Making Mercy universally viable- a rework

Yeah… That’s the point. Her output should be on the player. Not hero.

In what way? It’s just a pro Vs con. Her range means she needs to expose herself and reach her teammate to get value. This applies to current mercy as much as this rework version. More so since this version doesn’t have free flight.


Stopped reading here.

Very few, if any heroes should be “universally” viable. In fact, all heroes are viable if you play them well enough.

Statistics already show that Mercy is balanced. If you are having issues, you either need to work on improving or recognize when you need to switch - the whole point of this game.

Mercy is a non-issue right now and attempts to argue otherwise are amounting to spam.

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I am against burst, Rez, and dmg boost

Thus my rework.

The Devs disagree

Irrelevant to my rework purpose

You need reading comprehension classes. Feel free to not reply until you learn to read fully and completely

Well, obviously she’s an issue and has been for the past 2 years, otherwise there would not be so many threads about her. But her issues, in my opinion, aren’t about balance or viability, but about her kit and a playerbase that is very polarized about what they want her to be like.

Example of an issue: It would be an issue if Blizzard created a perfectly balanced hero that nobody ever wishes to play and that saw absolutely zero playtime (not saying this is Mercy, just giving an example to illustrate why some see Mercy having issues)

We are doing theo-crafting here, it doesn’t equate into the crafting that the enemy is dumb enough to not take advantage of meager healing of Zen or Lucio.

No amount of godly aim or peel gonna save Zen from Monkey Dva combo dive. And like you said, you need at least some teammates to babysit you all the time, that s valuable resources spent on you otherwise could be used for some thing else.

The time it takes Lucio to get to a single person and heal them up to full, Mercy has already done top up the whole team.

This doesn’t even factor in the map design, like where do you think Zen should position himself on Anubis attack to get los of everyone without expose himself to sniper fire and dive tanks? How long does it take Lucio to heal Pharah, then get to widow standing far back on first gate, then double back to heal Pharah again? Your Lucio gonna have a lot of downtime essentially doing nothing

There is no reason to rework a hero if they are balanced i.e. not in need of attention. The entire purpose of your post is irrelevant.

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You wanna talk about solo healing? Make a thread. I disagree with you on many counts. But it isn’t relevant to mercy now or my proposed rework as mercy has increased her beam range or anything besides base healing numbers. And I also nerfed her ultimate healing numbers to compensate.

A hero needs to match the flow and design of the game. Mercy doesn’t match the goals of the game. Read. Dude. Read.

But they aren’t. Zenyatta isn’t a viable solo healer and neither is Lucio. So they are not universally viable.

Well I believe you are being dishonest or otherwise unfair by not considering resurrection.

This isn’t universal viability in my eyes. I think we have a disagreement on the definition of that term.

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While I disagree,
This applies to output and value. Mercy also doesn’t enable dps or a defensive ult. The viability comes in the application of output potential.

Zen is equally viable to heal his pharah and his rein. His healing doesn’t change. His disc or doesn’t only apply to people with half health. Nothing is limited based on situations or other heroes.

The output you desire is simply not what Zen provides. Similarly, if you want to enable dmg, moira and Ana isn’t as good as Zen.

Can you rez someone who is alive? Nope. Do you always want to use rez more often? Nope. It can hurt your team to stagger, not have healing, risk you, or use resources to protect you as Mercy just to rez. This doesn’t apply to disc orb or nade etc.

The semantics you can disagree with. Do you disagree on the point?

We are talking about healers are not being universally viable/optimal, none of them are. Each has their own use and niche. Mercy can be used in any comp, but some is just sub optimal and some is just straight up better than other healers. Mercy’s identity are mobility, pocket and rezz, take any of that away then you may as well just design a whole different hero

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The niche is in output…not conditions of map or availability.

Zen might not be optimal to take out pharah for an individual player but he is able to. Disc orb doesn’t only apply to heroes half health. Anti nade doesn’t apply to only enemies full health etc. The conditions of making the most use of the hero is on the players. You could be a literal robot on Ana with 100% accuracy, but that doesn’t make her health through matrix and Winston bubble while tracer and genji dive her. So on Ana, you have to decide if Ana is getting value from you playing her. Ana is a tool. You might need a different tool.

I disagree. Rez is not her identity. Solo beam, mobility , moderate healing is. Res is no more Mercy than shields and autolock for symm or armor for torb.
Her base play hasn’t changed in my rework outside of Rez. And Rez was added to her base play and she is still mercy

Why are we making her universally viable?

Because that’s what every hero is moving towards per the devs. Niche is no longer to apply to situations and maps but instead how a hero is played.

No, it’s moving towards that because the community can’t accept the core aspects of the game.
For some reason stupidity is being rewarded.


It never was universally niche. This is why the pure niches were trash. Mercy with mass Rez, symm, torb, Hanzo, even Ana.

If widow were to be as niche as old symm, this version would be more like:
Old charge rate
Can one shot any hero including tanks
Needs to unscope and reload for each shot.

It’s always good to one shot a hero. But this would have been the same level of “niche” as symm and it is kicher harder. Consider Ana. 100% heal nade isn’t OP when you have fewer shots. Her “niche” was that her utility and healing burst was tank friendly.

We as a community wanted heroes we could use more often. So power was adjusted, and now we have heroes less output niche and simply playstyle niche. We have one tricks to thank for this.

Rez was/is/always be intended as her identity. I don’t have time to look for it, but in development update video right around after Mercy rework, rezz was confirmed by the devs as Mercy’s uniqueness, hence it was moved to E ability and put through nerfs after nerfs but would never be removed.

All this rework looks to me like just an excuse to have 60 hps back again. Did you know it was dialed back down to 50 for a reason?

There is no “we” in this community. There are literally two main groups, the people who did understand what this game was about and those who didn’t. And for some reason the people who didn’t get it were the ones the DEV teams decided to cater to.

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Similarly…it was buffed for a reason. Without call healingand Rez , 60 is fine.

They also changed their minds before. Like symm, torb, and mercy. Mass Rez was wholly unique. It is gone. And for the better with the flow of the game Imo. If they wanted a niche game, they could have done that. They did not. Rez is for old overwatch. Old mercy should be left behind with it

Thus… The devs have now said the balance changes and such will be made to make heroes less situational. It’s already being done.

I’m simply asking for mercy to be coherent with this new take of design.