Making Mercy universally viable- a rework

Ana is most definitely not viable in bronze or comps with lots of fast moving dps or dive. To make her viable in these situations she is going to need an autoaim/lockon of some sort. That will then domino into a whole bunch of other changes. Shes also going to need mobility which will lead to more changes. She will need massive massive changes to get her even close to as universally viable as Mercy is now.

Ana is literally a non factor in the current meta. Mercy is played in more popular comps than Ana is currently.

Ana has a higher curling than mercy. That isn’t about hero power output.
It is easier to use a rook than a knight if you’re new to chess. But a knight is not better than a rook or vice versa.

Mercy being popular is irrelevant. I’m sure she wouldn’t be quite as popular if she looked like junkrat

Burst heal is Mercy’s weakness, she is not meant for brawling fight. Ana and Moira are better choice when the tanks line headbutt each other on even ground to duke it out and hope to win the attrition war.

Ana is weak against dive, doesn’t have dps pocket capacity like Mercy, doesn’t have mobility and need team resource to keep her alive. Mercy is straight up better with mobility and long range comp.

Everyone is universally viable in every comp, but each has their own niche that is just better than the others

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I truly believe you went too far and changed too much. Mercy does need changes but she doesn’t need wild radical changes to fix most of her issues.

That isn’t even what I said… Mercy is played exclusively in solo support and triple dps comps. NO OTHER support can fill this slot, only Mercy. I’m not talking about the popularity of the hero.

Mercy would actually have 3 bubbles since you can use it then pop ult it restores charges then do it 2 more times. You just slap on bubble on zarya if it’s off cooldown or rein when his barrier is going down and he gets a free 400 damage blocked by zarya and also mercy. It has a speed boost so it can be used offensively with a rein ult or nano blade and you can’t really punish it for the first second since it’s a bubble.

You’d have to up the cooldown to 40 or 50 sec if that was the case since it’s the ultimate push mechanic that cannot be countered

Ana’s burst healing and nade if she uses it on allies gets wiped since she can’t fire her gun and all the effects on anti nade gets wiped with it also your team can burst that damage back down

People miss sleep dart all the time since it requires a bit of prediction also random spray can wake them up since it has no damage threshold

Ana also doesn’t have the mobility that mercy has either

I am not interested in creating heroes to be situationally niche. Dmg boost and Rez are not abilities that mercy has sole control of. They are also not universally applicable bases on mercy’s own choices.
In order for mercy to be universally viable, her abilities need to be universally applicable.

I mean, that’s literally not true. Plenty of people run Lucio ana or Moira for solo comps.

That’s… fine… but there are other ways to go about doing that… like say…

  1. Give Mercy a 15 hp burst heal on GA.
  2. Mercy’s E can now be used on living targets. When used this way, it provides the target a burst heal of 125 followed by a 100 HPs 1.75s channeled heal. During this channel, Mercy is NOT slowed by 75% but is unable to use other abilities.
  3. Pushing E again while doing the standard Resurrect will now cancel the ability. The normal 30s CD applies.
  4. Valkyrie’s main beam buffed to 80 HPs, chains nerfed to 40 Ps.
  5. Valkyrie doubles the value of change #1.
  6. Valkyrie’s duration nerfed to 12 or 10 seconds.
  7. Valkyrie no longer increases the length of Mercy’s beam.

That gives her more things she has control over and gives an alternative to Resurrect instead of deleting it outright.

Also I’d like to point out that Pistol, Heal beam, and Boost beam are all mutually exclusive. Having Boost Beam not be generally applicable is fine because if the player feels like they don’t need it this match, they don’t have to use it.

It would only ever hold potentially two. The reset would not grant her two. It only would be two if she had not used the bubble previously.

Additionally, another commenter pointed out my desire for her to be a solo target support. Semantics but, only one bubble could ever be active.

Except for …range. and number of heroes it hits.

What? It’s supper fast and she can even shoot from her gun before nade hits her target…

What? Only zarya can cleanse and only herself and one other hero

And she can hit it anywhere.mercy has melee range.

Pros and cons.

Because ana can heal further and faster and for more.

Does it make sense to give ana mercy’s mobility? A hanzo leap even?

Any healer can be run in any comp, but mercy is still by far the best solo healer. Moira, Lucio would have to burn their cool down just to get to each of their teammates if they spread out in 5 different directions, while Mercy has GA on demand

No, they do not. At least not in any bracket that pertains to game balance.

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You rly want Mercy to be viable everywhere…
She is the best healer for DPS compositions, chill…

Don’t you think this is a little overtuned?

  • 60 HP/s in her basic kit
  • 8 second cooldown for a 200 HP BURST and 5% speed boost
  • 15% self speed boost and 80% speed boost for GA in Valkyrie
  • 120 HP/s HEALING BEAM WITH NO DOWNSIDES TO IT (and for whatever a speed boost)
  • Cooldown ability resets (and 2 charges for the burst??)
  • And some very weird pistol changes
  • (Damn even her passive gets a change)

This thread seems kinda, satirical…

But if it is actually serious, may I ask what you based these changes on?

But that doesn’t mean all heroes have to be universally viable. I don’t even think that is achievable.

If you have to ask why this conversation isn’t really going to go anywhere. Most characters are sitting ducks if they’re not able to attack. Compound on that you can keep someone disabled from attacking for something around 3/4 of the time with such a low cooldown, add to that there’s no cast time?

Cmon bruh, do better. Sometimes I have to remind myself that the people who complain about balance or certain characters are people who have ideas like this…

I don’t believe burst heal is mercy’s niche. Consistency is. I don’t want to encroach on brig or ana or Moira.

I’m not fond of channels for mobile heroes.
Also, no burst heal

Rez is not an ability based on mercy. It’s conditional. The goal is to make her less conditional.

Solo target support is my focus here. Chain beams and multiple targets are eliminated

I think if you can’t get value from an ability on your own, it’s not a universally viable ability. Mercy cannot dmg boost herself. Dmg boost value comes from others. This removes her conditional support ability.

Hard disagree. Each support offers different things
Also Lucio has no Cooldown besides amp. His healing is consistent.
And personally, if I’m running a speedy comp, I’ll even solo heal as zen. Mercy is just popular.

Stats or else this is heresay. I personally run zen solo if my comp is DPS friendly enough.

Yes. Every support should be.

I disagree. I believe zen ana and Lucio offer a lot for DPS players utility.

Then up the Cooldown? Ten seems reasonable. The speed boost is to compensate for the lack of cleanse or debuff

Like brig, ana …

Because no free flight?

That’s already the case isn’t it?

Except range, and solo target…


Remove the spam nature and up her skill floor compared to now. This rewards mercy players who are already good with pistol.

No free flight… That’s why

Dmg boost and Rez are conditional abilities that make mercy niche to situations not the ability of her player.
To make her universally viable, she needs to have universally applicable abilities.
Additionally, her changes are to create her to be a solo target support . Chain beams have been removed for this reason.

I disagree.
Who is better? Lucio or zen?

There’s no right answer. They offer different things but overall have equal power.

This should apply to mercy.

This does literally nothing to establish that they are universally viable. I think you are misunderstanding what universal viability means.

It does… she is the only one able to bring an ally back from the dead and can damage boost and heal quite a bit.

Universally viable, as I understand it, would mean always viable. This isn’t possible for all characters simultaneously

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