[Main Thread] Console LC-208

I am having the same issue. Filed a bug report here. PC/Console Account Still Broken - Potentially corrupted


Oh, good. Yeah, same issue here. LC-208 no matter what I do.


Me and my friend are both on switch started playing ow1 around the same time her account merged fine and has been able to get in yesterday and today after waiting but im getting the error everytime. I haven’t even seen the menu screen. Hopefully when we do get in all of our stuff will be there at least

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Same issue here. An official post said to go in and try to merge them again? I don’t know how I’m supposed to do that when it won’t let me log in.

I might’ve misunderstood the post but I don’t really get what else they could’ve meant.

Overwatch 2 Known Issues - October 4, 2022 - Bug Report - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)


Did that post acknowledge the unexpected error to be lc-208 and is that the error
You get for accounts failed to merge?

Is there a way to try to merge again when on console because I can’t even get to the menu

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Yeah that’s the thing how the heck are we supposed to try to re-merge them? Overwatch doesn’t exist anymore and I don’t see any way to do it on the website unless I completely missed that.

Because they completely glossed over everyone that has our specific case. We can’t log in so there is no way to “Complete the merge”. I’m convinced they have no idea how to fix it at this point.


Yeah I mean I’m pretty sure very few of the devs actually play on console between the default controller settings being pretty much entirely unplayable and things like this.

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Same for me, I saw the post about things being fixed/improved but I still haven’t been able to login once since launch.
Last night I was getting different errors everytime, the different ones with codes and some others with no code.
Today I queue for longer and it still errors with the LC 208 code. Yesterday it usually failed before the queue ended, or the queue was fast.
I’m on ps5 and I’ve tried both versions of the game, both don’t work for me.
I merged my ps account with my barely used pc one. Regret that now as I don’t care at all about my pc one. Level 1300 or something on console and about level 15 on pc…

I also tried my alt account which hasn’t been merged and that didn’t work either.

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It’s possible that the problem may be our usage of our barely used PC accounts as I’m having the same issue and I barely used my PC account as well. I don’t know about everyone else though.


(post deleted by author)

I played about 50 or so hours on PC so I dont think so. I have an xbox account I cant get on anymore because I dont play it and have t in like 2 years.
So who knows are this point

To re merge your account u have to go to connections unlink your console account and try to log in again on your console. Then follow the steps or scan the QR and link again your account. This might work for some users but it didnt work for me. I’ve been reading and its most likely that my account isn’t available in the servers due to a bug during merge. But there’s a way to know if your stuff was merged. Go to your battle net settings than go to transaction history and press virtual wallet. Theres has to be a transaction in october 3th and if you press the transaction it should say in the description MIGRATION. I dont know what the legacy creadits are but at least we know stuff was transfered. I recommend you to creat a new account while they fix this and try to create a ticket on the support sistem to let them know that your acoount isnt available.


Ok well my stuff merged I just checked thank you for that info. But still cant get on sadly. And I did the re-connect account thing too for my playstation account

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Wow, thanks. That’s actually a great way of verifying for yourself.


Just wanted to add my name to the thread as it’s effecting me as well. I imagine that we’ll see another wave of people get through shortly after their day starts in earnest at hq

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I did the account merge and everything on PS5 I’m so mad that it’s in this state.

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Here’s the same thing, man. I’ve been trying to play since the premiere every night, but nothing works.
I already linked the Battlenet account, disconnected and connected the Playstation Network, uninstalled the game… but nothing works.
I also had a PC account that I had never played before, it could be a connection problem.
All I know is that 3 days have passed and I can’t use the Observatory Package that I paid dearly for!

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I doubt they will componsate either. Since most of us are Console. We are missing time on getting through the battle pass.


Thanks for the wallet tip. I see the same for me, credits and MIGRATION transactions.
So I suppose it did it but it’s bugged. Hopefully they fix this soon, it’s maddening