown
REPENT: mercy uses her staff to cast a wave to remove her enemy’s offensive abilities (Disc orb gone, heal stays, tracer can blink but not shoot) for five seconds; 8 Sec cooldown

No free flight
Mercy gains 15% speed boost in her base play
80% boost for GA
120 hps beam, 10% speed boost to her target
Halo resets - she can hold 2 charges, speed does stack with beam
Repent resets
Angelic decent is 50% slower if active
10 ammo clip but 2x dmg

Yeah… That’s the idea…

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But Mercy is already viable.
Just not meta.


I said universally. Rez and dmg boost are not universally viable.

Mercy is viable just not fun


That would be super OP, and her abilities to shut down enemy offense veer far too much into tank territory, leading to excessively tanky teams similar to Goats.

Also, if you like the hero, why do you want to radically change how she plays?


Yeah this definitely isn’t super broken.


What would…
Zarya bubble cleanses and gives her power
Brig has a perma shield
Ana has sleep dart and sombra has hack which do more
What aspect makes her op?

I have a desire for good game design. The idea is to make her equal to her other primary healers and less situationally niche.

She’s definitely equal to Moira already. Probably more than equal. And she’s not far behind Ana if at all.

But, more importantly, this is less ‘changing Mercy’ and more ‘deleting Mercy and sticking her character model on a completely new hero’.


Why… Sleep dart does more and has a cooldown onlya few seconds longer.
This has a limited range, and doesn’t actually stun…

Yeah, but sleep dart can be awoken from almost immediately and people miss most of them (even pros only hit like 30% or less).


Why? Shes a pure mobile healer. I took out her conditional abilities. Her base play is back to being more fluid without cast times or “unfair” play

This is not a mercy rework this is hero 31

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See what Mitrovarr wrote ^^

You made her into a completely different support-tank hybrid who would be extremely overpowered and play in a completely different way.


Yeah… And this has a range to compensate.
Dart does more but requires harsher mechanical skill.
This does less will harsher range, but easier to hit.

You can’t give someone else Zarya’s shield… that’s like, most of Zarya’s value at most ranks. Not when they still have Mercy’s old overpowered healing amount… and ANOTHER tanking ability.

This Mercy would be both a very strong support and probably the best off-tank in the game.

Nah just let her press Q and she throws her staff at the enemy and insta-kills whoever is the target.


How? Batiste already has invulnerability for multiple people… She doesn’t take off debuffs…

Yeah, until someone pops a stationary deployable that’s in the air for 250 hp. That might take a second or two. And that’s on a 20 second timer, much longer than you gave any abilities here.

Also, Mercy doesn’t get to have anything equivalent to sleep dart because that’s Ana’s only self-defense mechanism and a do-or-die ability. Mercy has mobility for that.

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Zarya also has two that removed debuffs and has the ability to give her the strongest consistent dps.

Mercy does gain dmg, nor does she have giant health.