Make more supports like Zen

If your Dive partner goes down without you healing them, you have other serious issues with the skill level of your teammates.

Besides that, you’re Mercy. Against competent return fire, 55 HPS isn’t saving anybody. On the flip side, you are literally the only person who can fix them being dead. Like for real… if you try to keep your teammate alive through healing and fail, you’re in a terrible position. On the flip side if you had blastered the enemy, got a kill for a 1 for 1 trade then Res for a 1 for 0 trade, you’d be in a very good spot.

Oh 100% it is situational. I didn’t say it wasn’t. I said it is the best way to actually carry as Mercy because you haven’t got carry potential anywhere else in your kit. Double that for low/mid ranks where Damage Boost sure as hell isn’t going to get value.

I mean… it’s the difference between dealing with something consistent or something random. This game doesn’t have spread or recoil patterns so trying to deal with those effectively does require a bit of luck. Mercy’s Blaster has neither but instead has a consistent travel time.

Shouldn’t be that weird that there’d be people who find projectile speed easier to handle than random spread and recoil.

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You supposed to fix those issues.

Honestly, if I still had old rez, I would be using blaster a lot. But with Valkyrie - sorry, not interested in accelerating charge of nearly always worthless ult.

I am aware, but the Dev’s design and balancing decisions have made it near impossible to actually do that effectively. So… blastering for kills and pulling enemy attention is me making the best of Mercy’s terrible state when I feel like I have to pick her due to weird team comps.


Idk how many times this has been said on the forums, but Immortality Field is not making/breaking Baptiste.

It’s a 25 second cooldown.

It’s how much uptime that hero has with healing and damage, plus bloated mobility. Yes I.F. is annoying, but it’s not why you play him or why he’s so dominant. That’d be like saying you only play Mercy for Rez- it simply isn’t true. The heroes have other utilities that are providing insane uptime and why they are so successful.

Why should Bap have the second best damage output of any support in addition to the best healing output, and A-Tier mobility (not Mercy or Lucio, but next best)? That’s why he’s broken, Immort is just the icing on the bloated cake.

Rei is the definition of a OP support

Rei can literally(with the right card) 1v1 all dps and win with only a scratch.

Not only that but can also link to a teammate and give them her buffs/passives(again with right card).

And her ult gives her and a linked teammate 2 sec of iframe+ full health.

and io is kinda meh these days.

Yeah that’s why I thought. Thanks for confirming it.

When it comes to smaller studios, I’d rather play their solo game efforts (multiplayer games are rarely to my taste but there are always exceptions, I guess).

Oh yeah, so we can have even less healing, especially with 75% healing received or whatever is the thing that’s going on in OW2. Zen’s heal is actually terribly slow, he can only heal one target at a time and has zero mobility. His damage becomes good only if you’re in an organized team, cause if you just run in forward alone, you’ll get melted.

How about no? Rez was a bad skill from the begining, but replacing that with some damage is way worse. I’m sure you’d love it when all the supports are busy chasing kills and you get no heals. Stop asking for supports to do deal a ton of damage just because you use the role for a fast DPS queue.

That’s a good thing. This game needs less healing and more actually making plays. Far too many people use healing as a crutch for sloppy gameplay. Same thing with shields too.

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Denying kills to enemy is making plays. Which doesn’t always involve killing said enemy.

I am very curious, if this will work out at all. As sloppy gameplay won’t disappear, it just would become much harder to patch up to avoid collapse of whole team as result.

you acting like dive tanks don’t need any heals when they decide to dive the enemy team (esp winston) …

depending on the target/situation and who’s the diver, it can be the difference between whether they live or not. but most certainly it plays into their downtime as to whether the retreat after or engage another target.

that’s a disingenuous argument considering we’re talking about following someone whose diving the enemy…like the corpse will be near the enemy if not literally in enemy territory that’d highly likely be unsafe to res.

  1. blue beam exists which also helps kill which isn’t delayed by a whole second
  2. you blasting killing the target with teammate dying doesn’t necessarily mean it’s safe… like the rest of the enemies aren’t statues, they move around and could’ve gotten los/near you during the engagement if not already there from the beginning.

… and I’ve been saying that why it’s situational is because it’s a joke i.e. worse off because either it’s less value compared to other actions or you simply can’t actually get uptime for it.

  1. the way you worded your previous statement of

sounded like you were getting higher accuracy than say rapid fire hitscans which is doubtful considering even if you close up, it’d be like aiming with hitscan and even pros still miss quite a lot with hitscan. esp with how this game doesn’t do movement acceleration.

  1. how consistent projectiles are is highly dependent on how good the target is at dodging your projectiles (unless you’re really close up whereby travel time is negligent) which you don’t have control over. and that inconsistency scales with range. physically at best you would be seeing is that it’s as consistent as hitscans, and further away out of its effective range it’s worse. so yes it IS weird that one finds it more consistent.

To makes things clear… yes ow suuports are heal bot they used to not be(thanks to sym), but sadly the community said “sUpPoRtS hAvE tO hEaL” and the dev team followed through

I would love to see MORE SUPPORTS in general.
It would decrease queue times if we had more hero variety and not 100 DPS, 5 tanks and 5 supports (i do not know the numbers rn but I think you should get my point ^^)

I think Zen is very appealing to support players who also want to show off their mechanical skin/aim - just like Ana mains do.
We need more heros like those, ngl.

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