Make more supports like Zen

Less emphasize on heal botting, more on damage like Zen. Similar to Paladins supports.

Bapt used to feel amazing until the damage nerf and hitscan falloff nerf. Immortality is still broken, carrying the hero.

Mercy is the lamest hero in gaming holding down m1 and m2 with an ultimate on cooldown resurrect. Remove resurrect and give her a damage ability or remove damage boost for a damage orb like in the Overwatch 2 showcase similar to Rei from Paladins.

Io from Paladins > than every Overwatch support.


Those two are girly, gotta show Corvus and Jenos too to even it out.


I think McCree is the lamest hero in the game tbh, broken ez pz burst damage with fth + roll + fth :nauseated_face:


AKJ is just a troll poster that complains about everything that isnā€™t Cassidy.

Everyone already knows Paladins has way more supports, and way more creative supports at that. This isnā€™t exactly anything new.


if you play paladins at a decently high lvl youā€™d know that supports in paladins are basically healbots


Moira and brig wasnā€™t enough for you

Moira is high healing. And mediocre damage. With no utility. More supports like zen would be fine. More utility than healing would give more meaning to ā€œsupportsā€ and not just have them as healers.

Imo a beefy 300hp brawling support/stationary support would be fun utility could be like a smokecreen or something.

Imagine a beefy character placing a cloud and jumping into it to beat you up while you cant see.

Or they could have different smokes. Like a healing smoke and a poison smoke. Idk. More utility needs to make it into the game. Especially when supports are having trouble in ow2

Supports will never get utility cause DPS whine so hard about any utility that isnā€™t sleep dart/anti grenade (which ironically are the best utility support have outside of discord orb) that they get nerfed into the ground or removed completely.


Grover has joined the chat

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Speaking of Grover, the new Orisa has a javelin to his throwing axe and she can supposedly spin with her javelin like Grover can.

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Zenā€™s utility is ā€˜ā€˜damageā€™ā€™ and ā€˜ā€˜moar damage debuffā€™ā€™.

yeah supoorts in paladins have some of the most busted and overtuned healing outputs in all of gaming. Have u see how seris can aoe heal her entire team from super long range on a 1.5 second cool-down ?

And IO. the other supoort you noted literally has a long range point and click heal that can heal a tank from 0 to full 3 times over.

Miss me with that bs man, paladins supports are literally made to healbot.


I gosh, is that really what that game looks like in-game oO ?

Iā€™m not trying to be toxic but itā€™s really not appealingā€¦

I always say the game should be balanced around zen and lucio.

that and paladins does tanking and healing very well


And OW looks any better?


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Totally agree that there should be more supports that have low hps but have offensive utilityā€¦

That being saidā€¦ Ioā€™s primary fire and alt-fire single heal on a resource is coolā€¦ but the dog part of her kit feels soā€¦ out of place. If you use her 3rd beginning card, the dog literally gives you like a fade/Immortality field effect for completely freeā€¦ itā€™s not even a button press, it just activates automatically when she hits low hp and saves her with 0 effort lolā€¦

Plus the dog like stuns too right like a turret? It just feels like a cancer mixture of shield bash/fade/lampā€¦

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I would argue right now most supports do lean pretty heavily into damage. Really the only support in the game who is more heal than damage is Mercy.

So donā€™t play her! :smiley:

Your argument to change her to be more ā€œfunā€ would be valid if she wasnā€™t one of the most statistically popular, played, and loved heroes in the game.

The wonderful thing about you not enjoying her is that there are 6 other supports to play if you want to kill people, including Zen! Or Bap! Or Ana! Or Lucio! Or even Moira!

And OW2 will add in even more!


Fun fact: Grover from release was a DPS and had Reaperā€™s ult back then months later got a support rework and got Zenā€™s ult.

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Man Mercy is So lame thatā€™s shes been Top 5 most played across the board since launch