Make more supports like Zen

Jenos would’ve been a fun hero for overwatch.

Every support in paladins can spam heals except maybe Jenos. Support main here.

Paladins supports heal massively more then ow supports. And most have multiple ways to heal and more then a couple have burst healing ults.

But they do supports better in paladins for sure.

except their designs are in fact more healbotty. as I explained before, with a lot of OW supports having their primary fire as heal and there’s literally no resource nor limit for most of them, they have to drop what they’re doing to focus on healing and they’re locked out of many actions whilst doing so if they don’t want to sacrifice heal output.

contrast this to most paladins supports whereby you tag your teammate target to heal like a zen orb and which applies a HoT on them for a duration, and after the animation of the heal cast, you can go back to doing whatever whether if that’s shooting the enemy, using an ability to peel or for offensive utility, etc.

like clearly the latter (paladins) is much less heal botty.
legit there’s a lot of “main healers” in paladins that play like zen in regards to when they heal vs damage.

objectively it is given how much worse it is compared to not-battle mercy and various other kits that are better at dps’ing in the game.

They don’t play at all like healbots unless you’re low rank and don’t know what else to do. Watch some high skilled players play support, they most definitely are not healbots. Ana, Bap, Zen, Moira, Lucio & Brig are all very capable fighters that aren’t just healing their team. Mercy is the most healbot-esque but she has plenty of cool plays to make with her mobility, rez & damage boost.

Battle Mercy is no joke, other heroes who are more designed to deal damage are irrelevant. I’ve killed countless people with Battle Mercy during Valkryie, Widowmakers beware

it’s the 2nd reply and already you’re strawmanning :roll_eyes:

“more healbotty designs” doesn’t mean “they’re complete heal bots always forever”.

heck I even clarified in my explanation whereby I emphasised my point of:
which is more healbot-like?

  1. having to effectively channel your heal because it’s on your primary fire; OR
  2. being able to set it on someone and have it heal over time entirely in parallel to your actions (whether shoot, utility, whatever) after the animation to set it on someone

obviously 1 is more heal bot-like and like half of OW supports have that as their staple heal method.

other heroes being designed and in fact are much better at killing and even in fact more viable in getting uptime for such killing is exactly what makes battle mercy a joke.

does it have situations where it’s useful/best to do so? sure. but those situations are very few (unless you want to be disingenuous and want to talk about a situation whereby everyone is so bad that the kit difference is large in the mercy’s favor in the duel).
and why are there so few? because it’s really not that good at dueling —> it’s a joke.

but how am I trolling?? by stating facts? because Cree can fth + roll + fth which is ez pz to pull off and many agree that Cree’s fth is broken… or am I trolling by stating that all he ever does is whine about Mercy and claim that she’s broken in literally every Support related topic he’s ever made or replied to? because thats also fact lol

anyways, i’m gonna mute this topic now, lol. not worth the headache.

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So… funnily enough it actually isn’t.

From a raw DPS perspective, Mercy’s Blaster clocks in at 3rd among supports. It shoots 5 times per second for 20 damage a pop for a raw DPS of 100. Only Baptiste and Zenyatta can dish out more damage than Mercy can. In addition to that, Mercy’s blaster fire has some of the most generous hitboxes in the game and have pinpoint accuracy. To be honest, I’ve found Mercy to have the single best gun in the game for getting multiple head shots in a row.

What about other classes though? Honestly… Mercy’s blaster stacks up pretty well when compared to flanker’s weaponry. Tracer has an overall DPS of about 111.6 when taking her reloading into account but… good luck getting anywhere near max DPS with Tracer’s very wide spread. Genji’s left click has a DPS of ~99 which is right on par with Mercy’s blaster. Genji’s right click is better with 127.9 but again… good luck hitting all 3 of the shurikens when he throws them in a fan pattern. If you can only hit 2… his DPS drops to ~85 which is less than Mercy’s. Like… it actually stacks up pretty well.

In the mean time… what else could Mercy be doing with her time? She could be healing. Not a terrible idea, but 100 is more than 55. She could be damage boosting… but her ally would need to be dealing 333 DPS for the 30% damage boost to match that 100 DPS from her blaster and most characters can’t do that. The only other option is for them to be one of the few characters where +30% damage hits very important break points.

To be brutally honest, I’ve found the most effective way to play Mercy and actually have impact at mid ranks is to constantly be looking for opportunities to ambush people with her blaster. Nothing else in her kit has the oomph to carry… and as an upside, that can potentially bait enemies into trying to kill the most mobile target they could possibly go after and they usually fail miserably.

The only thing going against it is its weapon switch time, but if you swap while approaching a target who doesn’t know you’re coming you can mitigate that quite a bit.


I never said you claimed that OW Supports are complete heal bots always forever. You’re mistaking my statement as making a claim about what you’ve said. I’ll quote what I said

What I said is a fact. Overwatch Supports do not play like healbots unless you’re low rank and don’t know what else to do. I never claimed anything about what you said. I made a statement.

You might think she’s a joke, but I’ve killed plenty of people as Battle Mercy. She’s not a joke in my hands :slight_smile:

You’re trolling because you’re intentionally making comments irrelevant to the thread in an effort to instigate & poke at OP. It’s obvious. Probably best you mute the thread since you aren’t here in good faith or to actually have an on topic discussion. Cya! :wave:

I’ve done the projectile math. it’s got low effective range (approx 15m or so) compared to other competitors within role and when you factor in the weapon swap time that takes a like heal-a-TTK-on-mercy on top of that, it’s a joke. esp when you factor in globally kits form other roles.

we just going to ignore how in a duel mercy only has her pistol and pretty much everyone else has more tools to actually help them in the duel?
not to mention the “good luck hitting all your shots argument” also applies to mercy’s pistol. their hitboxes aren’t so large that aim doesn’t matter. it’s 0.25m in radius (source: Projectil Hitbox size’s (Radius) table V2.0)

doesn’t change the facts around how much worse it is compared to various other kits for dueling… ._.

and what you said earlier, esp in the bold bit, as a counterargument to my claim is in fact claiming that I did say “OW supports are healbots”.

and if you weren’t making that statement as a counterargument, then I must ask how is it relevant to the point I’m putting forward and why are you saying it to me at all?

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It looks a lot better when the graphics are turned up. It’s a night and day difference honestly.

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That’s fine… I never claimed that Battle Mercy is the best dueler…

My point is/was that Overwatch supports are not healbots. Your response to me saying Overwatch Supports are not healbots was

My response to that was

Where’s the issue?

Overwatch supports are not even close to healbots. The only people who think they are aren’t very good at the game.

In general, sure. However, there’s 2 things that can happen that make that not matter.

First, it depends on what you’re shooting at. If you’re taking pot shots at a Widow using her scope or trying to help break a Rein shield… your target isn’t moving much if at all, so your low projectile speed won’t be a problem.

Second, you have GA. You can’t lead a dive on somebody, but you can 100% dive with a teammate, pulling your blaster as you go. Especially since GA can easily let you go further than the person you’re duo diving with.

If you’re dueling as Mercy, you’re doing it wrong. What you actually should be doing is looking for opportunities to deliver a surprise lethal dose of plasma to a target who doesn’t realize you’re jumping them then go right back to supporting. Essentially, you’re playing Genji or Tracer who heals in the down time.

Now… from a pure mechanical side of things, sure… Blaster is the only thing she’s got. But how often do you expect a Mercy to use GA to fly in with the DVa who’s diving you and start actively shooting you? How often do you expect a Mercy who’s flying with a Pharah to stop, drop next to you on your roof and blast you in the face when you’re on Widow? You probably aren’t going to see that coming. If you don’t… well… a mere 2 blaster headshots on you before you’re able to move out the way means you’re down to 120 HP and are in a really bad spot.

In my experience, the “good luck hitting all your shots” applies much less to Mercy than most other guns. That might just be me, but I find the projectile speed to be far more manageable than bullet spread. Especially bullet spread as large as Tracer’s.

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she is near the bottom… which is what “is a joke” means in this context…

you saying “OW supports aren’t healbots” as a counterargument to me saying “OW support designs are more healbotty compared to Paladins support designs” is in fact insinuating that I am claiming that “OW support are healbots” when I haven’t claimed that at all.

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I don’t know what you’re even referring to when you say she’s “near the bottom” but you are way too focused on whatever stats you’re honing in on bud. Battle Mercy is no joke. She doesn’t need to be “near the top” of whatever ladder you’re looking at to be lethal. Battle Mercy is very capable of killing

Incorrect. Me saying “OW Supports aren’t healbots” is a statement, full stop. I’ve said about 3 times now that I’ve never claimed you said “OW Supports are healbots”, but you’re still acting like I did. Can we move on or do you just want to keep talking about what you think I claimed even though I’ve clarified multiple times?

yes it does, by quite a bit

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  1. it does if they OHKO you when you peek to make those pot shots
  2. and finding a moment whereby you can shoot rein shield without throwing is rare.

which often is throwing if you do because of swap time which could mean death for your dive partner. and that’s not even considering the balance of value in ult charge from boosting vs you maybe getting a pick with you pistolling.

  1. see previous point/section
  2. when this is not throwing is highly situational (both in uptime and the actual balance of value in comparing that vs beaming) and it’s situational because of how bad it is.

big doubt

paladins is pretty dated now, it runs unreal engine 3 which is from like 2008

it has some of the worst hit boxes and maps that you would see in a modern fps


you can literally make the same argument about bastion rn too yet it he’s still a joke with how much worse he is compared to other heroes.

dps’ing with mercy is a joke in how much worse it is compared to various other heroes.

can it work? sure. but whether or not it’s a joke to do is moreso in how worse off it is compared to others and other options.

you haven’t because like I’ve said before:
if you didn’t raise that statement as an counterargument, then explain how at all it is relevant to the points I’ve raised and why you felt the need to reply to my points with that statement?

you’ve still not yet answer that question from like 2~3 replies ago.

Whatever you want to believe :+1: I will continue surprising people with my Battle Mercy while you… keep healing I guess :man_shrugging:

Regardless of what you’ve said, I made the statement that OW Supports are not healbots, because they’re not. Never claimed that you said they were. You claimed this

Cool… I guess? My response was that they’re still not healbots though.

Which is a fact. Where’s the disagreement?? I thought you don’t think OW Supports are healbots, so I’m not sure what your issue is.

If you want I can explicity say “Zephrin did not say OW Supports are healbots” if that’ll make you happy, you sti