Make more supports like Zen

Well yeah, Mercy’s design is at odds with a shooter game.

But without the legion of Mercy players, OW would most likely die out a long time ago.

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Let me guess - yet another “make DPS-like supports so we can dodge queue times” thread.

Just play DPS, if you want to shoot stuff, ffs.


Io I agree is crazy fun, but the way paladins is codes nothing gets close.

I rather play mercy 24/7 than io just bc ow > paladins

But i agree aggresive supports are a ton of fun to play.

But then we can remove all dmg abilities from the supports outright no?

I don’t think thats smart

Such abilities exist for self-defense, forcing them to be part of regular gameplay loop is strange. They are plan B for support, if plan A - supporting your team with heals and buffs - for whatever reason failed.

I do not find aggressive supports fun to play at all, because it’s way too easy to get carried away with aggression and abandon your supporting duties. As by design, killing enemy provides more direct feedback, than killing said enemy by proxy.

low key moira is kinda like an exaggerated paladins support.
exaggerated in that paladins don’t really go for an as lenient aiming weapon fire (tho tbf, all their hitboxes are huge so I guess that doesn’t mean much).

but yall hate how much self defence capability she has so highly unlikely yall gonna like paladins supports who have about as much self defence abilities.

and also, zen isn’t like a paladins support because he lacks reasonable self defence abilities.

shows the two supports with the weakest primary damage


Funny… I just watch on YT problem with supports in ow when guy sayed that DPS have 3 snipers (Hanzo, widow, Ashe) and 2 of them are similar but support can’t have it aby thing like that coze you would Play Ana with differend kit so theres nothing special, bryg was like that but reworks goes in a little wrong way they could nerf shield and healing she gets and give and leave it and it would work fine.
making support similar to DPS that would work Out…
IO is Hanzo as support (no headshots, its kinda a beem hero),
Rei is like sym, zen, mercy

Jenos and that guy with knife and crystal works symilar but still are differend

Im also agree with idea of adding more hero with support category with some healing ability like zen, sym.

TBH paladins gots a better solutions with 5v5,
All tanks haw shields, few of them have CC ability or ult
DPS with high dmg have low dmg ult and low dmg DPS have high dmg ult,
Supports have CC ability or ult, and yes theres Healer and support.

I with that ow add hero like ying coze shes fun to Play, copy of you that heal and can explode dealing dmg with additional healing, tp to last copy of you was, ult that heals everybody (now is NERFed and its kinda useless).
Pip is also fun to Play.

The thing is in ow you find hero that fit to your Play style in paladins you bend hero to fit your Play style.

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I guess thats why we have both

Blizzard trying to please us all and giving everyone what they desire

It does :sweat_smile:… The lights and effects of abilities I just saw in the videos OP posted looks really old. I didn’t play that game but I guess it’s a 2010 game or something which would be ok, then.

Edit : I just checked and it’s from 2016, yikes… it comes from a small game studio so I guess they get a pass for those graphics. And if the game is any good and has its audience then graphics don’t really matter. I guess it’s just not to my liking.

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How is this relevant to the post?

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he stated his opinion on him thinking Mercy is the lamest hero, and so I replied to that section of the post w/ my opinion? I believe McCree is the lamest hero in the game, not Mercy.

I’m allowed to reply to specific sections of a post, right? Or must I be forced to reply to the entirety of the post?


That sound like killer on your fingers. Just set it to toggle, your fingers will thank you.

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You’re supposed to stay on topic & make comments relevant to the topic.
This post is about supports, Cassidy is not at all relevant to this thread.
Seems like you’re just trying to troll OP.

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I replied to one of his claims with my own opinion. That’s all there is to it. Stop reaching and stop being salty at 8:12 in the morning.


You clearly have no idea how Mercy play actually works…

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If you only knew how much paladins supports heal compared to ow ones.

I’m not reaching or being salty :laughing:

It’s plain as day for everyone to see…

You are clearly just trying to troll OP. Not sure why you’re trying to lie and act innocent saying you aren’t. Your words speak for themselves. Please grow up :slight_smile:

P.S. Although I’m not surprised at the ones who did… it’s sad that anyone supports your trolling & liked your comments. Tsk tsk, shame on them. I don’t expect anything less from these forums though, most of all that’s left are trolls.


? they’re not… if you are then you’re playing wrong esp now when caut is now global to everyone.

like aside from Io and like 1~2 supports with a certain talent, they can’t spam heals like literally every single OW support that has a high uptime heal method (i.e. on their weapon fire or set and forget with 0 cd).

and most importantly, not to mention most of paladin’s support healing literally doesn’t lock the user out of other actions. most of them run asynchronously so that the support can do other things in the mean time (shoot, other utility, etc.). like on paladins, most heal abilities are “tag an ally and puts a HoT on them”. like literally half of the supports on OW need to drop what they’re doing and focus on healing locking them out of other actions as it’s on their primary fire.

There is no doubt that OW supports are designed much more as heal bots compared to Paladins supports. esp when there’s not much to punish heal spam anyways in OW unlike in Paladins.

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Even OW Supports aren’t healbots though. They all play pretty offensively except for Mercy

Battle Mercy ain’t no joke though :eyes: